I haven't been to the mountain for a while. The change on this mountain is really not small. https://www.NovelMTL.com/

The trees are a lot greener, and even the weeds on the mountains are growing.

This is a good time to find herbs.

Along the way, Liu Yan walked very slowly, for fear of missing every herb.

After a while, the basket on her back was half full.

"Mother, are all the herbs you picked useful?" Gu Rufeng asked.

"No, some of the herbs here are for scars on your face, some are not, but we can keep them and use them in daily life." Liu Yan said while fiddled with weeds.

Looking at him so seriously, Gu Rufeng also became serious.

Gu Rufeng discovered a strange phenomenon that Liu Yan sometimes puts in his mouth to taste when he picks herbs.

"What do you mean by this?" Gu Rufeng thought of Shennong to taste Baicao without waiting for Liu Ye to answer.

Gu Rufeng thought, it seems that Liu Ye really knows a lot.

He was thinking this way, and suddenly he saw that Liu Ye picked a lot of herbs and put them in his mouth.

This is not Shennong's taste of Baicao. It looks like he is about to die. Gu Rufeng was shocked at once. He really couldn't think of anything that would make Liu Ye so impulsive.

"Mother, you can't be so impulsive, you're dying." Gu Rufeng said anxiously.

Liu Yan snorted and ignored him, still chewing in his mouth.

Just when Gu Rufeng was about to say something, Liu Ye actually spit out the herbs in his mouth and put it directly on his face.

This move caused Gu Rufeng's jaw to fall off.

"Why nervous? I don't have time to go home and mash it and apply it to your face, just use your mouth." Liu Yan said.

"I saw the lady so hard, I hope this medicine is useful for my face, otherwise, I really live up to your heart." Gu Rufeng said these words from his teeth.

It wasn't that Liu Yanqi gritted his teeth, but he was afraid that if he moved a lot, the herbs on his face would fall off. If that was the case, based on his knowledge of Liu Yan, she would chew some on her face. of.

Liu Ye didn't have time to chat with him. She had to make the most of this time. In addition to looking for the herbs used by Gu Rufeng, she also wanted to find some other herbs. After a simple treatment, she would take it to the town to sell money. .

Otherwise, there is really no way to live a life like this without money.

"Mother, you see a flower, what kind of flower is this?" Gu Rufeng asked for a flower.

"Isn't this pomegranate? You don't even know this?" Liu Yan said.

"A rare red flower in this green mountain forest, lady, let me wear it for you."

Before Liu Yan had reacted, Gu Rufeng had put the pomegranate flower in her ear to her ear.

And looked at her silently.

Liu Ye thought to herself, I don't know what it would be like to wear this pomegranate flower now. When she thought of the pomegranate flower, she suddenly felt a little familiar. Sister Pomegranate, that wonderful woman, now she has become a pomegranate sister.

In Gu Rufeng's heart, what he thought was that he hoped that Liu Ye would be by his side forever, that they would live a sweet and sweet life in the future, and that they would have more children and happiness in the future.

The difference between ancient and modern people, but the degree of love for origami is the same.

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