The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 907 Skrull's Bad Luck (Part 1)

Ever since Nick Fury in Skrull disguise and the rest of the superheroes officially hit the stage, they've discovered that things aren't quite what they expected.

Originally, the leader of the Skrulls disguised as Nick Fury hoped to obtain the status of director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a superhero. He wanted to use the resources and connections in the hands of these people. God, reality hit him head-on.

According to Nick Fury's own memory, over the years, he has used various loopholes in S.H.I.E.L.D. to defraud a large amount of funds and build many secret bases. Several agents in the core know the exact location.

The things in the warehouse are even more useful. In addition to the space carrier with a strategic position, there are also a large number of heavy equipment that can be collected in human society. These are things that are impossible for ordinary people to come into contact with. And that's very important to the Skrulls.

As one of the three major empires in the universe, the Skrull Empire can be said to have a ill-fated fate.

They were born in the Andromeda galaxy, and developed civilization to a very high stage within the Andromeda galaxy, but unfortunately, their main star was eaten by the planet devourer, so they could only be forced to move.

The empire is not peaceful, and there are often civil wars. After a great chaos broke out, many Skrulls fled their country, and this one who came to the earth, following the ancient religious fables, believed that the earth It is their place of revival, so they want to control the earth.

Their initial efforts were successful, with many Skrulls mingling with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Contacted the superheroes, and at the same time, in the process of contact, completed the preparation of copying appearance and ability.

After the superheroes died one after another, the leader of the Skrulls realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Their ability to copy is not without flaws. First of all, they must be in contact with the target for a period of time, and they don’t need to be in close contact, but they can’t be too far away from the target for a continuous period of time, otherwise they will fail to read, and once they fail, they have to start all over again Start reading.

Another point is that the upper limit of their ability to copy will be weakened. If they want to fight the original owner, there will be a high probability of failure, especially the ability that tends to magic and mind.

Another point is very important, that is, the same target can only be copied and imitated by the same Skrulls, there is no way to do it, a dozen Skrulls imitate an ability at the same time.

Moreover, there is a cooling time for changing appearance and ability. This cooling time is about ten years. However, Skrulls are not long-lived species. Their life span is about 220 years, which is only two to three times longer than humans. .

In other words, they must also carefully choose the object to copy, otherwise they will have to wait ten years to change the object of imitation, which is very fatal.

This creates a problem, that is, if they want to appear on the stage as the opponent, they must make the opponent disappear, but because their abilities have been weakened, they cannot beat the opponent at all.

There is no way for a dozen people to copy the same powerful ability, and then engage in gang fights, let alone copy the powerful ability first, and then imitate superheroes with useful social identities, because it requires a long cooling time, and the hands will Even more insufficient.

Moreover, group fights will make a lot of noise. They want to quietly infiltrate into human society and control the upper class of the entire society, not to fight with the entire human race.

Having lived in human society for so long, all Skrulls understand how suspicious and xenophobic this race is.

Even their own people, they have to divide countless domains, and then exclude each other. If they really know that there is a terrible alien who can completely copy their appearance and ability, they are planning to invade the earth, the Skrulls There will never be peace.

The leader of the Skrulls disguised as Nick Fury originally wanted to start with ordinary people who were better at attacking, such as core agents such as Coulson and Hill, and seized an opportunity to kill them completely, and then slowly Infiltrate, and finally attack Nick Fury.

In fact, they didn't think about killing superheroes by themselves, firstly because the movement was too loud, and secondly because they couldn't afford to lose.

There are so many superheroes and mutants in human beings. The number of Skrulls who came to the earth was not many. After that, some internal divisions occurred. Now the Skrulls disguised as Nick Fury There are less than 20 people in the leader's faction.

If there is really a head-on conflict with superheroes, whether it is Captain America or Spider-Man, even if it is possible to kill them, they can at least take away one or two members of the Skrulls. This group of superheroes just don’t kill people, no Without killing aliens, they cannot accept such a loss of manpower.

With such a mood, they kept waiting for the result. Unexpectedly, the huge pie falling from the sky directly knocked them unconscious.

Nick Fury is dead, and so are three of New York's most beloved superheroes.

How can such a good opportunity be missed? The imposter Nick Fury took over and was completely trapped in this vortex.

He wanted to use the various resources Nick had accumulated over the years to develop the Skrulls' own bases and weapons, but within two days of taking office, bases across the United States began to explode one after another.

Hydra seemed to suddenly remember that SHIELD was their inescapable enemy, and the NAZI elements seemed to recall the glorious days of the past, and this time, they wanted to do something more glorious than before, that is, invade American continent.

In just two days, more than 80 of the more than 120 bases in the whole week were attacked. In just one day, the damage rate exceeded 40%. The lost resources can only be calculated in terms of sky-high prices and massive quantities.

The real Nick stored these resources for strategic reserves. When the solar system development and construction plan was in full swing, he was not in a hurry to use the materials and equipment he had accumulated.

He's not in a hurry, but Nick the Imposter is.

The counterfeit Nick was eager to put these materials and equipment into new production to provide support for the revival of the Skrulls. He thought that the first thing he did after he took office was to count all the materials and then use them. As a result, the statistics are statistics, but the statistics are all losses.

At the same time, this incident also caused the counterfeit Nick to fall into deep self-doubt, because Nick Fury's memory told him that only Nick knew the location of about half of the bases, and a small half of the bases had to be located. It can only be opened with the authorization of Nick himself.

This is not the information he heard, but the memory he read directly, so it should be completely true and reliable.

So, how did the base that only Nick knew, never authorized to anyone else, be found and blown up by Hydra?

Any intelligent life, as long as it is trapped in the vortex of doubting its own memory, it is almost impossible to escape. Once they find a gap in their memory, they will suspect that there is a gap everywhere.

What's more, this Nick knew that he was a fake, so he felt even more guilty.

This is also the problem encountered by other fake superheroes. Their appearances are perfectly disguised, and their abilities are almost flawless. The only flaw is their psychology.

Fakes know that they are fakes, which is the biggest flaw of fakes.

If a person knows that he is a fake, he will inevitably feel guilty, and his behavioral logic will be forcibly added with an order that must be executed, which is to 'try to prove that he is true'.

In the game of werewolf killing, the biggest weakness of werewolves is knowing that they are werewolves.

Human memory and thinking inevitably drive their actions. After knowing that they cannot be discovered, they must take many actions to cover up their identities.

And these actions are actually contrary to the logic of normal behavior. In most cases, normal people don't need to prove who they are, and if they are not in a game state where everyone proves themselves, this abnormality will be more serious. obvious.

And the performance is that superheroes must be superheroes, otherwise they will feel guilty and feel that they may be exposed.

So, in the next few days, several other fake superheroes encountered a lot of trouble.

The biggest problem with Spider-Man is that the original Spider-Man played by Peter died in the eyes of the public. It is impossible for SHIELD and the government to announce to the public that someone can be resurrected. Therefore, the fake Spider-Man, Of course, it became the second generation of Spider-Man.

Everyone knows that the white moonlight is invincible. If the white moonlight is out of reach, it will always be the brightest and most beautiful moon hanging in the sky. But if it is still alive, it will become a grain of rice, which looks mediocre and ordinary, and it will cause trouble. People are bored.

It is human nature that what is not available is always the best.

Spider-Man is not a perfect superhero. When he was still alive, there were many doubts about him.

On the forum, some people like to question his combat methods, some criticize his words and deeds, and some maliciously want to investigate his background.

But as soon as Spider-Man died, he immediately became the benchmark for superheroes.

In the descriptions of some people on the forum, he is a very great young man, smart, wise, kind, and strong. A stick, an axe, a hook and a fork, they can do everything, but they can't live.

On the contrary, the so-called second-generation Spider-Man that exists now makes people dislike everything.

Some people say that he must create a different uniform from the previous generation of Spider-Man, otherwise he would be rubbing off on the popularity of the original Spider-Man and using dead people to make money.

Fans of Spider-Man have also expressed strong resistance. They will never accept that someone who looks exactly like their hero is not as good as him. After days of criticism in newspapers and streaming media, the fake spider Xia finally compromised.

He changed a new suit for himself, which is different from the previous Spider-Man, but it is also very handsome. The original blue has become black, and the red has become deeper, which looks a little more sharp. .

But soon, this uniform attracted new doubts. Many people said that this color was too evil and did not conform to Spider-Man's young and energetic image.

As a result, the fake Spider-Man had to adjust his image again. He changed the blue to a lighter blue and kept the red to look more sunny.

But soon, someone attacked him for his frivolous and exaggerated image, like a toy for children in a toy store, giving people a feeling of being unreliable.

In addition to subduing his image, his behavior is constantly attacked.

He imitated the lively and chatty style of the original Spider-Man, and was quickly said to be an unlearned, greasy and disgusting imitator, but if he was taciturn and very cold in front of the camera, people said he Lost Spider-Man's image of being friendly to the people in the past.

In just a few days, this fake or Spider-Man has come close to breaking down.

He was originally a young officer with almost no social experience. Converting his age, he is about the same as Peter now. He spent most of his time on Earth working in S.H.I.E.L.D. society.

He never knew that human beings are such terrifying creatures.

He didn't understand that the essence of human beings is double standards. When they hate a person, what he does is wrong.

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