The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 616 Pathological Crisis (2)

In Gotham's hospital, Lex has a bandage on his forehead, and Bruce has a bandage on his arm. The sound of the two arguing can be heard across two corridors, but whether they can understand it is another matter. .

Clark, who was standing outside the door, folded his arms and said to Batcat on his shoulder: I really don't understand what they are arguing about. I don't understand what they are saying...

Unexpectedly, the Batcat on his shoulder stepped on his shoulder, sharpened its claws on the wall, and then said: What on earth is that Lex talking about???

You don't understand, right? Even if you have an academic dispute, you can talk about it calmly. Why bother to fight? Fighting is wrong.

Unexpectedly, the bat cat jumped off his shoulder with a swish, then rushed into the ward and started meowing at Lex. Bruce turned his head and said to Lex: Look, He also agrees with my idea. Your method is too radical. Have you never thought about the consequences of energy leakage?

I have already said that there is no problem with my safety measures, but you are too conservative, and there are issues related to human experiments...

You want to conduct human experiments? Clark originally wanted to catch the Batcat, but unexpectedly, he heard Lex say that he wanted to conduct human experiments. He immediately said righteously: No matter what, absolutely not!

Lex took a deep breath and said, I'm talking about the kind of reasonable and legal human experiments. Don't you even know there is such a thing as clinical experiments?!

How can we know the effect of this energy on people if we don't use people to conduct experiments! Why can't we recruit volunteers?

This is different from drugs. Clark retorted: That energy looks very dangerous. I still support throwing them all into the sun to be destroyed.

No. Bruce retorted to Clark. He said: We can't just ignore a certain energy because it is dangerous. Nuclear energy was also a dangerous energy for humans, but we can still use it to do things. to a lot of things.”

So, you should be on my side! Lex shouted: Directly establish an experimental base covering the entire Gotham underground, and at the same time recruit volunteers for clinical experiments...

The situation under Gotham is very complicated, and my laboratory is sufficient now. Bruce rejected his proposal.

Yes, you have your cave. I said I wanted to establish a base here, but you disagreed. Bruce, you want to use this despicable method to throw off my research progress. I can only say that you have a completely guilty conscience...

I will not allow you to establish a base in Gotham, Luther. I know what kind of person you are. If the Luther family establishes a base here, your next step will be to use illegal means to 'recruit' volunteers. Bruce looked at Lex and asked him, Can you promise you won't do this?

Lex looked straight ahead and didn't answer him, but as Bruce said, he didn't care about the lives of ordinary people at all. He was not the same person as Batman and Superman.

I suggested that you could bring some of the dark energy back to Metropolis, but you didn't agree. Bruce said.

Does that mean I don't agree?! Lex raised his voice, and then heard Clark say: Bruce, how could you do this? You should support me and destroy this energy, but you actually want him to bring it back Metropolis, are you afraid that it won’t harm ordinary people?”

Lex and Bruce both took a deep breath.

There is an unsolvable logical cycle of quarrels between these three people, that is, Lex is a radical, Bruce is a centrist, and Clark is a conservative, and all three have different positions.

Lex and Bruce are both researchers, while Clark is a security guard, and the two parties have different styles.

Lex belongs to the evil camp, Bruce and Clark both belong to the lawful camp, and the two camps are also different.

Lex and Clark both belong to Metropolis, while Bruce belongs to Gotham. The two parties have different geographical positions.

When these three people get together, no matter what the topic is, the three of them can make a scene.

Lex proposed a solution, but Bruce and Clark thought it was too evil, so they rejected it.

Clark proposed a solution, but Bruce and Lex thought he was too conservative and didn't understand the professional field at all, so they rejected it.

Bruce proposed a certain method, but Lex or Clark also rejected it because of the differences between Gotham and Metropolis.

With a Cobot in the middle and a Pikachu in the fire, there can be more than 30 quarrels in this ward a day, causing doctors and nurses to have headaches.

Without Clark, they might still be able to persuade each other physically, but Clark firmly believes that they cannot fight, so when they want to fight, Superman will use his powerful strength to hold them down, so they The verbal quarrel returned.

Just like this, a week passed. This group of people was no longer noisy. They were tired of looking at each other. Lex, who was the least injured, recovered first. He no longer wanted to say a word to this group of people, so, He planned to be discharged from the hospital and return to Gotham University to do research.

On the morning when he was about to be discharged from the hospital, while packing his things, he turned on the TV and said, I was busy arguing with you the past few days and didn't watch the news. Let me see what's new...

As soon as he turned on the TV, Bruce was woken up while still sleeping. After he woke up, he turned over. Clark came in with breakfast, gave them each one, then leaned against the wall and started eating.

Bruce took the newspaper at hand and blocked the light from the TV. He was still more accustomed to reading newspapers at breakfast than watching TV in a more modern way.

But at this time, Lex, who was watching TV, and Bruce, who was reading the newspaper, were stunned at the same time, because the reports on the TV and the front page headlines of the newspapers both reported a murder.

...Our reporter captured precious images of the crime scene, but due to humanitarian reasons, some images were blurred...

According to reports from reporters at the scene, the scene was too tragic. Most of the witnesses are receiving professional psychological counseling. They are temporarily unable to accept police interviews before the counseling ends...

The following scenes may cause discomfort to some people, please watch with caution...

As the host finished speaking, a picture with a black background was released on the TV. Most of the picture was mosaic, but it could be seen that it was a person sitting on a chair, carrying Look up.

This posture is normal, but the mosaic part can be seen to be full of blood and internal organs flowing out. This person did not sit on the chair voluntarily. His two arms are gone, so the upper body can be directly He was wrapped around wires and fixed to the back of the chair, and his ankles were nailed to the legs of the chair.

His chest and abdomen had been cut open, and his organs and internal organs were spilled all over the floor, but the only bloody part that wasn't coded was the head of the corpse.

The corpse's eyes were gouged out, and even the skin around the eyes was torn off, revealing the skull-like orbital bones.

At this time, two things were inserted into the two eye sockets. The picture was not very clear, but both Lex and Bruce could see that there were two small telescopes inserted into the eye sockets.

This brutal scene even stunned Bruce and Lex for a moment. Clark spit out the food in his mouth, and then began to retching on the spot.

Although the coded part was bloody, it was not scary. Instead, the exposed head was scary and weird, giving people a great visual impact.

After the picture disappeared, the host's voice continued: The deceased was 53 years old and was the president of Metropolitan Central Bank. His body was found in the middle of the road in front of Central Bank. There were about a hundred witnesses, but there were no Found the traces of the murderer...

Bruce and Batcat's eyes narrowed at the same time. Obviously, they both thought of another case, which was the murder of the executive cat that happened in Gotham, the cat city.

The identity and location are completely the same, it's hard not to think of them together.

Lex picked up his handbag and was about to go out. Bruce's arm was not fully healed yet, but he stood up, stopped Lex, and said, I'll go to Metropolis with you.

You are from Gotham, so don't come to Metropolis. Lex turned back and looked at Bruce.

You should also have thought that this has something to do with owls. As long as it is related to owls, I must participate in the investigation. Bruce stood up from the bed, stood in front of Lex, and said to him: You You should know that even if you don’t agree, I have other ways.”

At this time. Batcat also barked, meaning he was going too. Clark, who was still in a state of shock and nausea, picked up Batcat, walked between the two of them and said, Are you going to investigate this murder case? Me too. I have to go, the murderer is too...too...

Clark didn't know how to describe it. Just when he said he was going too, Bruce and Lex stood together immediately. Lex spoke first and said, No need, Wayne and I can handle it.

Bruce also said: When I am not in Gotham, I need someone to help maintain law and order. I will contact Detective Gordon, and you will be a good helper for him.

Clark opened his mouth, wondering why the two of them refused him to join the detective team, but when he thought about the worrying public security situation in Gotham, he felt that he had to safeguard justice here, so he nodded. Said: Okay, that's fine here too.

Batcat was about to jump off his shoulder and join Bruce and his team, but Clark grabbed him and said, No, you have to stay here with me. You are half a local. If you don't understand anything, , I still have to ask you.

Batcat struggled desperately, but until Bruce and Lex disappeared from his sight, he couldn't jump out of Clark's big hand. Pikachu next to him jumped on Clark's other shoulder, and then said to Batcat: I advise you It’s best not to go, this is not a cat’s world.”

The Batcat in Clark's hand sighed. Just when he was about to make a final struggle, another emergency news message suddenly appeared on the TV:

News from our station, just two minutes ago, the police discovered another murder case. It was initially concluded that the murder of the previous president was committed by the same murderer. Our reporter went deep into the front line and photographed the crime scene. What followed was The picture may cause discomfort to some people, please watch with caution...

What appeared in the picture was another figure sitting on a chair.

This time it was a woman, her arms also disappeared, and she was also tied to the back of the chair with wires, but the difference was that this time the uncoded head disappeared, not the eyes, but the ears.

The corpse's ears had been cut off, and all nearby skin and tissue were missing. Two horn-shaped signal receivers were inserted into the ear canals of the head bones.

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