The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 2574: Whistling Down (32)

Chapter 2548 Xiaoxiao Down (32)

As soon as Schiller went out, he saw the clown standing under the street lamp. He was wearing an ordinary jacket. He was standing there a little crookedly and seemed to be playing with a lighter in his hand.

At this time, drizzle was already falling in the sky. Schiller opened his umbrella and walked over and said: "You won't get what you want if you pester me now. The man who provided you with the plan for the Batman of the Universe will not get it." not me."

"So that's not what I have to worry about now." The clown kept flipping the lighter in his hand and said: "The other me came to me. He said he wanted to form a team of some kind. I thought it was boring, but I Still wondering why he did it."

"I'm afraid you don't want to know the answer," Schiller said, adding mentally that not everyone wants to get their hands on shit.

"Then let's talk about that plan." The clown walked over with a smile and said: "The day after tomorrow I will plan another big bank robbery to make up for the shortfall caused by your damn plan. How about just choosing the bank on the next street?”

"I'm actually very curious about one thing." Facing the Joker, Schiller finally restored his overly sharp language style. He said, "How on earth did you accurately collect so many stupid thieves in Gotham? Is this what is called dividing people by groups?”

The clown laughed, seemingly satisfied with Schiller's joke. He said: "Not only can I find so many stupid thieves, I can also find more. Stupid people are always self-righteous, but they are easier to control. I Like them very much.”

"You want them to be shot to death or kill each other, and then leave blood all over the floor." Schiller sighed, shook his head and said, "Sure enough, I still can't accept this style, but if you are willing to do it If so, what reason do I have to stop you?"

"If this happens tomorrow, then your housewarming party the day after tomorrow will have a very hot topic." The clown closed the lighter with a click and said: "You don't even have to do anything, just open the door to welcome the guests, and then they will We talked for hours about this brutal crime that happened not far from our own neighborhood.”

"They will start to worry about the safety of the community, hope that someone will come out to seek justice, and will complain, and then talk about the recent economic downturn. In this way, you will be completely liberated from social interaction and just cater to a few people. Just one sentence.”

The clown walked up to Schiller, deliberately stuck his head in front of Schiller's eyes and said, "I'm very good at making trouble. You know what I'm capable of, so do you want me to do this?"

The Joker accurately stated what Schiller was thinking, "A perfect escape opportunity is more effective than all the trivial things you are doing now, and you actually don't care at all about how many people will die. There is no universal world at all." Morality."

"As long as you move the time of the incident one day forward, all the anxiety you are facing will be solved. Do you want to do this? Professor."

Schiller remained silent, and the clown continued: "Actually, you can obviously do this on your own. You know that as long as you commit a major crime in the community, you will be asked to buy a ton of decorations and think about the topic for the whole day. "

"You have this ability. You also said that there are not no geniuses among ordinary people. You can also be a talented ordinary person. In this case, do you still have to choose the stupid way? Then what are you and those stupid thieves? What's the difference?"

The clown retreated flexibly to avoid the umbrella swung by Schiller. He could see that Schiller didn't really want to hit him, but just wanted him to stay away.

"I said, I just can't accept the way you committed the crime." Schiller pursed his lips and said, "It's too ugly."

"Really?" The clown became a little dissatisfied and said, "Don't you think it's fun to watch those people kill each other for those useless pieces of paper?"

"But it's too noisy." Schiller showed an expression of obvious disgust. He said: "The noise will last for at least three days. When they take action, the police will shout around with a loudspeaker. If someone dies, the ambulance will They came several times with sirens and reporters with microphones swarming in."

"They will not only interview bank employees, but also nearby residents. If the security guards don't let them in, you will see them yelling at the gate of the community, saying that the government is deliberately hiding the truth."

"People will feel unlucky because of the death in the bank, so they will take detours to go to banks farther away, so they will choose to drive. There will be water jams at the entrance of the community, and everyone will complain and argue."

The more Schiller talked, the more he felt something was wrong. He said: "Neighborhood relations will quickly deteriorate. In order to retaliate against their neighbors, people will start to stop taking care of their front lawns and park randomly, and then the community value will quickly decline...etc. Wait, you can’t do this!”


"Because it will drive home prices down."


"I mean, it's going to affect the value of our community, it's going to devalue the house I just bought," Schiller said. "The chaos you're causing is going to depreciate the value of my house."

The clown's eyes widened and he looked at Schiller in disbelief. He almost rushed over and was blocked by Schiller's umbrella.

"Didn't you say you don't like the way I commit crimes? If you don't like the excitement, then shouldn't you talk about your ideal quiet way of committing crimes?"

In fact, Schiller was also thinking about this. According to the development of the topic just now, after Schiller talked about the chaotic consequences that the Joker's method of committing crimes may bring, it is time to talk about the art form he advocates.

But the problem is that the chaotic consequences brought about by the Joker's method of committing crimes are too serious. He bought the house only a few days ago, and it is depreciating now?

Indeed, he bought the house at a price far below the market price, but because of this, he may have made $500,000 by buying it at this price, but if the house price falls, wouldn't he make $400,000? Wouldn't that be equivalent to him losing $100,000 in three days?

Compare it with the academic reward of only more than $1,000 for writing a paper. Isn't this 100,000 equivalent to more than 100 papers? God knows how much hair he lost when writing these papers or guiding his graduate students and doctoral students to write so many papers.

"You can't do this." Schiller emphasized again: "If you dare to cause trouble in the nearby bank, I will give you a more terrible plan for the Batman of that universe."

"You just said that it was not you!"

"Yes, so it is a more terrible plan." Schiller said: "You don't want to know what the Batman of my universe did."

The Joker narrowed his eyes.

"I think you can take a look at the recent entertainment news." Schiller continued: "Especially the talk show part, there is a big star there."

"No, I don't care about them, I just want to say..."

"If you still don't understand the consequences of your actions, I can calculate an account for you, but I need to go back to get my house purchase contract, you just wait here and don't..."

The Joker turned and left.

He walked while cursing in a broken defense. Who wants to hear about the house purchase contract and the depreciation of house prices? Is he here to listen to this?

The Joker didn't care about Schiller behind him. He walked into an alley angrily, leaning against the wall, and spitting out some broken words in his mouth like a neurotic.

"This damn monster... a monster in human skin... vulgar, smelly, boring, and uninteresting..."

It was like this when they first met. The clown just wanted to peel off Schiller's skin, and the purpose of his coming tonight was the same.

Schiller said that he wanted to be an ordinary person. Ordinary people have many troubles, and it is also very simple to figure out the specific troubles. The clown followed Schiller all the way to the night market and saw that he bought so many strange decorations, and his body language and facial expressions showed that he was anxious, which showed that he had encountered certain problems.

Then the clown attacked the postman and found a letter from Schiller to other people in the postman's bag asking for allergen information. It was obvious that he wanted to have a party, so it was obvious why he bought so many strange things and felt anxious.

Topic, a thing that can be seen everywhere but is precious to ordinary people, for this group of social creatures who can only survive by relying on others and tremble when they are alone, it is hell to have no common topics with their companions.

And if the organizer of a social event fails to find enough common topics for the guests, making the whole party cold, it is a complete social disaster.

Schiller is destined not to be good at this, because he is just wearing a layer of human skin, not to say that he is really like those vulgar and boring ordinary people who are immersed in worrying about the future every day, and countless topics of communication can be developed from this.

The Joker knows very well that the way of thinking of people like them is extremely efficient, so they almost never speak without thinking, which also leads to no redundant thinking, and naturally they will not talk nonsense.

But social interaction requires nonsense, worrying is useless, and worrying is useless. This is the daily life of ordinary people. If everything is under control, it is destined to raise a mute, such as Batman.

The Joker believes that the measures taken by Schiller, such as preparing food and buying all kinds of strange decorations, are useless. The time spent by ordinary people on this kind of communication will be very short, and interest will come and go without a trace.

The only thing that can make them communicate in large quantities is fear.

So the Joker prepared a gift for Schiller to celebrate his housewarming party-a bloody case that can cause panic among the lambs.

Once they feel fear, they will talk to their companions nonstop, so that even if the host of the party does nothing, the whole party will never be dull. It is even possible that they want to stay in the professor's yard because of fear, and even finally elect him as the leader of the entire community, asking him to find a way to ensure their safety.

This will allow Schiller to quickly integrate into the community and almost perfectly achieve his goal of being an ordinary person. The only price is to sacrifice a few hostages and police officers.

How can the clown's gifts not have traps? He always sends a scare box. If Schiller chooses to do this, the clown will have a way to uncover a corner of his skin.

The letter asking about allergens that the clown got in the postman's bag has the other party's name and address. Although not all the guests, it is also a large part of the neighbors.

Now the clown has money in his hands, and the group of stupid robbers who ran away with Schiller's help finally fell into his hands and brought him a lot of income.

Tonight or tomorrow, those neighbors who have received the letter will get an unexpected windfall. Nowadays, no one is well off and no one will refuse a piece of cake. But since this piece of cake is in cash, they have to deposit it in the bank, right?

Because of the high crime rate, Gotham residents don't have the habit of keeping cash at home. Leaving too much money at home will cause trouble, so they will definitely go to the bank as soon as possible.

The bank will have a power outage in the morning, and they will be told that they can't deposit money, so they can only go in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the brutal robbers will kidnap the bank's customers in the afternoon to negotiate with the police and brutally kill them.

The Joker believes that the shrewd sheriff or Batman will soon find that the dead have a common feature. They all received Schiller's letter at almost the same time.

This is not conclusive evidence. Holding a housewarming party and asking about allergens have nothing to do with the action of depositing money in the bank, so it is impossible to convict based on this.

But reporters don't care about these. They only care about whether there is enough news with gimmicks. As long as they use a little trick, other residents in the community will soon realize this common feature.

The Joker just wants to burn a hole in Schiller's perfect skin. As long as there is this hole, someone will always find out what kind of monster lives under the skin.

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