I do n’t know when Liu Yan became more and more important to Gu Rufeng. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://www.NovelMTL.com/

What made his heart cut like a knife was Liu Ye's assassination.

At that time, it was dim, and Liu Ye said that when a knife stabbed at her, Gu Rufeng's ten fingertips turned white.

If he hadn't been telling himself to be calm, Gu Rufeng would have rushed out then.

That is, from that moment, Gu Rufeng's eyes did not dare to leave Liu Ye for a moment.

This time, because I was too nervous, I had such a misunderstanding.

But finally a false alarm, Gu Rufeng thought, Liu Ye was not sick, and it was worth it for himself.

Now, Liu Ye said that they could harvest the potatoes they planted a few days later, and Gu Rufeng was so excited.

The two were just waiting, quietly waiting for the day of harvest.

Everything is ready and well prepared.

It was not bright that morning, and suddenly a sound of gongs awakened people.

In the small mountain village at the foot of this mountain, the folk customs here are very simple.

Usually when the sky is bright, people start to work in the fields, finish their work for a while, and then go home for breakfast.

But when this gong sounded, people were almost asleep.

Upon hearing the sound of the gong, Gu Rufeng and Liu Ye awoke.

"What's going on? Why would someone hit the gong so early." Liu Yan asked drowsily.

Gu Rufeng said while wearing his coat, "Knock is very urgent, it seems that someone is shouting, but the specifics are not clear, you will sleep again, I will go and see."

Liu Yan was completely sleepless now, put on his coat, and went out with Gu Rufeng.

As soon as I stepped out of the yard, I heard someone shouting, "Everyone is up, they are gathering at the village, something is wrong."

Immediately after that, there was another rapid gong.

The two looked at each other and could not understand what was happening.

"Let's go, let's take a look." Gu Rufeng pulled Liu Ye's hand and walked out.

Along the way, Liu Ye looked at the people walking towards the village head. Most of them were just getting up, and they were just like themselves. They didn't understand what happened.

"Ama, Ama, wait for me." A voice came from behind, Liu Ye turned and looked, it turned out to be Sister Cai.

Liu Yan stopped, and then Sister Cai chased her out of breath.

"Ama, do you know what's going on? This one called out people in the middle of the night, this is a death." Sister Cai's eyes didn't seem to open, and her mouth muttered awkwardly. Woke up.

"I don't know. It seems like something happened. When I arrive at the village, let's see what the village chief said." Liu Yan said.

"It's a big deal, a locust plague, and all the crops in the field have been eaten by the locust." Said an older brother who was rushing here.

All of a sudden, people were awake in the state of slackness, and everyone's heart was mentioned in their throats.

The locust plague, when this plague comes, those who die will come in pieces.

Liu Yan's mind appeared in a large-scale American film. The black locusts rushed towards the field like dark clouds, and after a while, they flew away in groups, but they stayed. The field was green and bare. Piece of it.

In this small village, people put all their hopes on that field.

When the locust comes, it's all over.

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