The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 2580: Whistling Down (Thirty-Eight)

Chapter 2554 Xiaoxiao coming down (thirty-eight)

"I just think the smell is terrible." Schiller looked at the bag and shook his head. "I'm not afraid of corpses. In Gotham, no one is afraid of corpses."

After Clay stared at him for a while, he seemed to accept this statement, then turned to look at Sivana and said: "Professor, these bags of corpses were found in your house, but we were not there. Any footprints found around your house..."

"That's your business!" Sivana looked a little angry and said, "Are you going to say that I killed this man, stuffed him into a bag, and threw him in my backyard? Why would I do this? I’m here to work, not to kill!”

Clay wanted to ask more, but at this time the older policeman stopped him and said: "Chief, although the dismemberment of corpses is usually done in the physical evidence department, if most people now return If you don’t want to go, you can do it here. Can you provide us with a piece of plastic sheet?”

"There is an awning in the warehouse." Sivana stood further away and said, "You can use that, but throw it away for me after use. It's disgusting."

They quickly took out the plastic sheet, spread it and began to lay the body parts flat on it. Some members of the evidence team began to search for fingerprints and other clues, while others were taking photos of the corpse. Everyone was busy around the body on the plastic sheet.

The old policeman kept staring at Schiller. Schiller walked up and took a look at the body, and then he understood why the policeman kept staring at him.

The corpse's head, fingers, hair and genitals were all missing.

Very good, the person who did it was as professional as him. Schiller saw a policeman turning the other person's chest over. Schiller's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw the half of the tattoo pattern on his back.

Confess the cartel.

The name appeared in his mind, and as he looked at the other person's skin color, he realized that this might be another hidden thread, but he was killed at this time. Who did it?



Continuous noises sounded from the front of the house, Schiller turned his head, and at this time, Clay had already rushed out like a swift lion.

He saw the mailbox of the house fell to the ground, and a young police officer stood at the door opposite the mailbox with a frightened expression. After Clay rushed over, he saw a human head in the mailbox.

Members of the physical evidence team also ran over and helped the mailbox up, and Schiller, who was the last to walk back, heard Clay curse.

After he walked over, he found that a human head was stuck straight in the mailbox. It took a lot of effort for the people from the physical evidence department to take the head out.

Clay called the community police. After identification, they confirmed that this was also a resident of this community. He lived at the other end of the street. His name was Piero Flores. He was 32 years old and got married two years ago. My wife was transferred to work in a metropolitan city.

The police officers immediately began to arrange for people to call his family members, while others went to stop the reporters who had arrived at the scene one after another.

"God, don't let them in!" Sivana looked very anxious. He said, "We have to maintain the reputation of Gotham University. I can't let anyone know that they found a body in the house of the president of Gotham University. , I still have several projects to discuss!”

"Officer Clay, you must clear my name immediately, otherwise I will have to seek help from the city government and the state assembly!"

Sivana's tone increased. Officer Clay obviously felt the pressure, and Schiller also said: "I need to find my niece immediately. This kidnapping case requires a new case. I have the right to supervise the progress of the case..."

At this time, Sivana glanced at Schiller. Schiller pretended not to notice his gaze, but he actually felt it.

Schiller suspected that Sivana had taken the raven away during the chaos. All these cases were just Sivana trying to fish in troubled waters.

Schiller had discovered before that Sivana's target was likely to be the raven. He needed the power in the raven, but if he stood in front of the raven, Sivana, who knew him well, would have no chance to make a move.

Schiller believed that the postman who suddenly came to the door with a knife might have been controlled or instigated by Sivana.

As a resident of this community, Sivana has many reasons and opportunities to contact the postman. It is very likely that she casually said a few words to the postman on his way to get off work, which made him fear that he might lose his job. , or simply control him under hypnosis and let him come over to cause trouble for Schiller.

Sivana knew that Schiller was not an easy person, and that the postman would surely die if he came to his door. But he also knew that Schiller was going to hold a housewarming party. After killing someone, in addition to dealing with it, he also had to prepare various things for the banquet. There would always be someone who was not at home. when.

And if you want to distract yourself, in addition to finding something to do like killing people and dismembering corpses, you must also create a chaos and attract everyone's attention to other things, so that you can give yourself more. time of crime.

Then everything else is easy to explain. Sivana killed an unlucky guy, threw it in the backyard of his house, and called the police. He lied about a terrorist murderer who committed murder and dumped his body, so he lured the police here first.

When all the police's attention is on the dismembered man, they can kidnap the raven.

The only problem now is the penitent cartel tattoo marks that appear on both victims.

Could this organization be related to Shyvana? Schiller glanced at Sivana calmly, silently recalling his background story in his mind.

But after thinking about it, I didn't find any connection between Sivana and the U.S.-Mexican drug trafficking organization. His family's company is not big in scale, and the business has nothing to do with drugs. Is there any reason for the two of them to have a relationship? What about the connection?

If there was no connection, would it happen that the two dead people were nails buried in the community by the Penitent Cartel?

Schiller was familiar with the methods of these intelligence organizations. They usually did not bury just one nail in an area.

On the one hand, if there is only one, if the line is disconnected, the entire area will be out of control. On the other hand, they are also worried that someone will jump back and require two or more people to supervise each other.

Two or more nails must have different identities and preferably different classes, but they can communicate in some way. The postman and the resident are a good choice.

The people who live here are either rich or noble. Being able to afford a house here shows your class. This resident named Piero is likely to be disguised as a wealthy businessman or an elite with a stable job.

The postman who travels through the streets is most conducive to collecting intelligence and can contact residents in the name of delivering letters, so the person who died in Schiller's hands was a postman.

The logic of the Confession Cartel's actions was established, but Schiller couldn't figure out how he, Raven, and Sivana were connected with the two drug dealers of the Confession Cartel.

Schiller did offend the Penitent Cartel, or it cannot be said that he was offended. When he was on the Atlantic Ocean, he killed many people who were members of the Penitent Cartel, but at that time he was wearing a mask, and the entire ship had only superpowers. There was no one alive outside, so no one should know that he was the one who did it.

Most of the connections between Schiller and Oliver are underground. They may know that there is someone who communicates with Oliver frequently, but they don't know who this person is, so it is unreasonable to come to Schiller for Oliver.

It's also possible that this neighborhood was basically the only one built last with room, so the Confessor Cartel, who wanted to bury their nails here, and Schiller, who wanted to move, just happened to bump into each other.

But Schiller didn't think there would be such a coincidence. There must be a problem in some link. Which link could it be?

Countless pieces of information flowed through Schiller's mind,

Suddenly, he found the only intersection.

Schiller understood. He pursed his lips and said, "I have to find my niece. I can't allow her to be in danger."

After saying that, he walked outside the cordon, and several police officers immediately stopped him. He looked back at Clay, and Sivana also walked over and said, "Don't be like this, Schiller, I know you are worried about your niece." , without clues, you may not be able to find him, and you may even put yourself in danger.”

"Sorry, Professor Schiller, in order to arrest the suspect and for the safety of community residents, the cordon can only be entered but not exited. I think the police officer outside has made it clear to you."

"You doubt me." Schiller used an affirmative sentence.

Clay lowered his eyes slightly and said: "Neither social status nor occupation are necessary conditions for me to rule out the murderer. You must answer a few questions for me."

Seeing their reactions, Schiller knew that the guess in his heart was already close to ten, so he said: "Then go to my house and ask whatever you want."

After saying that, Schiller turned and left. Sivana also persuaded Clay: "We really should sit down and talk, but the smell in my room is too strong. Both of us can't accept it, and I don't think you can either." I hope the two of us are disturbed by other factors, right?"

Clay could only nodded and followed the two of them to Schiller's house.

The first floor was a bit messy, and Schiller wanted them to go to the living room on the second floor, but he also knew that it would be difficult to invite them to a place far away from the exit when both parties saw themselves as a threat.

So he could only endure the mess in the living room and sat down on the sofa. Clay sat opposite him, and Sivana sat on the single chair next to him. While sitting, he looked up at the layout of the room.

"What did you do last night?" Clay asked directly, as if he was sure that Schiller must have gone out last night.

"I heard some noise in my backyard, so I went to check and found that my fence had been marked, which in Gotham usually means your house is going to be robbed, and I erased the marks."

Clay asked him to point out the location of the mark, and Schiller led people over to take a look. There were indeed traces of graffiti there. The cleaning fluid Schiller used had slightly discolored the wall tiles.

Then they returned to the room, and Clay asked, "What about your niece? Did she sleep in the room last night? Did she know you were out?"

"She didn't know, but she wasn't sleeping in the room. I don't know what she was doing in the living room. Maybe she was hungry in the middle of the night and wanted to eat."

This is when Sivana raised her hand and said, "Oh, I saw her. I came home from get off work at midnight last night and saw him standing alone in the kitchen. I was afraid that he was carrying dangerous items, so I went up to ask. Then She is a very polite little girl.”

"You two know each other?" Clay frowned and looked at Sivana and asked.

"We met at the night market." Schiller said: "I was looking for a school for Rachel. Principal Sivana said he could help, but Rachel had made several friends before and was the adopted son of the Wayne family. He wanted to I go to the same school as them, so I have contacted the high school on Lilac Street.”

When he heard "the adopted son of the Wayne family", Clay's expression changed slightly, and then he heard Schiller add: "They have made an appointment to have dinner together tonight. If Rachel doesn't show up, those boys will definitely find this place." Come."

"I'll send someone to find her as soon as possible," Clay said.

He looked at the record in his hand and said, "My subordinates told me that you just drove back. Where have you been?"

"Post office, I'll go collect the receipt for the invitation." Schiller briefly introduced the process of his housewarming party.

"So you've dealt with the postman?"

Schiller took a deep breath. He really couldn't help it, but the recent ordinary life made him weld that layer of human skin tightly to his body.

After mentally reciting "ordinary people don't know psychoanalysis" and "ordinary people should be easy-going" ten thousand times in his mind, he gritted his teeth and nodded and said:

"Yes, Mr. Police Officer, as I said, I have an allergy inquiry letter and invitations to send. How can I have no contact with the postman?"

"Then he disappeared, why didn't you call the police?"

These words were like a sharp arrow poking into Schiller's skin - he couldn't live as an ordinary person for a second.

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