The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 913 The Stars Are Brilliant (Part 1)

The Large Magellanic Cloud, also known as the Large Magellanic Cloud, is a dwarf galaxy. It is a very well-known one among the many satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. It is also the most massive one, with a mass of about one-twentieth that of the Milky Way.

The Large Magellanic Cloud is the fourth largest galaxy in the Local Galaxy Group, behind the Triangulum Galaxy, the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. It is also the home of the three major empires of the universe, the Kree Empire.

Almost the entire Large Magellanic Cloud has been transformed by the Kree Empire into their military base, and the main star of the Kree Empire, where the supreme wisdom resides, is surrounded by layers.

The Large Magellanic Cloud is usually observed as an irregular galaxy, but there are also signs of a bar-shaped structure. From the perspective of human astronomical telescopes, the Large Magellanic Cloud presents a beautiful spindle-shaped arc of light, and the brightest nebula is located at the end of the spiral arm. In the center is the location of the main star of the Kree Empire.

At the same time, the Kree Empire has more than 2,000 starports in the Large Magellanic Cloud, half of which are military starports used to dock Kree Empire warships.

However, due to the continuous expansion and colonization of the Kree Empire in the past thousand years, half of the two thousand star ports are in a state of suspension, and only about two to three hundred military ports are still widely active.

The recorded civilization period of the Kree Empire is not as long as that of the Skrull Empire, but because of this, they are a vibrant civilization. The vast majority of Kree people have blue skin, but there are also white skins produced by mixing with other races. skin or pink skin, but blue skin is still the dominant race.

The ruler of the Kree Empire is called Supreme Wisdom. He is the product of civilization, knowledge, technology, and culture created by the Kree people. He is still leading the Kree Empire.

Precisely because the supreme ruler of this empire is an intelligent being, the entire race has basically reached the level of one being ten thousand, and ten thousand being one. All Kree people are just parts on the huge machine of the Kree Empire, acting in accordance with the collective consciousness. Taking due diligence and maximum efficiency as the highest goal in life.

It is precisely because of the existence of Zhigao's wisdom that the Kree Empire's protection of its main star has reached a very strict level. The first star port of the Kree Empire was established to resist the impact of alien wars.

The Skrulls and the Kree fought a thousand-year war. During this war, both races developed unparalleled interstellar defense technology. Just like the arms race that had developed on Earth, the two races In terms of techniques of attacking and defending the opponent's star port, they have reached the pinnacle.

The first starport of the Kree Empire's Large Magellanic Cloud is located at the end of the newly formed star region of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

This dense nebula of planets is shaped like a spider with several branches extending out. It is a star area developed by the Kree Empire in the early days of settling in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

This beautiful and brilliant nebula has been floating in the empty and distant space for thousands of years. Every Cree has different feelings about this place. This is their hometown and their glory.

In the first starport command room, a Kree soldier passed through the corridor. After the door's scanning device confirmed his identity, the heavy mechanical door opened. He walked in, with his feet together and one hand on his shoulder. , performed a Kree Empire military salute, and then said:

Sir, the inspection fleet is about to arrive. The welcome ship has all been arranged. You can board the ship in three minutes, or before the hatch is closed in twenty minutes, board the welcome ship.

The Cree leader in front of him was very young, wearing an officer's uniform and epaulettes. From the pattern on the epaulettes, it could be seen that he was not a very senior officer, but the Cree man had extra respect for him.

The young Kree officer nodded and said: The leaders of the Accuser team are coming to inspect the first star port. The Accuser team represents the will of the supreme wisdom and is the leader and vanguard of the Kree Empire. They are here to inspect. We have to show our best.

The soldier immediately saluted and said: Please rest assured, sir, since a month ago, we have repaired all the old gaming facilities in the star port and upgraded the intelligent reconnaissance system in the star port. All Kree soldiers All have been replaced with state-of-the-art equipment, and in order to celebrate the great birthday of the Accuser team, we have replaced all weapon paints and spaceship paints with celebration patterns.

By the way, are you ready for the military music played in the star port? You know, back then, the Accuser team severely defeated the Skrulls' powerful fleet while playing the Kree Empire's military song, leaving them in ruins. And run away.

The young Kree officer raised his chin and paced in the charge room. He said: Hoffman from the seventh star port has been competing with me for the position of a reserve member of the accuser team. There is also another accuser team. The inspection ship went to him.

I want to seize the opportunity. Just repairing the star port and changing the paint is still not enough. I think that the impassioned military songs will definitely awaken the memories of the accuser team's prosperous years, and this is my trump card.

The soldier immediately saluted with a military salute and said: I will immediately notify the spacecraft to play military music when the inspection fleet arrives.

The young Cree officer nodded with satisfaction. He waved his hand and said, Go out. I'll change my clothes and board the ship immediately, ready to meet the great accuser.

In the dark space not far from the Tarantula Nebula, a bright light gap suddenly appeared out of thin air. It was a unique optical phenomenon caused by the spacecraft jumping to a designated location.

After the light gap went out, a Kree spacecraft appeared in the universe. The fragments of the asteroid passed through the string window. Two Kree officers were standing in the main control room. The shorter one said:

Who are you more optimistic about, Bai Tu from the First Star Port or Hoffman from the Seventh Star Port? Since its establishment, the Accuser team will finally have new blood. Ronan, you were the same way back then. With your excellent talent, He was favored by the supreme wisdom and became the great accuser.”

I am more optimistic about Hoffman. The Kree accuser named Ronan sighed and said: Baitu is too young, his words and deeds are too frivolous, and he does not meet the requirements of supreme wisdom to put efficiency first. His style, he likes to do useless things too much.”

Me too. In fact, I originally wanted to follow the fleet to inspect the seventh star port, but if you are the only one here, Baitu will feel that we underestimate him. Even if he cannot join the Accuser, he may become the commander of a fleet. , I don’t want to offend him.”

Ronan frowned and said, I'm not here to see the boy Bai Tu. I have no interest in him. What I value more is the First Starport, which was once the forefront of our strategic defense system. …”

Even though the Kree Empire's fleets are now spread across the entire universe, we cannot relax the defense here at all.

Ronan started pacing in the room. He sighed and said, We would build the first star port in the Spider Nebula because we valued the star area advantages here.

Here are the most supergiant stars in the entire Large Magellanic Cloud. They are bright, hot, and young, providing the best energy guarantee for us to build a defense system.

This place has always been called the cradle of stars by the Kree. Over the past billions of years, countless bright stars have been born here, and many nearby galaxies are clearly visible.

Although, with the expansion of the Kree Empire, the strategic position here is no longer so important, but we must guard this nebula.

Once this place is lost, the defense system formed by the combination of Reticulus and Flying Fish will definitely have gaps, and even the edge star areas of Montenegro and Pictor may be affected.

More importantly, because of the dense and huge stars here, many of the Kree Empire's advanced defense facilities cannot function. In order not to interfere with the normal operation of the stars, traps cannot be placed too densely.

Ronan sighed and said: I have always been worried about this. This is the first line of the empire's defense, and it is weaker than other places in terms of defense. I am still worried if I can't find a way to improve it.

The shorter and fatter officer shook his head and said: Ronan, you are always like this, why do you always worry about such an impossible thing?

You don't want to say that someone dares to attack the first star port of the Kree Empire, right? The short and fat officer snorted and said with disdain: The entire universe knows that the first star port is not valuable. The materials and the location are not too important and are not dangerous, but this is the place of honor for the Cree people and represents the face of our country.

Whoever dares to attack here will formally declare war on the Kree Empire. They will definitely face fierce revenge from the Kree people. However, the attack here will not pose much of a threat to our core defense line.

To put it simply, this is completely a waste of money. What benefit does provoking the Kree Empire have to other civilizations? Even Odin, the war madman, will not fight such a loss-making war.

Ronan nodded and said: That's right. No officer is willing to fight a battle where the investment is not proportional to the reward. Although the old star area is related to the issue of face, if you want to cause trouble here, you must at least be prepared to sacrifice everything here. Preparation of a main ship.”

But what can we take away by attacking here? Is there anything worth grabbing here? The star port? We can reach here, so why do we need this old star port?

The two chatted for a while, reminiscing about the good old days, and then Ronan said: Okay, stop chatting, increase your power and go directly to the star port. Bai Tu has never been patient.

The pudgy officer nodded and said to another soldier next to him: Go at full speed towards the star port. When the welcome ship appears within the radar scanning range, be the first to greet them.

The soldier took the order and went down. After a while, the Kree inspection ship increased its power and quickly flew towards the star port.

It's not too far from the first star port. After flying for a while, the Kree's first star port appeared in sight.

The first thing that catches the eye is a bright supergiant star. At the outermost edge of the star's gravitational orbit, there is a starport close to the size and mass of a dwarf planet. The building is floating in the universe.

Its overall shape is similar to that of a planet, except that the upper part of its shell is a transparent dome, and the base of the lower part extends from the bottom of the base to eight directions of parking ports, and each parking port is extended with more Plenty of boat docks.

This old starport built in the previous era of the Kree Empire seems a bit outdated today. The Kree Empire in the colonial era no longer uses this old starport with more materials and sparse ports.

But seeing this old star port that accompanied the Kree Empire through its glorious years, any Kree who came from that era will feel a little nostalgic.

Therefore, before approaching this starport, Ronan deliberately stopped the spacecraft. He looked out of the ship's best view porthole and watched this starport with traces of time slowly rotating in the orbit of a huge star. It looks like a military medal that has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Ronan stood in front of the porthole with his hands behind his back and said with some sigh: The prosperity of that era is always nostalgic. I vaguely remember the prosperity when this star port was full of spaceships...

At that time, streams of light from spaceship engines gathered from a distance, like...wait, what is that light??!!

B-B-B-B! B-B! B-B!

Invasion!!! Someone has invaded!!!! The anti-jump defense system has been activated... Oh my god, they didn't jump here!!! They rushed over directly!!!!

Star port!!! Protect the satellite port!!! Protect...


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