The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 989 Battle for the Tower (21)

Batman saw that the vitality gradually dissipated in the vertical pupils of the elder shuttle snake demon, but in the last glimpse, Batman understood that he was not the only one who learned from history.

No matter which world it is, there are always those who are the first to awaken. They watch the long river of history, come from the smoke and clouds of the vast land, and tell the common people to walk the road of pioneering full of thorns.

Batman closed his eyes on the spot, and clenched his teeth tightly. He repeated the sentence ten thousand times in his heart again - don't think you are the only smart person in this world, don't think of yourself as the savior.

If there is a savior in this world, the saved people will never understand the principle of not relying on others for their life and death.

If you want them to be truly saved, you must let everyone know how to save themselves, and if you want them to obtain true justice, you must let all of them pursue justice by themselves.

In order for them to be free, they must first have themselves.

The body of the Elder Shuttle Snake slowly turned to ashes with the last trace of life lost. The Shuttle Snake around him began to sing an ancient ballad in a sad tune.

Batman stood up slowly, looked around, looked at his demons with a shocked expression, and said to them:

Let's go and find a safe place.

Batman walked forward silently, and all the demons followed behind him. In fact, they are now shocked, terrified and dazed, and they can only follow behind that figure, not knowing where they are going.

Batman leads a group of remnants and defeated generals to the third mountain which is the closest to the central mine. These two peaks belong to Zimu mountain. The third mountain is actually a peak stretching out of the central mine, which is smaller than the central mine. Two thirds, but it's pretty close.

For some reason, the demon elite troops that were supposed to be stationed everywhere also seemed a little flustered at this time, as if they were unaware of the collapse of the central mine. Batman was aware of this, but he didn't care about the investigation. Quickly took advantage of the chaos and moved to the third mountain.

He will come here for another reason. This is the mine where Merkel works. He can bring Merkel with him, which can be regarded as a helper.

The third mountain is not that big, and there are very few mines, only about a dozen. When I first entered the first mine, there was not even a single demon here, and it was so quiet and terrifying.

Batman let the large troops stay here to rest, and he went to the depths alone to find Merkel.

The terrain of the third mountain is very simple, it is almost a straight line, and there are no forks, so Batman quickly found Merkel's trace. Merkel's voice:

Why, we have to learn? This is the best example. The first team used the experience they learned in the classroom to successfully create a trap. You have also seen that the overseer with a powerful weapon also bowed down. Under the power of teamwork...

Rolo used to be the weakest dwarf devil in the third mountain, but that's how it was. A little devil who had just given birth and was extremely weak used the stabbing sword in his hand to successfully kill the overseer who oppressed him!

Perhaps many people don't know that Rollo has 32 children, but in fact, she should have had more than that. The two children of her last birth were born less than two days old, and they are not even comparable to ordinary demons. His fists are big, and they are used for fun by the overseer who has taken too much medicine...

At this time, Batman heard a shrill cry from the mine, Merkel's voice fell silent, but another sharper and louder voice came out, which contained great resentment , which made Batman tremble a little when he heard it.

Those damned greenskins!!! The most vicious and vicious greenskin monsters in hell!!! They dragged my two newborn babies away from my lair!!!

They pulled my child by the tail and threw it farther than anyone else. My two poor children, who had just learned to walk, were thrown against the wall and smashed into a pulp...

There was a sound of gasping in the cave. Although this is hell, there are certain rules and order after all. Even if this kind of thing sounds here, it is very cruel.

There were more and more shrill cries, and it seemed that the dwarfs were jumping up and down, crying and telling how their relatives and their children had been mutilated.

Batman knew that they didn't make it up, because the number of these little devils was too large, so their chances of being persecuted were much higher than other devils.

The supervisors are angry, take it out on them, take too many drugs, make fun of them, do all the dirty work, and get kicked wherever they go.

Demons are not creatures without emotions, because they are also created by God. Demons, humans and angels have similar thinking structures, rationality and sensibility coexist, logical thinking and emotion coexist, fear is human nature, anger, jealousy, grievance The same is true.

At this time, Merkel's voice sounded again: Faced with such persecution, can't we resist?! Answer me! Dwarf demons! If there is a chance to not have to endure such cruelty and never suffer such grievances again, What are you going to do?!

Kill them! Kill them!! Throw them into the lava!! Make them suffer more than we do!!!

Kill them all!!!

The dwarf demons began to scream again, and the atmosphere in the mine was even more enthusiastic. Many demons who were aroused by their emotions also started to roar, but at this time, Merkel stood up and poured a basin of cold water:

However, you are the weakest demons in hell. Look at your appearance. A few of you are tied together, and you are not as thick as the arms of other demons. Those powerful demon soldiers can easily crush you into a pulp.

The enthusiastic atmosphere was the same. Although the little demons were still chattering, they couldn't say a word. At this time, Merkel spoke again:

However, just now, we successfully killed a powerful overseer demon, and he even held a powerful weapon in his hand, but we didn't even lose a single demon, so we cut him into pieces. Tell me, how did you do it?!

Unity! Unity! I know! I have learned this word! Immediately, a dwarf demon stood up and said: We have more than 20 demons, we twisted the rope together, blinded his eyes first, then tripped him Down, use stones to suppress it, and then pierce his heart, we are many, we are not afraid of him!!!”

Dozens of dwarf demons started to shout again, obviously caught in extreme excitement, but at this time, Merkel adjusted the atmosphere in a timely manner, and he said: If you haven't learned the skill of twisting the rope, you haven't practiced it. If you haven't practiced how to aim at the overseer's eyes, and haven't practiced the skill of pushing stones, can you do this?

The dwarves slowly fell silent, and everyone stared at Merkel with big eyes. At this moment, Rollo, who had just been praised, stood up, shook his head and said, Of course not, we don't even know , Those plant fibers piled up in the corners can also be twisted into ropes...

I studied for two days, but I didn't learn how to rub forward first, and then go around backwards, but fortunately, I learned later, and I also aimed at the eyes of the supervisor. God, I didn't know that the eyes of the supervisor were long. Where is it, we can't see it at all!

That's why I say, everybody has to learn.

Learning, learning! Learning can enable you to defeat enemies that are many times stronger than yourself. Although we are completely inferior to those soldiers in terms of physique, we should use our brains and learn things that we have never known before. We will , and if they don’t know how, they won’t be able to beat us naturally.”

Merkel's language is very straightforward, there is no complicated logic in it, there is only one main theme, and I know many things, as long as you follow orders and learn from me, you can kill whoever you want, and kill as much as you want.

Soon, the atmosphere in the mine reached its peak, and all the demons shouted Unite! Learn! Invincible!

Batman stood there thinking for a while, then turned around and walked back to the demon he led.

Looking at a group of demons who were sitting numbly on the spot, with the expressions of horror on their faces still in dissipation, Batman sighed deeply in his heart, and then showed that expression with the corners of his mouth turned down again.

He opened his mouth, but he didn't make a sound, because he didn't know what to say next. He stood still and pondered for a while, and then walked decisively to the passage.

Batman knew that he had to ask Merkel now what he had learned in the butler school.

Merkel was surprised when he saw Batman. He said, Oh my god, Mr. Wayne, why are you here at this time? I heard that you are leading the demon uprising in the central mine?

Merkel stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with Batman, but Batman is not used to this kind of etiquette, but seeing the sincerity in Merkel's eyes and thinking about what he was going to do next, he still stretched out his hand, Shake hands with Merkel.

Unexpectedly, Merkel walked up to him and said in an admiring tone: Mr. Wayne, although you are not yet a member of us, you have made such an amazing act of charity and started the first day of liberating the mine. One shot, I believe, you must have the same great ideals as us.

Merkel turned her head, looked at Batman with admiration and said, Seriously, Mr. Wayne, I really should learn from you. Your tactical mind and strategic vision are completely lacking in me.

I have just emphasized the importance of learning with my comrades here. I think I must also lead by example, and constantly arm myself on the road of endless learning and improvement.

There is no way for you to achieve such impressive results if you have awareness and no means. Merkel suddenly stopped, walked in front of Batman, stretched out her hand again and said:

Comrade Wayne, may I call you this for now? I sincerely invite you to come to us to give lectures. Be sure to share your amazing victory in the central mine, inspire comrades' revolutionary confidence, and improve comrades' tactical level .”

At the same time, I will also learn from the audience, take you as an example in combat, fight the first battle of the third mountain liberation, support Comrade Alfred and comrades who are struggling hard in Mexico, and also convey to the commander-in-chief in Moscow. The last satisfactory answer to Hell Revolution.

Merkel's words were sonorous and forceful, and Batman didn't give Batman any chance to refuse at all. Seeing the hot and sincere light in Merkel's eyes, Batman suddenly understood.

He suddenly understood why that country in the distance was able to create such an astonishing miracle in just a few decades. The fact of sincerely striving for the ideal is extremely moving no matter where it is.

Batman looked around, and he found that the demons here are much more vivid than those in the central mine. Although they are still grotesque, they are not leaderless.

The dwarfs gathered together in twos and threes and learned how to twist the rope with Rollo. The trolls piled the ore next to the mound, and the lava demon used the sparks on his body to smelt small pieces of exposed ore into arrows and daggers.

They seemed to each have something to do, each to know what they were doing and why.

Batman found that his heart, which had been frozen for a long time, jumped violently in such an atmosphere.

bronchitis lung infection

Diao Shui Hang's mouth is whimpering bitterly

so late, sorry

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