The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 969 Battle for the Tower (1)

Hell is a place opposite to heaven in various myths and legends. According to legend, the souls of wicked people will fall into hell, be burned by endless flames, and experience various painful punishments. Pay the price for your sins.

The hell in DC is similar to the hell in myths and legends, but it is not exactly the same. It is not responsible for punishing sinful souls here, but all souls who have signed a contract with the devil or cannot enter heaven will enter here.

DC's hell is also somewhat different from Marvel's. Marvel's hell is actually a dimension, and the hell dimension calls itself hell, but it doesn't actually have any fixed responsibilities.

Mephisto claims to be the Lord of Hell and the only Satan in the world, but in fact, he is not the Lord of Hell, nor is he the only Satan.

Mephisto can call himself Satan, and demon gods of other dimensions can also call themselves Satan. This is not an official title, but a self-proclaimed title. The dimensions they own are only their own territories, not public places. The souls taken in are just their own collections and belong to the master of the dimension.

DC's hell, on the other hand, assumes a certain amount of public power. It is responsible for taking in souls who cannot ascend to heaven or dissipate on the spot. At the same time, demons in hell can also make deals with humans, using various Such conditions in exchange for the belonging of their souls.

At the same time, the power change in DC Hell is very complicated. In addition to Lucifer, there are many other existences who have become Satan, that is, the real lord of hell.

First of all, I have to mention the first fallen. The first fallen are God’s first creations, God’s companions, and the embodiment of God’s conscience. But one day, he felt that God was crazy, and he didn’t want to be with him anymore. , So he was exiled to hell by God.

The reason why it is called the First Fallen is also because he was the first creation to come to hell. At that time, he became Satan, the real ruler of hell.

Later, there were the second and third fallen, and the first fallen gave them their rights, forming a trinity pattern of hell, until the arrival of the fourth fallen, that is, Lucifer Morningstar, broke the first fallen Reign of the Fallen.

Lucifer is God's favorite son. After he had a dispute with God, he fell into hell, immediately drove the first fallen from Satan's position, and became the ruler of hell himself.

And he also distributed his power to some demons, including Beelzebub, Azazel, Bilie, etc. Among them, Bilie is one of the oldest demons in hell.

Maybe his name is not well known, but his two sons are very famous, one of them is the anti-hero demon Etrigen, and the other is the famous great magician Merlin.

Everyone knew what happened afterwards. Lucifer was tired of staying in hell, and went to the world every three days, and opened a bar on the west coast.

He patted his ass and left, but hell became a mess. Originally, the rule of the trinity Satan was still stable. Although all kinds of powerful demons still ruled by dividing the land, it was still Satan who said what happened. The final decision.

However, Lucifer, who had the highest force value and was the most convincing, ran away. The rule of the Trinity was missing a leg, and it was still the thickest thigh.

Maizi, who temporarily takes the position of Lucifer, on the one hand, has to go to the world every day to persuade Lucifer to come back quickly, and on the other hand, he has to stare at hell and suppress those big demons who harbor evil intentions. Messy.

But this kind of suppression can only be maintained for a while. In the end, Grand Duke Astro launched a rebellion, trying to break the rule of the Satanic Trinity and become the only Satan.

And when Schiller jumped off the cliff, there was still a war in hell. Grand Duke Astro gathered several other powerful demons and was attacking Beelzebub's territory. Azazel was worried about Belie's attitude and kept on The other party restrained him, while Billie had been on the sidelines, but many of his demons were already ready to move.

Constantine only saw that Schiller fell into the endless flames of hell, but it was precisely because of the endless flames that covered the situation of hell. What he didn't see was that Schiller's landing position was very ingenious. At the forefront of the war between Grand Duke Astro and Beelzebub.

At that time, the demon armies on both sides were ready to go. The lava demon raised its arms and roared. The shadows gathered into a burly and strong black giant. above his head, monitoring the situation on the battlefield.

The two sides faced each other across the air, and the shouts of killing echoed between the hills and deserts of hell. As long as the generals of both sides gave an order, a big battle would break out.

But at this moment, a gap suddenly opened in the thick clouds of hell, and the light of flames projected onto this dark and barren land from top to bottom. When meteors fell, there was a sharp sound of wind, and countless ancient demons Looking up from the shadows, this scene reminded them of the falling morning star a long time ago.

With a loud boom, a sharp arrow pierced the ground of hell, and a huge gap was opened in the whole ground. When the rumbling sound of the earthquake spread, almost all the demons were a little unsteady.

After the smoke cleared, the demons took a closer look, and found that it was a sky-reaching tower, standing crookedly in the center of the battlefield.

As Constantine, the most talented mage in a hundred years, when he borrowed power from demons, he would not go to such small soldiers on the battlefield. The lowest level he was looking for was also a demon lord.

And Schiller's announcement to repay Constantine's debts was also a deal with the demon lords, and had nothing to do with these big soldiers charging on the battlefield, so they didn't know what happened.

Some people may wonder, since Schiller has reached a deal with all of Constantine's creditors, why his soul was not divided when he fell. In fact, it is precisely because of the special form of his soul.

Most of the human soul, in the eyes of demons, is a small and soft snack, as long as you grab it and stuff it in your mouth, you can enjoy the deliciousness.

The demons who came to collect debts thought the same way. When they heard that someone was going to pay Constantine’s debts, they first dismissed it, thinking it was a fantasy. The demon lords did not communicate at all. All the demons knew that Constantine How much debt is owed.

This kind of debt cannot be repaid by one or two people. Even if Constantine can deceive a few demon lords and split his soul to pay off the debt for him, it may not be able to satisfy the creditor's appetite.

However, the one who sent this message was Lucifer, who hadn't shown up for a long time, but was still the Lord of Hell. Although many demons were dissatisfied with the long-term absence of the Lord of Hell, they still recognized Lucifer's strength, so , They are also very curious about this man who speaks wild words.

Therefore, most of the demon lords came to the designated place to watch, just to see which song Lucifer sang.

However, when Schiller and his soul tower appeared on the cliff on the edge of hell, all the demon lords were boiling. They saw endless evil there, like a star condensed by countless souls. A brilliant jewel.

All the lords were dazzled by the light, and they felt that this gem would be the most brilliant jewel in their crown after they were crowned as Satan.

There is no demon who does not want to become Satan. Grand Duke Astro has already started, and the war is inevitable. In this case, whoever can obtain this sharp sword at this point in time will naturally be able to enhance his own strength and obtain more odds.

And if you want to get this special soul, you have to be one step ahead and intercept it. After all, Schiller fell from the edge of hell, and there is still a certain distance from the edge of hell to hell. Take it away and devour it immediately, other demons have no way to take it back.

So, the first time Schiller fell, countless hands stretched out towards him, and then all the demon lords were dumbfounded.

The one who jumped down was a human, but when it flew into the air, it turned into a tall tower, and this tower had an extremely hard shell. Countless demon claws scratched at the tower, sparks and lightning all the way, and it didn't stop him The tower fell into hell.

Schiller's thinking hall plunged headlong into the ancient and solid ground of hell, not only recreating a great rift in hell, but also becoming the version of the leaning tower of Pisa in hell, and more importantly, making the originally imminent battle situation, It became a little subtler.

The reason why Astro dared to attack Beelzebub was simply to pick a soft persimmon. He didn't have the guts to directly attack Lucifer's palace, and then bet on whether Lucifer would rush back from the human world to beat him, so , attacking Beelzebub's territory was his way of probing.

Originally, everything was going smoothly. Astro gathered a lot of troops and approached the border of Beelzebub's territory. Beelzebub didn't overreact, but just assembled the demon army on his own border, and the two sides confronted each other. After a few days, the gun finally went off, ready to officially start the war.

But at this time, Lucifer suddenly sent a message to hell that someone could repay Constantine's debt, and all creditors gathered at the edge of hell to receive their share of investment returns.

Astro and Beelzebub also have Constantine's debts, but they have not had much dealings with Constantine. Eager to recover that little debt, they would go to Limbo, just to see Lucifer's attitude.

But I didn't expect that the soul that fell was really valuable, so Astro and Beelzebub also wanted to intercept it, but they didn't succeed. As a result, when they turned around, they found that this sweet pastry just fell into the sky. At the junction of the territories of the two, behind them are the greedy eyes of countless demons.

Now, Astro and Beelzebub have suffered a lot. Schiller's stunning appearance not only left a deep psychological shadow on Constantine, but also aroused the appetite of most demon lords.

The vast majority of human souls, to demons, can only be stuffed between teeth. If there are enough, they may be able to eat, but they are not delicious. Human beings who are born with magical talents have very fragrant souls, but The amount is not big enough, you can't eat enough at one time, you can only taste it.

But Schiller is different. He not only has quality, but also quantity. In addition to rich emotions, a lot of crimes and good deeds, and countless stories, he also has extremely full soul energy, like a big meal.

As for Astro and Beelzebub, when they discovered that the huge pie fell on top of their heads, their first reaction was not to order the army to swarm up, but to immediately order all the demons to stop moving and stay away from the tower.

They all understand that this will be the best bargaining chip for them to win over allies and teammates, but the premise is that they must first take the sphere of influence of this tower into their pockets.

At the same time, in the tower, Marvel Schiller stood by the window, looked at the menacing demon army at the end of the skyline, sighed, and said:

I've said it a long time ago, that guy is the most careful Schiller in the world.

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