When the two walked home, they saw a carriage parked in front of the house, and looked at each other. No one knew how a carriage stayed in front of the house. https://www.NovelMTL.com/

While wondering, a middle-aged man came over from the carriage.

Liu Yan saw at a glance that this was the last husband who sent her home.

"Girl, you still recognize me, I'm the groom who brought you back last time." The man introduced himself.

Liu Ye said, "I remember you, why did you come to our door?"

Liu Ye was very surprised at the arrival of this groom.

"Girl, I asked him to come." A clear voice came, and Liu Yan recognized her as the girl-in-law next to the gorgeous woman.

When the little girl saw Liu Yan, she started looking at her arm.

"The girl's arm is fine. My wife is very jealous these days." Xiaoya asked enthusiastically.

"Trusted Mrs. Blessing, my arm is ready." Liu Yan said with a smile.

The little girl glanced at Gu Rufeng behind Liu Yan.

She walked quietly to Liu Yan's side and asked softly, "Does my sister know who this boy is?"

Although the sound is light, it also passed into Gu Rufeng's ears.

Gu Rufeng walked to Liu Yan and smiled slightly.

Liu Ye said in his heart at this moment, evil.

As he was about to give him a glance, Gu Rufeng raised her hand and said to the little girl: "This is my lady."

The little girl immediately blushed, ashamed, and couldn't hide the loss in her eyes.

"Mother, would you please invite this girl to our house?" Gu Rufeng said politely.

The little girl thought of her purpose of coming here and said in a hurry: "My son, don't need it. I came here by the order of my wife, and invited the girl Liu to the house as a guest."

Liu squinted his eyes and thought, it turned out to be the case. Gu Rufeng, the demon, called her a little girl for a while, and her sister called her several times.

Yesterday, the little girl continued to say, "The last time the girl arrived at the house, she left the wife with two prescriptions. The wife took them for a while, and now the cough is completely fine. In order to express my gratitude, let me know Here comes a girl. "

"I still want the girl to take a rest in the cold house, and I'll go with you when I'm finished."

Seeing that Liu Yan was very nice, the little girl was no longer constrained, and went into the yard with them.

Liu Yan said to Gu Rufeng, "You say hello to this girl first, I'll come and go."

Gu Rufeng thought to himself, didn't you see that little girl who looked at me just now? Now you run out and let me say hello to her, you are quite relieved.

Even though she thought so, she kindly led her into the room.

Liu Ye first planed two sweet potatoes in the field from the yard, returned to the yard and dug a few potatoes, walked to the kitchen, washed them, and put them in a basket before entering the house.

Seeing Liu Ye coming in, the little girl stood up immediately and asked, "Is the girl ready?"

Liu Ye smiled and nodded.

"Then let's go back to the house, it's been a while, I'm afraid the wife is anxious." Xiaoya said softly.

Holding the basket, Liu Ye went out with the little girl.

Gu Rufeng, after carefully supporting Liu Yan on the carriage, said carefully: "Mother, go early and return early."

Liu Ye nodded and went with the carriage.

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