The disaster relief food of the country arrived seven or eight days later. Liu Ye felt that the work efficiency in ancient times was not as good as modern. If it were modern, where was the disaster and a plane passed, even if the food could not be reached that day On the next day, those relief foods will also be distributed to the people.

This is what people say cannot have both fish and bear's paw!

In ancient times, the air quality was good and the living environment was good, but this science and technology is not enough. If you really want to go to a faraway place, you have to spend more than half a year, let alone go abroad. Things that can't be thought of.

"If only there was an airplane now, it would be a lot easier." After Liu Yan said it, he quickly looked around, for fear that Gu Rufeng would hear her say this.

What he heard, he must have thought that he was sick, or, as Sister Cai had said, what was attached to him.

In any case, the food distribution went smoothly.

People have been rescued by the country. Although it is not much, it is still barely able to survive.

In the village, the voice of discussion gradually became smaller, and in this case, people were easily satisfied.

Regarding the fact that his wife was the wife of the county council, Liu Ye really didn't know.

She just felt that this woman was very imposing, not as small as a family member.

Therefore, giving her tomatoes and potatoes was just like accidentally blocking her knife.

However, since the issue of food distribution, Mrs. Xian's relationship with her has become even closer, and from time to time, people have been brought to the house by carriage.

Every time she came to pick her up, the little girl named Qiulan also carefully washed it.

Although he knew that Gu Rufeng was a wife, and knew that his mother was the girl whom Madame Xianxuan respected, Qiu Lan still couldn't let go.

Maybe, one day when he flew up to become a phoenix, even if Gu Rufeng didn't marry her, he could accept her as a concubine.

As everyone knows, Qiulan's idea also exists in the hearts of many girls.

In the eyes of Rufeng, there is no one except his wife, which makes this question embarrassing. If you don't speak well, these girls have become wishful thinking.

"Good Gongzi, my wife asked me to invite Liu to go to the house." Qiu Lan saw Gu Rufeng and hurried over to say hello.

At this moment Gu Rufeng was reading in the courtyard and was disturbed by others.

Qiu Lan thought Gu Rufeng was looking at herself carefully, and stood upright, extruding a sweet smile.

Unexpectedly, after Gu Rufeng reacted, he shouted directly into the room: "Mother, the weather is not so good today, you should bring more clothes."

Qiulan's heart was lost to the extreme.

Qiulan thought, it seems that the flowing water is affectionate, and the flowers are unintentional.

After adjusting his emotions, Qiulan quickly walked into the room.

Liu Yan in the room saw all this in her eyes. She just smiled and didn't care.

If you are really so careful, more than half of the women in the entire village may be her enemies.

After packing up, he was about to go out. Gu Rufeng took a coat and put it in Liu Ye's hand and said, "I can't remember how many times I say, and I won't take care of myself."

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