The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 646 Survival in the wilderness failed (Part 2)

After Hal's heroic dedication, the hang glider was finally made, but Arthur was not too fond of this means of transportation. He would rather walk directly, and his feet off the ground would make him feel insecure.

However, for the pilot Hal, this is not the case. After the initial failure, he fell in love with the feeling of soaring into the sky.

It’s different from sitting in the cockpit of an airplane, traveling in the wind of nature, listening to the sound of streams and waves, shoulder to shoulder with seabirds all over the sky, like a light feather, every time Hal glides, it makes Hal feel Feel very intoxicated.

However, this is to solve the problem of rushing, so after gliding a few times, Hal took on the responsibility of delivering and delivering goods.

The efficiency of the fishing trap is indeed extremely high. After a while, several fat sea fish were caught, and it was just right to take them back to stew.

With the efforts of Hal, Bruce and Arthur, the salt farm was initially completed.

In the end, the place to dry the salt was chosen next to a flat sandy land downstream of the creek, which is relatively close to fresh water and sea water, and relatively convenient.

The salt condensed by simply drying seawater is coarse salt, which tastes very bitter and contains many chemical substances that are not suitable for absorption, so it cannot be eaten directly, but the ancient method of sun-dried salt has long solved this problem.

The crude salt obtained from drying the salt is dissolved in fresh water again to form saturated brine, and then filtered with the dense fiber fabric that Bruce uses to make hang glider wings to filter out most of the insoluble impurities.

After that, use the stone pot for cooking to boil saturated brine. During the cooking process, the water in the saturated brine will evaporate, and the corresponding salt will crystallize and adhere to the inner wall of the stone pot.

Scrape off this part of the salt, and then repeat the operation several times. At this time, this part of the salt is ready to eat.

However, since sea salt also contains some soluble impurities, which will give the salt a bitter taste, to remove these impurities, it is necessary to use incinerated plants.

Plant ash contains potassium carbonate, which can be directly used as potassium fertilizer when farming, or it can be used to decompose the bitter components in table salt.

Bruce found some relatively dry plants, burned them into ashes, added this part of the ashes to the salt water in the cauldron, and then continued to cook at high temperature, so that the crystals precipitated on the pot became non-toxic and edible , and only salty to table salt.

Of course, this kind of table salt is generally called coarse salt in modern society, and it is incomparable with the refined salt produced in factories. However, it is this kind of coarse salt that is used in many areas to process meat. , they believe that the minerals in coarse salt are good for the body.

Therefore, at this stage of processing, the salt can be used directly. When living on a deserted island, if the next few steps of purification and plant ash are omitted, it only needs to be boiled several times, and the salt obtained can barely However, Bruce, who pursued the ultimate, finally produced white fine salt that is similar to modern table salt.

After all this was done, it was already dark, and the three of them had been busy all afternoon, and they were hungry at this time, but they were all satisfied, especially Arthur and Hal, who felt that they had broadened their horizons, and they had no idea Salt can also be made from seawater in this way.

The next step was to bring the salt back and work on the meat, but by the time they got back to the cave, Schiller and Oliver had fallen asleep and hadn't even eaten their supper.

The reason may be the spark between a doctor who is not a quack but whose surgical skills are not much better, and a patient who is completely disobedient.

First of all, Schiller is not a surgeon, but because he has worked in a hospital, he can barely deal with some trauma. One thing he is better than ordinary people is that even if he doesn't fix it, he can still use gray fog to remedy it.

Moreover, DC Schiller has always been relatively aggressive in terms of medical style. He has also inherited this radical style in terms of trauma treatment, and he basically doesn't care much about other people's struggles.

As for Oliver, even though he has been struggling to survive here for three months, he still cannot erase the fact that he used to be a soft-skinned and tender-skinned rich son.

Back then, with the support of his will to survive, he was able to forget all the pain, just to survive, but when he was full of food and drink, sleepiness surged up, and he returned to the illusion of being pampered.

Because of this, he is extremely sensitive to pain, and with Schiller's extremely rough technique, the two of them can't be said to be in harmony with each other, but can only be said to be one with each other.

If he could use special abilities, Schiller could definitely hold Oliver down, but the problem was that he couldn't, so he couldn't let the fog faint Oliver.

Because of the existence of the gray mist, Schiller's body has extremely powerful physical strength, but without using the gray mist's tentacles, Schiller only has two arms and two legs. Hand to deal with the wound, then there is only one hand left to hold Oliver.

Facts have proved that even with great strength, it is difficult to completely suppress an adult who is in pain and constantly struggling with one hand. In the end, Schiller almost strangled Oliver to death before he finally finished dealing with him. Wound.

Both of them had exhausted a lot of energy, so while the other three were busy surviving in the wilderness, they had already fallen asleep in the cave.

Oliver really fell asleep, and Schiller was just using sleep to calm his anger at wanting to strangle the future Green Arrow here.

Seeing that the two were asleep, the other three didn't intend to make a fuss about cooking. They simply set up a grilling fish rack, processed the freshly caught sea fish, put them on sticks, and started grilling the fish.

At noon, Hal hadn't run out of seafood sauce. Two fish were brushed with sauce, one fish was sprinkled with salt, and the other fish was broken into fish meat and put into coconut, and stewed with coconut milk.

There is a burst of fragrance from the platform outside the cave, the night wind on the island is cool, the sky and the coast meet, and the dark blue night sky is full of stars.

Do you know? This time I went home, my parents apologized to me... Hal took a bite of the fish, and was burned, he kept breathing, his eyes were a little red, maybe because The food is too hot and the night breeze is too cold.

They no longer prevent me from becoming a pilot, and they don't even force me to stay near the seaside city. They even told me in a negotiating tone that it would be great if I could go home once a month. ...

If they had told me that a few years ago, I would have been ecstatic, jumping up in joy, thinking that they finally made sense... Hal brought over the fish soup, took a sip, and twitched vigorously No one could see whether he was crying because of being burned.

But I think, they are old, I thought I had been away from home for decades, they are really old...

Parents are like this. If you leave for a long time, when you come back, you will find that they are really much older. Arthur also said, he took a bite of the grilled fish, spit out the thorn, and then Said: When I followed the ocean fishing, I only went to sea for more than three months. When I came back, my father seemed to be 30 years older...

Do you know? In Bludhaven, there is a legend... Arthur sneezed because of the hot fish soup, he sniffed hard, and said, If a child goes out to sea with a big boat to catch fish, and Parents have gone to church and prayed to God, then, when a child encounters a shipwreck and his life is in danger, God will take away some of the parents' lifespan and let the child return safely...

Bullshit, Bruce commented.

The point of this story is that every young sailor in Bludhaven, every parent goes to sea and prays for them, even though they know they might be jeopardizing their lifespan. Including my father.

Bruce was silent, Hal glanced at him, and changed the topic without a trace, he said: Brudhaven is really a bit like Seaside City, this city should have been better developed.

I read the history of Seaside City in a fishery magazine. Arthur swallowed the last bite of grilled fish, and he said, You were lucky to encounter the gold rush and develop the city, but in fact, I I don't envy you, because Bludhaven is really peaceful, if someone really comes to pan for gold, the group of outlanders will definitely cause trouble, and I don't want that.

Hal nodded and said, It is true that big cities are better than big cities, but small towns and villages are not necessarily bad. Everyone likes their hometown the most, no matter whether it is a city or a country...

This sentence made Bruce fall into thinking. He thought that among the several reasons for becoming Batman to fight criminals, there was no he loves Gotham, at least he thought so before.

This damn city of sin has nothing to cherish, instead it brought him the heaviest scar.

However, when he saw the possibility of Gotham getting better, he still felt a little excited and excited.

It wasn't until after leaving Wanli that people knew that they had an eternal hometown, and so did Bruce.

When the words hometown and hometown are mentioned, the first place that pops up in his mind is still the dark city.

Everyone in the city doesn't think it's good enough, but they'd rather admit they suck than live their wildest nightmares in this dark abyss of eccentricity, and Batman is no exception.

The rising sensibility made Bruce feel nervous and anxious. He was completely unaccustomed to this sensibility, so he wanted to find something to do to free himself from this emotion.

He threw away the stick of grilled fish, stood up, clapped his hands, and said: I think you should have rested almost, there is still a lot of work to be done, we have to devote more time and money to survive on the desert island. energy……

Hal and Arthur, who were full and sleepy, looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

The next morning, Schiller woke up and opened his eyes. The sunlight outside the cave was particularly glaring. He stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and walked slowly outside the cave, wanting to get out for a breath of fresh air.

Then, he slowly widened his eyes, looking at the densely packed pulley block device outside the cave, and the ziplines that were densely covered in the rainforest like spider webs.

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