The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 632 Schiller is really a good guy (Part 2)

Return the feather to you, get out of my ward, oh yes, take him with you. Schiller pointed to Constantine and said.

Both Constantine and Lucifer were stunned, and then they heard Schiller raised his voice and said, You keep saying that you are my friend, where were you when I was dying?

Now that I wake up, the two of you ran into my ward and chattered endlessly. Ten minutes ago, I was still lying on the bed in the emergency room. , in that case, I always have the right to resign, right?

What did you just say? Are you going to return the feather to me??? Lucifer looked at Schiller in surprise, and said, It seems that you really hit your head. Why did you suddenly figure it out?

I take back what I just said. I don't have any special interest in a feather that is no better than a goose feather, and I won't put it in my study, because it would be too tasteless.

Schiller looked at Lucifer with critical eyes and said, I'm not interested even in the whole pair of wings. It's not the kind of gray I like. If it's placed in the trophy cabinet, my friends will laugh at it. set.

Constance watched Lucifer's face darken. He stretched out his hands to block between the two of them, and said, No, wait a minute, Schiller, are you crazy? Why are you swearing for no reason?

That...Lucifer, don't be angry, he may not know, Schiller, wings are taboo for angels, just like human hairstyles, you can't say their wings are ugly, that's insulting them.

Oh, really? Then why don't you look at your hairstyle? Schiller looked at Constantine again and said, Now you have an excuse to enter Wayne Manor openly, because as long as you stand on your head, Alf Red will feel like his new mop has arrived.

Constantine's face also darkened. He looked at Lucifer. He thought that the former king of hell would give Schiller a good look, but unexpectedly, Lucifer suddenly paused, then looked at Schiller and said : You seem to want me to kill you, why do you think so?

You can read minds?...Oh, of course you can. Schiller suddenly realized that Lucifer, who is all-knowing and omnipotent, can read minds. In front of him, it is useless to use aggressive methods.

Schiller really wanted Lucifer to kill him, because he felt as if he had found the reason why both sides refused to accept him.

Lucifer didn't know where Schiller hid the feather, but Schiller knew that the feather was now lying in his soul.

That is to say, his soul now belongs to Lucifer. Lucifer is the second in charge of the entire DC universe, and the endless family has no way to compare with him. That is to say, if Lucifer does not allow him to die, then he will see less than death.

He originally wanted to anger Lucifer. If Lucifer killed him himself, it would be equivalent to Lucifer letting go of this part of his authority, and he would be able to find death.

But there is still a contradiction here, that is, if the soul of the original Schiller also belongs to Lucifer, and Lucifer did not allow him to die, why did he disappear? And it seemed that Lucifer didn't know about it.

As I said before, Lucifer's level is quite high. He is not nearly omniscient and omnipotent, but omniscient and omnipotent. In this case, he did not find that Schiller's soul was replaced. What does this mean?

Taking advantage of this great opportunity, Schiller wanted to do an experiment, so he planned to anger Lucifer, but he didn't expect that Lucifer was too powerful, and he had mind reading skills, so he could see through Schiller's trajectory.

You want to find death? Lucifer soon saw more, and he said, The death of the Endless family? Wait a minute...why is there something about Oneiroi?

You turned out to be the Pope of Oneiroi?!!! Lucifer was completely angry, he said: You betrayed me! Don't you know that I have a bad relationship with Murphys? That stupid Oneiroi ...

Sorry, I really don't know, how does hell generally deal with apostates? I guess it should be to kill them?

You... Lucifer just wanted to say, Do you think I dare not kill you? Then he thought for a while, if he killed Schiller, wouldn't that be fulfilling his intention and letting him go See death?

Although I can't kill you, I can take your soul out and imprison you in hell until... Lucifer said angrily.

Wait a minute! Constantine came over suddenly and stretched out a hand to stop Lucifer. He said,'d better not do that.

Of course, Constantine had to stop Lucifer. If Lucifer really sent Schiller's soul to hell, hell would be a mess on the spot. Is the dreamland a lesson from the past?

Facts have proved that any intelligent creature will be bewitched and tempted. As long as Schiller goes down with an open mouth, then Constantine believes that within a few days, an unprecedented hell war will break out.

It doesn't matter how many demons die in hell, Constantine doesn't feel bad, but if those demons are all busy fighting, who can he ask for strength?

The debt he owes is not just the devil's, he also points to the power of the devil to repay the debts of other things.

Constantine can be understood as a person who uses cards to support cards, and various powers are reversed by him. In the end, he can use powerful magic without paying any price.

But if something happened to Hell, the consequences of one of the cards breaking the confession would be very serious. Constantine didn't want to be chased all over the world, so he firmly disagreed with Lucifer taking Schiller's soul to Hell.

Lucifer felt a little puzzled by Constantine's attitude, so he paused again, and then continued: gave the kingdom of dreams to... oh my god! Murphy, he actually...haha Hahahahahaha! He was blown up! Well done!

Lucifer immediately became happy. Obviously, he saw what Schiller did in the Dreamland, and he happened to see the scene where Murphys was blown up by Clark.

Can you read my memory? Schiller asked.

Lucifer shook his head and said, No, generally I wouldn't do that. It's so easy to be infected by human thinking and do stupid things. I can see the past directly along the time node.

Time is not linear for me. As long as I want to see, I can see anything that happens at any point in time. It may be difficult for you humans to understand this perspective.

Lucifer's mood improved at a speed visible to the naked eye. He didn't even mind Schiller's previous offense at all. He said: Actually, what you said makes sense. The gray wings may be a little outdated. After all, those myth books People are probably tired of seeing me with gray wings, and so are you, right?

It's okay, I'm going to dye it black tomorrow, how about some special effects? I think polarized colors are good.

Lucifer was in a good mood, and it was Schiller's turn to be in a bad mood. Looking at Constantine, he lowered his voice and said, Didn't you say you can't scold his wings????

Lucifer has always been a weirdo. Constantine also leaned his head over and whispered, Angels and demons can't understand him.

I said I was resigning! Schiller exclaimed.

I said I disagree! Lucifer also said loudly.

Why do you disagree?

Then why did you resign?

Schiller opened his mouth for a moment, and he realized that his idea of ​​resignation came so violently that he hadn't thought of an excuse to resign. He couldn't tell the truth, was it because of the overtime phobia of the green light industry?

After thinking for a while, Schiller still said, Because I want to return the feather to you.

Oh, don't be like this, I've said it all, I forgive you, you were young and ignorant at that time, if you like that feather, I will give it to you, as long as you can make trouble for the Oneiroi, I will give it to you It’s not impossible to have one.” Lucifer said with full expectation.

In fact, feathers are nothing to him at all. As long as he thinks, he can conjure countless feathers and send one to everyone on the earth. Even, as long as he thinks, all human beings can grow wings , which is not difficult for him.

When Schiller and Lucifer were in a stalemate, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and Bruce walked in, followed by Angela with a face full of anger. The female police officer held a pistol angrily, Said to Bruce: Are you crazy? Even if those people were killed by him, they are the heinous villains. They even want to use mysterious chemicals to pollute the underground water source of the metropolis!

Angela pointed to the door and said: The police officers of the Metropolitan have already come out to search that underground laboratory, just now. They called me and told me that all the evidence has been found, and even the medicine is in their hands. !

Those materials show that they not only want to pollute the water source, but have even experimented with the drug on dozens of people, and my sister died because of them, and now, you actually say that because Schiller killed this The group is a mad criminal, and you want to arrest him?!

Bruce stood there expressionlessly, and said, I'm not trying to excuse those vicious owls, they are indeed guilty, but I hope that Professor Schiller and I will return to the Gotham Police Station, and Detective Gordon will not be wronged For any good person, his mental state also needs to be confirmed.

To be honest, Bruce was a little taken aback by the murderous and sick Schiller. Instead of bringing him to justice, Bruce's focus was on confirming Schiller's mental state.

Even if it can't be confirmed, he must be brought back to Gotham immediately. Only Gotham can tolerate such a lunatic.

Schiller stretched out his hand, pointed at Bruce, then turned his head to look at Lucifer, and said, Look, this is why I want to resign. I just committed a brutal serial murder, so now. I'm going to court Tried and gone to jail, you don't think there's a pope who's been in jail?

As he said that, he was about to stand up from the hospital bed, and then leave with Bruce. He even hinted at Bruce with his eyes, telling him to quickly take out a pair of handcuffs and handcuff him away.

Unexpectedly, Lucifer showed a disdainful smile, snapped his fingers, and said, What will he use to judge you? What about the evidence?

Schiller glanced at Lucifer, then picked up the phone beside the bed, dialed the Metropolitan Police Department, and said, Hello? I want to surrender, I am the murderer of the previous serial murder...

What? No serial murders? No crimes in the last three months?... Ah, sorry, I want to ask, what is the name of the largest cleaning company in Metropolis?... Isn't it called Snow Mountain Cleaning Company? You didn't Heard the name?

Hanging up the phone, Schiller looked at Lucifer, and Lucifer said with a half-smile: I just took a look along the timeline, and then I solved the root cause of this contradiction. There are no owls in this world. History Since then, it has not existed.”

In addition, the victims of these cases have also been resurrected. Oh, your name is Angela, right? Go to Anderson Mental Hospital now, and you will be able to see your sister, thank you.

What crazy talk are you talking about?? Angela yelled at Lucifer: How can you make fun of my sister?! She just died not long ago!

I'm obviously kind, so I should be your benefactor. Lucifer looked at Angela and said, Even if you don't appreciate me, you can't point a gun at me, right?

Konstantin, what did he mean? Bruce asked, looking at Constantine again, who shrugged and said, literally.

Bruce put on that classic skeptical look again, and began to question Constantine.

The few people in the room, except for Schiller who was lying on the hospital bed, were all arguing together, with high and low tones and chaotic repetitions. Compared with a large symphony orchestra, they only lost in musicality and artistry.

At this moment, there was a bang, and everyone stopped.

Schiller took his hands away from the guardrail that he had just slapped, folded his hands, put them on the quilt, looked at them expressionlessly and said, Do you know? Now I'm on annual leave...

According to Gotham University's faculty welfare standards, a professor like me has 12 days of standard annual leave a year, and in addition, some subsidized other leave, the total is 18 days.

The administrators of Gotham University told me that this is their excellent tradition, and no one can violate it.

Now, it's the second week of my departure from Gotham, that is, the 14th day, which annual leave is more than half over.

While talking, Schiller sighed and tried to speak in a calm tone, but he still couldn't hide his final anger. He said: After half of the annual vacation, I still haven't got any rest. I can hear it with human beings. Understand the civilized language, say it one last time...

Get out of here!

After everyone was stunned for a moment, a group of people led by Constantine began to line up and go out.

Lucifer at the end of the line shrugged his shoulders before going out and said, University professors have less than 20 days of annual leave? Even the staff in my bar have a full 36 days of annual leave.

Schiller on the bed opened his eyes with a chuckle.

Half an hour later, Schiller, who was standing in the hospital lobby with a suitcase, picked up the phone of the public phone and said to the other end:

Yes, that's right, it's me... Yes, ma'am, I'm calling to make sure that as of today, half of my annual leave has passed, right?

What nonsense are you talking about, Professor Rodriguez? A sharp female voice came from the other end, it was the person in charge of Gotham University's administrative affairs office, and she said, Didn't you leave on April 1st? ? It's only the 14th now, and your annual leave has only passed 14 days, and there are more than 20 days!

Isn't my annual leave only 18 days?

Oh, my God, professor, what kind of memory do you have? Didn't I tell you when you were leaving? A professor like you has 36 days of standard annual leave a year. Now you take 14 days off, and you still have 22 days left. God, remember...

Of course, ma'am, of course I remember, the fine traditions of Gotham University, no one can make an exception... I will bring you special products, good night.

He picked up his luggage, walked out of the gate, put the luggage in the trunk, walked into the cab, sat down, ignited the ignition, and stepped on the accelerator. A series of actions were performed in one go. Schiller held the steering wheel with one hand and twisted the radio button with the other.

The passionate road rock sounded, and a round of red sun slowly set at the end of the desolate land. On a straight road, the Ford car was speeding towards the end of the dusk.

Watching the car slowly running towards the sunset, Constantine, who was leaning on the railing of the hospital roof, exhaled a puff of smoke, turned his head and said to Bruce next to him:

You have to believe that Schiller is really a good guy.

Constantine turned his head, looked at Bruce and asked, If there was a great being close to God who promised you that he could fulfill one of your wishes, what would you choose?

Bruce's lips moved, but in the end, there was no answer.

Konstantin turned his head back, looked at the car that had disappeared on the horizon, and the sunset that still looked extremely desolate and lonely, he put out the cigarette in his hand, exhaled the last puff of smoke, and said:

Schiller took 36 days of annual leave.

Finally portrayed the protagonist again

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