After having breakfast, Gu Rufeng went up the mountain alone, with a rusty axe in his waist.

When he went out, Liu Yan kept saying that the mountain was particularly dangerous. Who knew what would run out halfway, so be sure to watch him put his axe in his waist before letting him go out.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Gu Rufeng's expression changed subtly.

"Why do you have a fight today? Hare, just to make up your body." After saying this, Gu Rufeng went into the jungle.

Hearing that there was movement in the grass under the big tree, Gu Rufeng shot the stone in his hand out.

Then he walked under the big tree, and a hare was easily taken by him.

Gu Rufeng was sitting under the big tree, and the hare he was holding was already motionless, and the stone hit him in the head.

"Fortunately, I was beaten to death. If it was kicking my legs, I guess my lady couldn't bear to eat it." Gu Rufeng looked at the hare in his hand and stood up and walked back.

Liu Yan in the yard was tinkering with her potato seedlings. When Gu Rufeng came back, she walked over and comforted softly: "It's all right, you are not a professional hunter. Sometimes they ca n’t hit the bows Now, you should hold a rusty ax with your bare hands, and it should be impossible to hit. "

"Your man is so incompetent? Look, what's this?" Gu Rufeng said, and took the hare behind him.

Liu Ye was taken aback by this furry thing.

"Have you really hit it? How did you do that?" Liu Ye looked disbelieved, but the rabbit was right in front of her, and she couldn't stand her.

"I just said to try it. If it happened, it would really happen." Gu Feng said easily.

"Looks like we have been lucky recently. Is this the beginning of getting rich?" Liu Yan muttered quietly.

"I do n’t know if you are getting rich or not, anyway, you have been hungry recently, so you can eat and raise your body. I do n’t like thin and flat women." Gu Rufeng said as he started to tinker. That hare.

Liu Yan gave him a blank look.

Why is this man getting more domineering? In contrast, she still missed his fragile appearance? Gu Rufeng at that time, he listened to whatever he said, how authoritarian like it is now?

This is obviously masculinism, and if she stays in the modern era, the aunt of the village committee will come out to educate him.

A hare's meat was stewed quickly, and a burst of fragrance came in, and Liu Yan swallowed several times.

How long she hasn't eaten meat, she can't remember herself.

It was a real meal for two people.

"If only I could eat meat every day, wouldn't it be so good?" Liu Ye said with a serious emotion, suddenly thinking that he had so much silver, why keep it?

She's not a typical miser, but she didn't expect that when she looked back, she really had another accident. Wouldn't it be a pity to put those silver flowers there?

Therefore, she had an idea in her mind that she would have to eat some meat every day, but she had to think about it and be a low-key person. If she is so assertive, maybe her wealth will bring her trouble.

The wages of avarice is death.

Eat some vegetarian food and eat some vegetarian food, anyway, you can still live, really dying, not even vegetarian food.

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