The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 919 The First Show of the Overlord of the Universe (Part 1)

In the infirmary of SHIELD's base, several Skrulls were standing in the room discussing something. Barak, who was originally disguised as Captain America, said solemnly:

I'm afraid Garner is in danger. After staying on Earth for so long, you should know the tempers of the Supreme Mage and Odin. We were originally tenants living here, but Garner wants to take the house away. They will not allow him to do this. …”

Talos, standing opposite him, said: At the beginning, I was unwilling to work with Ghana to lurk into human society and wait for opportunities, because I knew his plan would not succeed.

If human beings can be defeated so easily, they will not be able to hold on here. Odin leads the nine kingdoms, but he cannot cover everything. For thousands of years, the penetration of the earth is not an exception. There are too many forces. Stare here.

The reason why they did not speak out is that on the one hand they are worried about Odin and the Supreme Mage. On the other hand, many aliens who, like me, have lived peacefully in human society for many years, have already accepted this kind of life.

We are all a generation born on a spaceship. There is no distant blue sky, fragrant land, and a stable sun that shines on everything. What we see from the porthole of the spaceship is only the dark universe and a flash of light. The trail of passing meteors.”

Since Skrull has never been able to have a stable home, why can't I come to live on Earth? How many aliens long for this beautiful greenhouse, but cannot integrate into this society.

Talos has maintained Natasha's appearance and does not seem to intend to change back. He said: There is nothing wrong with being a human being. Since we have this ability to transform and disguise, then this kind of life is what we deserve. , Barak, don’t recall those glorious days anymore, the New Skrull Empire is not our home.”

Barak closed his eyes in pain and said, But he is still great, he is still strong, maybe, we can...

Talos sighed and said: Barak, these useless fantasies have blinded your eyes. You should know better than me. The Polar Star controlled by Garner has a communication device to contact the Skrull Empire. Even if Garner hid the spaceship in the Shattered Dimension. If the empire really wants to find it, it can find us.

The Skrull Empire has become the leader of the three empires again. They have a way to use diplomacy to get Asgard to hand over Ghana, the culprit who stole the spaceship. Odin will not care about us stowaways.

But they didn't do this, which means they no longer need us. Perhaps in the era when we left, the Polestar was still a rare battleship, but now, it has become dispensable garbage. ,So are we.

Alan Gale, the scientist disguised as Stark next to him, has returned to his original appearance. He said: Taros, I know that you parted ways with Ghana in the first place because you felt extremely disappointed with the military.

Actually, we don't want to go with Garner at all. My researcher student listened to Garner's demagoguery and tricked me into boarding the Polar Star spacecraft. So, I could only wander with his fleet, and you should He was also kidnapped.

What disappoints you is that the commander-in-chief at the time clearly knew that there were innocent and kidnapped Skrulls like us on the Polar Star spacecraft, but he still issued the order to destroy the spacecraft.

Indeed, since it is no longer possible to recover the spacecraft, it is necessary to reduce the possibility of the enemy obtaining it. It is precisely because of this that Ghana must drag a group of innocent hostages and let the main fleet take action.

But as innocent hostages, we cannot accept this result no matter what. No matter Ghana or the commander-in-chief, they have given up on us.

I didn't choose to leave with you at the beginning, not because I liked Ghana, a shameful thief and kidnapper, but because I couldn't stand the life of ordinary humans. I wanted to dedicate my life to exploration and science rather than being a local. As an individual, I will marry and have children incognito and live out my life.”

Talos nodded and said: Indeed, I understand you, Arengeier, you are our most motivated and exploratory scientist, but it is a pity that Garner's selfishness and stupidity ruined your scientific research career...

Unexpectedly, Arengeier smiled, shook his head and said, No, my scientific research career has not been ruined. Now I have found new fun.

Just yesterday, I used Stark's identity to look through his database and found a lot of interesting things. Talos, can you believe it? His use of energy is something I have never seen before. .”

At first, I thought he was the kind of young man who only had enthusiasm and liked to work hard, just like my fellow researchers. But later, I discovered that he was indeed worthy of the title of the most genius scientist in mankind. , this race has given me too many surprises.”

Talos glanced at the glasses on Aaron Gale's face and said with a smile: You have become more like a human being, just like me.

Arengar did not refute, he just said: Human beings are not weak. It is not shameful to live in their society and choose to integrate into them. And doing scientific research with them... I can only say that I have not tried it. , but it should be fun.”

So, we both want to stay, what about you? Barak? What do you, Manle, and Talbot think?

Before Barak could speak, Talbot, disguised as Spider-Man, scratched his head and said, I'm just a guard in the communications room on the Polar Star. I've only been on duty for two months when Garner intercepted the ship. Boat.

I am very young and have little experience. I can only follow instructions and do whatever General Garner asks me to do. But this time, the job he asked me to do was too difficult. I said I couldn't do it, and he wanted to scold me... …”

He shook his head and said: I'd better follow Captain Barak. Wherever he goes, I will go. I think I can go wherever.

Barak thought for a while and said: I want to wait for Dr. Maner to come back. As you all know, he is the son of the deputy commander-in-chief. Although he was unhappy with his family because of his marriage, he is the one with the best background among us. , are more educated and have wider knowledge.”

But he... Talos paused, and then said: It may not have been without his handiwork that Garner successfully boarded the Polar Star. He just wanted to take revenge on his father, so he followed Garner here. If Maner is still on Ghana’s side…”

Barak shook his head and said: No, he talked to me before, and he asked me about our future...

Talos wanted to persuade him, but at this time, the Doctor Mann they were talking about walked in. He still looked like Schiller.

Schiller turned around, closed the door, and said solemnly:

A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?

Natasha, who turned into Talos, walked up and patted Schiller on the shoulder and said, Don't do this. There are no humans here. Just say it.

The good news is that Garner is dead. The bad news is that he died at the first starport of the Kree Empire.

Everyone in the room widened their eyes, and Schiller continued to explain: Gana drove the Polar Star and crashed into the first star port of the Kree Empire. The Kree Empire thought that the Skrull Empire had declared war on them. Now, The rally call has been sounded, and the supreme wisdom has issued a first-level war preparation order.

Barak immediately stood up and asked: What's going on? Why did Garner drive the Polar Star and run into the Kree's first star port? Is he crazy?! The Kree's first star. Hong Kong, but their face, if they hit the Cree people in the face like this, of course the Cree people will fight back!

No matter how he did it, now, we have two choices. Schiller took a deep breath and said: Either Ghana is a shameless thief, and we are trapped on earth, doing nothing and knowing nothing.

Either we held Ghana hostage and wanted to return to the Skrull Empire. During the fight with him, the out-of-control spaceship was unable to continue its return journey. We chose to directly crash into the first star port and die for our country.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room was silent, and Talos said: This matter shouldn't be that simple, right? Do we really have a choice?

I choose the second option. Barak slammed the table next to him and said, I don't want to go back to the New Skrull Empire, but I don't want to be treated as a coward by them either. I'm not the lackey of the thief in Ghana. If everything is over, It is destined to be irreparable, but at least I can give some comfort to the relatives of my compatriots who died at the hands of the Kree.

Aaron Gale shrugged and said, I guess there must be human handiwork here, right? If nothing else, Tony Stark, who I play, has the ability to control the Polar Star spacecraft.

He started pacing in the room, and then said: Humans must do this to provoke conflict between the Kree Empire and the New Skrull Empire, and then take the opportunity to develop themselves...

When he was talking about this, Barak stood up anxiously and said: But we can't let the Skrull Empire face a new thousand-year war, because many people will die in that!

Arengeier snorted coldly and said: When they planned to give up on me, I no longer had any hope for them, but what you said makes sense. Fighting another thousand-year war will do no good. It will not do any of us any good. Everybody is.”

But it is precisely because of this that we have to accept the second possibility. This is just a grudge within the Skrull Empire, which has affected the Kree Empire. Only in this way can everyone get along, and there is no need to resort to war. Only by means can we solve this problem.”

Talos also said: Yes, technically speaking, the Kree Empire's first star port is definitely relatively backward. Even if it is scrapped, there will not be much loss. The only problem is the issue of face.

If the Kree Empire reacts violently and retaliates directly, the Skrull Empire will not give up. In this case, the two sides will definitely fight, which is what none of us wants to see.

What are these humans doing?!?! Talbot's facial features wrinkled together, he said: Are they crazy? If they provoke a war between two of the three empires, they are not afraid of harming Chiyu. ?”

I'm afraid, what they want is to bring disaster to the pond. Arengel said: Don't forget whose territory this is. Even if they bring disaster to the entire universe, they don't dare to bring disaster to Asgard.

At the beginning, Odin was a famous war madman in the universe. Maybe it was because he was old, or maybe he suddenly changed his gender. In the past two years, he finally stopped. Neither the Kree Empire nor the Skrull Empire would be so easy. If you come to cause trouble in Asgard and are targeted by Odin, then there will really be no peace.

Speaking of this, several other Skrulls looked a little bad. Obviously, they had all heard of Odin's reputation.

Talos added: Not to mention, there is a Supreme Mage. That guy also relies on his fists for a living. He will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't fight for a day.

When we were fighting with the Skrull Empire fleet, we once saw him beating the God of the Universe. I have never heard a guy made of that kind of energy scream so miserably...

I understand! Human beings definitely want to provoke a war between these two empires, and all the affected people will be their future competitors. These human beings are not only crazy, but also despicable... Forget it, at the level of civilization , I should say he is very smart, this trick really works.

Barak shook his head and said: The Kree Empire is based in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and the New Skrull Empire... is either on the edge of the Euphorbia constellation, or not far from the Milky Way.

Before the two of them fight, the surrounding civilization will definitely be cleared. In this case, the entire galaxy's civilization may be dead or injured. This is very beneficial to mankind.

I am more inclined to prevent this war. Talos said: Although this has nothing to do with me, if a war really breaks out, the three empires will not be able to survive alone, and Asgard may eventually be involved. Go in, I don’t want that to happen.”

But how are we going to stop it? Barak frowned tightly and said, Now, we are under the roof, and we cannot be discovered by humans, but we also have to prevent their conspiracy to provoke a war between the three empires. This is really It’s too difficult.”

At this time, Schiller cleared his throat and said, I have an idea...

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