The Deity of War

Vol 6 Chapter 1848: Super physical body



Golden crystal monsters, the beasts are rushing. (((卡蒂诺小说网

The sum of them has actually exceeded 10,000.

In this unique world, their strength, crushing the inhaled repairers.

Normally, these monsters, nine out of ten are sleeping, active, only a few dozen.


Just now, they are all awakened.

After waking up, there is a voice urging them to run in the same direction.

Everything along the way was destroyed by the herd, the hill was leveled, the basin was leveled, and the place where the Golden Crystal monsters passed, everything was flattened.

Qi Ying stood alone, staring at the Jinjing Monsters who came.


Your own purpose has been achieved.

Converging so many repairers, the lost slave girl also came back.

As long as there is a chance to deploy, there is a high probability that it can break through the space cracks and leave the world.


Since there are so many gold crystal monsters.

Qi Ying also believes that this is a chance for himself!

The golden scorpion scorpion body, has the opportunity to ride so many gold crystal monsters, in the battle with the Golden Crystal monsters, directly break through to the next heavy.

By the time.

It is not too late to wait for the Golden Dragon to break through and to hide into the new universe.

after all.

Qi Ying is jealous of the peerless powerhouse who has the ability to directly kill himself, as well as the guy who blocks his space and prevents himself from entering the new universe.

These gold crystal monsters are all brute force, and there is no life threat to the English.



There was a gold crystal monster running in the front, and rushed to Qi Ying.

Jin Jing Monster rushed to Qi Ying.

For a moment.

Qi Ying perfectly transformed, his body shape was sensitive, and the metal tail was smashed up. He hooked the neck of the Jinjing monster, his legs were steady on the ground, and he dragged the gold crystal monster down.

Then there is a quick and unrivalled finger!

Intercepting the sky!


This golden crystal monster, half of the body burst open.

The bursting of the broken gold crystals, as well as the golden liquid, are directly absorbed by Qi Ying, who runs the golden konjac body.

And behind Qi Ying.

A sudden appearance of the black gauze figure, like a ghost, blocked the Jinjing monsters who rushed to Qi Ying.

The female imperial concubine who had not used it for a long time finally came in handy here. Qi Ying discovered that the female imperial concubine was not subject to much suppression here, and her extremely strong body was more afraid of the attack of Jin Jing Monster than herself, although she did not move. With the power of the gods, you can't exert too strong power, you can't kill the Jinjing monsters, but they can block them well and protect Qiying.



Behind the protection of the female emperor, Qi Ying can fight with the golden crystal monsters that are rushing and killing one by one.

The claws, the knees, the barbs on the body... have become the weapons of Qi Ying. The explosion of the sky means that there is no way to keep using it. Qi Ying is frantically adding the medicinal herbs, fighting the Jinjing monsters, and the body is completely fragmented. The golden crystals and the golden liquid of the fly are covered, and the golden konjac body absorbs those things very well.


The metallic luster of Qi Ying is more and more dazzling.

This means that the golden scorpion body tends to be saturated.


Qi Ying was directly plunged into the body of a gold crystal monster. The force of the raging lava fire broke the structure of the body, causing the golden crystal monster to burst from the inside, and the golden liquid was sprayed again on Qi Ying.

"Beast blood" bath body, Qi Ying only feels a burst of heart!


Qi Ying feels that the self-maintaining state, the consumption of energy, is falling sharply.

The body is not so painful in the collision with the Golden Crystal monster.

A burst of ecstasy, occupying Qi Ying's heart.


The golden scorpion body, the perfect state under the 280 law Brahma battle.

Qi Ying only feels that today's body is the most suitable state of its own, and will not consume the power of the body as much as the original.


Before, the strength of Qi Ying’s body was not balanced enough.

The high-intensity, high-energy body is very powerful, but the Brahma warfare of the 36 rules and the corresponding golden scorpion body, when Qi Ying is full of power, there is no way to let the energy flow in Qi Ying, Guarantee the smoothest state.

Therefore, before Qi Ying, in the perfect state, a large part of the energy is consumed in maintaining the balance of the body, so that he does not run because of too strong power, destroying the energy lines in the body.


After the Brahma warfare and the golden scorpion scorpion body advanced.

Qi Ying has reached an extremely perfect level of internal and external, the intensity of each cell, and even each particle gap.

The so-called three thousand rules of the Brahma warfare, can only be comparable with Qi Ying at this moment.

after all.

The Brahma warfare changes the structure of the particles in the body.

The golden konjac body also changed the particle combination and spacing, which is a perfection for the Brahma warfare.

Under the combination of the two, the strength reached far exceeds the normal practitioner's cognitive level. Even if the body is baptized by Tiandi Avenue, there is no way to compare with the body whose particles are qualitatively changed in all aspects of structural combination and spacing.

Three thousand rules Brahma warfare, can be the body of the single body.

Qi Ying’s 280-law Brahma warfare body is full of gold and konjac body. It may not be as powerful as the three thousand law Brahma warfare. In strength, it is beyond a part. The two are long and short, and the difference is almost the same. .

In other words.

Now Qi Ying, even if it does not stimulate the blood, do not use the power of the Tao, the horror body created by the Brahma warfare and the Golden Jubilee can compete with the downstream emperor.

Today, in the battle with the Golden Crystal Monster, Qi Ying is not the same as before, killing the enemy eight hundred self-destruction a thousand.

It is similar to a warrior who has infuriated the infuriating body and has a great advantage in rushing to a group of simple armor.


It is impossible to fight all the time.

The strength of the body is further enhanced, and the consumption of the perfect state is reduced. Qi Yingying still needs to use a considerable amount of power to kill a gold crystal monster.

With the strength of Qi Ying, even if a thousand gold crystal monsters stand and let Qi Ying kill, they can be exhausted.

Moreover, the number of gold crystal monsters here is far more than a thousand.

"It's time to go back and avoid the edge."

Qi Ying first put away the female emperor, and then he wanted to return to the new universe.


Just when Qi Ying wants to return to the new universe.

Surprisingly, he found that the space around him was blocked in an instant, and he could not return to the new universe.

And this time.

The gold crystal monsters around me seem to have gotten orders and no longer attack.

Tens of thousands of gold crystal monsters have stopped attacking, giving way to a wide passage.

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