The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 2582: Whistling Down (Forty)

Chapter 2556: Xiao Xiao Down (Forty)

Shivana covered his eyes and twitched and fell to the ground. Blood began to flow out of his eye sockets. He kept scratching his eyelids with his hands, leaving small scars.

In the spiritual world, something in his eyes began to respond to the evil power, and seemed to be eager to gush out, while Shivana desperately used his hands to block the power that wanted to escape.

But just like the principle of dilution, high energy concentration will eventually spread to low concentration. The seven deadly sins that reacted to the stimulation were not satisfied with staying in the same energy core, and began to extend their tentacles to the outside world.

Shivana heard a very light bang. In the extremely blurred vision, he looked up and saw a black object appeared in front of him, and behind it was the tip of Schiller's shoe.

It was an umbrella.

The moment he saw the umbrella, Shivana calmed down, but it was not that he didn't want to move, but that he couldn't move. The extremely complex but very clear words on the umbrella attracted all his attention.

The moment his eyes fell on the umbrella, the power of the seven deadly sins in his eyes could no longer be contained, and they rushed towards the umbrella.

One after another, the evil shadows cheered and ran towards the umbrella, as happy as if they had found a new home. Shivana kept screaming and reaching out in that direction, trying to recover the lost power, but unfortunately it was useless.

Shivana's vision gradually blurred and darkened. He knew that he had lost an eye forever, and also lost the power that could make those damned people who said he was unworthy pay the price.

But it seemed that someone heard his voice in the dark.

"You have never been the master of power, but only the slave of power. Will people look at a slave with new eyes?"

It was like the whisper of the devil.

"Of course they won't. They will only stand on their righteous standpoint and say that you are extremely evil, because in their view, 'not fighting' is the greatest justice."

"You can't have desires, you can't want to climb. Only by staying where you are and waiting for others' gifts can you show that you are born noble and different. Otherwise, it is all evil that robs you of what you don't deserve."

"Why..." Xivana gritted his teeth and said.

"Because they have the right to speak." A low laugh came, and the voice continued: "Those forces that you can't control at all can only destroy yourself, let them stand on your bones and say proudly that you deserve it."

"I want to kill them..."

"But you can't make them admit their mistakes. Before they die, they will still feel that they have been killed by evil people, and you will get retribution one day."

Xivana was silent. He knew that things would develop like this. He knew that the person who said he would never deserve it would not feel that he was wrong before he died. He would only denounce him for being blinded by evil and would eventually get retribution.

But why?

They were the source of his tragedy. In order to reverse the tragedy, he made unimaginable efforts, but he could not get rid of the nightmare of that day. He just wanted everyone to know that no one was born unworthy.

Shivana heard a noisy sound, as if many people rushed in. He heard some people arguing and a fierce quarrel broke out, and finally everything returned to calm.

When he woke up again, he saw the white ceiling of the hospital. A group of people surrounded him and looked at him with worried eyes. The most eye-catching was a line of sight from gray eyes.

Schiller sat by his bed.

But it was not the professor who spoke first, but another acquaintance of Shivana, Mayor Roy.

"Thedis, what happened to you? You said before that there was something wrong with your eyes, why didn't you go to the hospital quickly, is it okay now?"

Someone pulled Roy from behind, and Roy curled his lips in dissatisfaction and said: "But even so, it's not the reason why that damn guy hurt you, I will definitely make him pay."

Roy, who came from the gangster era, still speaks and acts with some underworld habits, more like a gangster boss than anyone else, and is out of tune with a group of well-mannered professors and students.

Yes, Sivana looked around and found that the teachers and students of Gotham University who were looking at him worriedly were all around him.

He said like a conditioned reflex: "Sorry, I delayed your time. The project team should be going smoothly, right? Please tell the government affairs office and ask them to call the project team to negotiate later and postpone the time..."

"Since it's like this, don't think about work." Victor on the other side of the bed sighed and handed Sivana a mirror.

Sivana saw that his right eye was completely wrapped in bandages, and even half of his face was wrapped in bandages. This result was not unexpected, so he just sighed and put down the mirror.

"The doctor said that the eyeball tissue of your right eye is in poor condition and has become fibrotic. It has also suffered a strong external impact, and the injury is very serious. They have to remove your right eye, otherwise the left eye will not be saved."

Schiller announced the result in a slightly sad tone. The more Sivana listened to his voice, the more familiar it sounded, so he stared at him with his only remaining eye.

Officer Clay was too much. A student behind him said angrily: "Even if the serial killer is a serious matter, you can't torture him. Principal, you must report him!"

"It's not as simple as a complaint." Roy snorted and said: "During the investigation process, he violated the rules and used force to cause disability. You will see him in court soon."

"Don't worry too much." Victor adjusted Sivana's bed and said, "Several project team partners are willing to adjust the negotiation time for your condition. The project is ultimately ours."

"As for our own work, it won't be too late. You can take good care of yourself and come back to work when you recover."

"I think the fact that you stayed up late and worked overtime may be one of the culprits for the deterioration of your eyeball condition." Schiller said, "If you continue to work such desperate overtime, you will lose more than just one eye."

His tone was a little strange, as if he was hinting at something. Sivana was a smart man, so he understood it immediately and said: "Everything is in vain, and there are countless jobs at my hands. Is this how I see it?" Are you here?"

"Oh, by the way, John, are you John? Please help me run over later. There is a file in the second drawer on the left of my desk. It is about the lack of lighting coverage in the new campus. There is no need to delay. Otherwise there will be trouble if someone falls while walking at night, please help me..."

"I'm not free!" The student who was called took a big step back and shook his head faster than a rattle. He said, "My girlfriend is getting married, and I have to go to the wedding."

Sivana's eyes fell on another female student. The female student shook her head quickly and said, "I'm not free either. I want to go back to attend my father's coming-of-age ceremony."

At this time, Sivana looked at everyone and shook their heads. Some were staring at the chandelier on the ceiling, and some were counting the patterns of the floor tiles. No one dared to look at him.

Although he knew that this was just a ploy to maximize the benefits of his injury, Sivana still felt a little complicated and glanced at Schiller involuntarily.

"Don't worry, you can recover." Roy patted the guardrail of the hospital bed, with a murderous tone in his voice. He said, "I have only been away for a few days, and there is such a scum in the Gotham Police Department. I have to deal with it." Gordon, just wait."

After saying that, he stood up and left. He took out his cell phone before he even walked out of the room. People in the room only heard his voice drifting away.

"Hello? Harvey? Are you not busy now? Could you please come to the city hall? I have something to ask..."

Soon the flowers and gifts brought by the students were piled up on the bedside. In order not to disturb the principal's rest, they left quickly. In the end, only Sivana lying on the bed and Schiller sitting beside the bed were left.

Sivana was silent for a moment.

He was not thinking about what happened that day at all, he was just staring blankly at a bouquet of perfectly bloomed flowers that was thrust into his arms, his eyes empty as if he was not thinking about anything.

Until Schiller stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

Sivana came back to her senses, looked at Schiller with her only remaining eye and asked, "What happened that day?"

"Did you tell me what happened when you passed out?"

Schiller also recalled that when he saw Sivana fall, the smile on his face only stayed on his face for less than a second. He sewed up the holes in his skin as quickly as possible and made a He took two steps back with a shocked expression.

Clay's view was blocked by the sofa, so he couldn't see clearly what happened to Sivana who fell down, so he rushed over immediately, only to see Schiller take out his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" Clay asked, glaring at him.

"What am I doing?" Schiller asked pretending to be shocked: "Someone fainted here. Of course I called an ambulance."

Clay choked and said, "We don't need an ambulance. There are police cars outside. We can..."

"Do you know what disease he has? Do you know what his symptoms are like? What are you going to do if he dies in the police car?" Schiller narrowed his eyes and looked at Clay and said, "I can completely understand your temporary I impulsively attacked Mr. Principal, but if you don’t even let me call an ambulance, I can only suspect that you are going to kill someone.”

"When did I..."

"Officer, please don't forget that you are also one of the suspects. Just from your unusually fast dispatch of the police after Mr. Principal called, I can also make up a reasonable story that you are the murderer."

"For example, in order to complete his duties, the postman once had to enter and leave the crime scene illegally. This angered you. My neighbor Mr. Piero said a few words to him, and he also entered your hunting list."

"As a well-trained criminal policeman, it is much easier for you to kill someone than us. You have a stun gun and can subdue the opponent as quickly as possible. You are strong and can dismember the body very quickly. You are a policeman and the most powerful person." A profession that is not easily aroused by suspicion.”

"So you first killed the postman, destroyed his body and wiped out all traces of it. After killing Mr. Pierrot, you dismembered his body and threw it into Principal Sivana's yard. After going around in a circle, after receiving the alarm, you finally Come here quickly, I want to know if Mr. Sivana has seen any trace of you dumping the body."

"You don't have any evidence!" Clay roared.

"Neither did you." Schiller glanced at the arm and said: "If you want to convict me based on this, then we will meet in court, but before that, you'd better ask your boss. Now that things have turned out like this, is he willing to sacrifice a secret position that has been dormant for so long and go to court with insufficient evidence?"

Clay stared at Schiller fiercely, but Schiller didn't care. The flashing lights of the ambulance shone in from the window, and the warm and cold light continued to flow on the undulating side of the face. In the last gap in the human skin, He poured out his malice wantonly.

"This is your usual method of recruiting people into your gang. You create cases, frame people, and trap them in a vortex where they cannot prove themselves. After they are forced into a desperate situation, you can use them for your benefit."

"When I was young, I once saw such methods, but you don't want to know what I did in those cases that were investigated and were considered to be my stains."

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