Along the way, Liu Ye bought several side dishes and got in the car. First

There was a smile on Liu Ye's face, and she kept thinking about how happy Gu Rufeng would be after seeing these things.

When she was almost at the door of her house, she remembered that she just wanted to go home and saw that she was gone. Was Gu Rufeng still looking for her at the fair?

Gu Rufeng wanted to go home sooner or later, just wait for him at home.

The groom was also very dedicated. After sending her to the door, she hurried back to her life without even drooling.

Gu Rufeng was really not at home, Liu Min thought, maybe he was on his way back.

Looking at the silvery flowers, the first thing Liu Yan thought was that they would never have to eat enough or wear warm clothes.

This morning, she didn't let Gu Rufeng eat enough to save eggs.

Thinking of this, she felt guilty.

When going to the market in two days, be sure to buy two chickens. After that, let Gu Rufeng eat eggs every day, and let him solve the problem.

Thinking so, he sat on Xiao Ma Zha and waited for Gu Rufeng to return.

At first, Liu Ye didn't feel anything because of the excitement, but as time passed, Gu Rufeng could not be seen, and her heart became anxious.

She was restless, and turned around the door, but did not even see Gu Rufeng's shadow.

The sun is going down, and it looks dark when you look at the sky.

Liu Ye is no longer in the house. She has been standing outside for almost an hour.

Only then did she know what was anxious.

At this moment, she only hoped that Gu Rufeng would not have anything to do.

Far away, when she saw that figure was Gu Rufeng, she immediately ran over.

Because it was too dark, she could not see Gu Rufeng's expression.

However, when she ran to Gu Rufeng, Gu Rufeng immediately hugged her. This warm hug made the stones in her heart fall to the ground.

"Mother, where have you been? I have searched the entire bazaar and haven't seen you. Didn't I say, let you wait for me there?" Gu Rufeng said, but his hands were not loose. open.

"Let's go home. I'll talk to you after I go home." Liu Yan said.

Gu Rufeng then let go of his hand, Liu Yan looked, his eyes were full of anxiety.

There was a warmth in his heart, and he was so worried about himself.

Back inside, lighting up the oil lamp, Liu Ye found Gu Rufeng holding a paper bag in his hand.

"I'm going to buy you a piece of Mazi's twist. I'm afraid you'll be bored if you wait in line for too long. I'll just let you wait for me, but I won't see you when I buy the twist. Where did you go?" Rufeng looked at Liu Yan and asked.

"What's wrong with your arm? How did you get hurt?" Before Liu Ye had answered his question, Gu Rufeng found another injury on Liu Ye's arm.

"I'm fine, you drink water first, I'll tell you." Liu Yan poured water for Gu Rufeng and sat opposite him.

Gu Rufeng didn't say a word when she heard the whole thing, and she looked very dignified until she looked at the wound on her arm and confirmed that there was no problem, then she let go of her heart.

"It's all right if you have nothing to do. I'll go buy the twist and it's cold." Gu Rufeng said.

"I'm not hungry. You come here first, and I'll show you something." Liu Yan said, and put the purchased pen and ink paper in front of Gu Rufeng.

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