The Deity of War

Vol 6 Chapter 1520: answer

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The darkness of the sky, bursting open at this moment.

The horrible power of the heavens and the earth swept the whole city of the birds, and it was completely flattened!

The survivors who survived before, escaped the disasters that fell from the sky again and again, but eventually escaped the end of destruction.

The storm swept, everything was smashed, annihilated.

After the storm, you can still stand in the place where the original city of the birds was located, leaving only the more than ten people who have been repaired to reach the sacred land of the gods!

Nine Saints of the All Saints.

One person is Qi Ying who changed his image.

The other person, naturally, was just stunned by the madness of the world. After destroying the big explosion of the ink world that caused the whole city of birds, he did not look down on it, but stared at the center of the original ink world. A figure standing at this time.

Seek defeat!

Still a silver mask, with a pair of white hair, holding the image of a giant sword.

But everyone can see that the body that is defeating can't stop shaking.

Or, he is among the shudders, rolling in the strength of the heavens and the earth, madly coming to him!

"A big city, hundreds of millions of people are ah..." Looking for defeat and looking at the scorched earth, there is no difference between the ancient battlefields of the Western Regions, and they closed their eyes.

Although he is in the ink world, he can know what happened outside.

Therefore, the pursuit of defeat has been very uneasy and eager to stand out from the ink world.

The world of ink can be too strange, even with his power, the speed of destroying the ink world is not so fast.

In fact, after Liu Dunru and Shilou fled, the pursuit of defeat finally found a life in the ink world, as long as the destruction of the life gate can blast the ink world.


It is very clear in the pursuit of defeat that if the ink world is directly blown up, it will lead to serious consequences.

This strange space has covered thousands of miles. Once it explodes, the power inside is pouring out, and the damage caused to it is hard to estimate.

Since the four goals to be killed, all have escaped.

Seeking defeat is not anxious to chase.


I am mad but I don't care, I opened the ink world!

This also led to the complete destruction of the city of the birds, and the surviving creatures have not escaped this robbery.

The pursuit of defeat is naturally unbearable!

He knew that there must be sacrifice to achieve his goal.

But now, a reincarnated person has not killed, but has ruined a big city!

Although most of the casualties were not directly caused by the victors and the ally of the All Saints, they all knew that if the All Saints had put the battlefield here, the innocent people of the City of Birds would not die.

The defeat can even be felt by his powerful cultivation. The scattered souls around the heavens and the earth, between the loss of consciousness, the resentful resentment and the reluctance to life.

"I am mad, you should die." u smith net only c) a bz positive yd version dn, its 65 he is @ is pirated pq

In the end, only six words are spit out.

Others, there is nothing to say!

Seeking defeat and clenching the teeth, the great sword in his hand trembled - only killing me, killing those who reincarnate, and then have the possibility of atonement.

Now, kill me first!


The great sword is swaying, and the defeat is arrogant.

Across the distance, there is a black sword from the sky, instant and straight to my mad head.

"Hold out!"

When I was mad with a knife, a purple knife that merged would destroy the black sword.

Seeking defeat and squinting - the strength of my madness, seems to have improved a lot when I played against it last time. Is it because of the opportunity to inherit? The change in the image of this dress has caused a lot of suspicion in the pursuit of defeat.

"How, can this be able to bear this?" Let me scream and laugh. "Come out the real thing! In my hometown, there is a sentence called 'Shibie three days, when you look at each other'. I am not The one you defeated before, I am here to defeat you!"

Seeking defeat and narrowing your eyes, there is almost only one seam left. "But you can't say anything, you will pay for what you do."

"Haha, I want to pay for it, then you have to collect debts, and you have the ability to do it!"

Let me laugh and laugh, and dance with a pair of knives and purple robes. The whole person looks extremely arrogant.

Qi Ying has been watching.

My heart is also very surprised, the strength of my madness, when I saw it in the city of Sangcheng, it really improved too much!

If I regard the present self as the existence of the arrogant strength of the month before, then the current madness of my own has already surpassed this level and become a higher level of existence.

For the time being, it is almost equal to the pursuit of defeat!



On the innocent sky, two more figures continually collided and attacked.

Qi Ying raised his eyebrows and murmured. "The two men are too strong and too strong. Now, even if I try my best, I am definitely not the opponent of either of them. The use of these two people's understanding of the power of the Tao, the control of the power of heaven and earth, has completely surpassed what I can touch at this level!"

of course.

Watching the battle between the two is also very inspiring!

I also refused to go to the nine holy peoples of the All Saints. These guys were really unsuccessful. They didn’t learn anything in the battle. Instead, they were frightened by the peak matchup between the strong. There is nothing to accomplish.

"The pursuit of defeat has a certain strength in the world. In contrast, the power that I am madly mastered is not like the world, but it is also extremely powerful. It can be a match with the pursuit of defeat. It is strange, strange, I still don't understand how the two fight in the end."

Qi Ying murmured himself.


All of Qi Ying’s thoughts are used in the analysis of the battle between madness and defeat.

Every time the two of them play against each other, they can bring Qi Ying a lot of enlightenment. In exchange for others, I can’t understand what happened between the swords and the swordsmanship, but Qi Ying The level of realm is still barely understandable.

"I am mad, but the advantage is still firmly in the hands of the pursuit!"

Qi Ying concluded.

Let me be crazy, always the one who actively attacked.

However, I was mad and did not grasp the initiative in the battle. Every time I was defeated, I took the nose and walked, and induced a variety of powerful and expensive moves. I spurred a lot of effort and could actually cause defeat. Injury, few and far between.

To be defeated, it seems to be much more intelligent.

Never do useless work, and the secret work has been done very well. Until now, no one knows what the repairer is.

Now the answer is revealed.

In the pursuit of defeat, there has been a change that other people have not expected.

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