The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 2572: Whistling Down (30)

Chapter 2546 Xiaoxiao Down (Thirty)

Standing in the sunshine, Clark showed a bright smile, and Schiller had never realized so deeply as he did today why Superman is called the God on Earth.

If Clark is regarded as a friend, then he is not very godly, and is more like a sunny and cheerful boy. But from the perspective of an ordinary person in need of help, Superman is a real god.

"Good morning, Professor, I brought you the bat cat, and by the way, I brought some specialties from my hometown." Clark pointed to the cows and sheep that were still alive next to him.

Schiller opened the door to the backyard for him, and Clark walked in. He shouted in surprise the moment he saw the layout of the house.

"God, this house is so beautiful. Isn't this the work of a decorator? Did you buy these decorations? Professor, this is so unexpected. They fit here very well. The guests will be surprised."

Clark has always been very good at giving anyone's anxieties a shout-out with a stream of blunt, unabashed compliments. He has a natural talent for doing this, appearing to be completely unthinking and yet always able to do so. Step on what people care about most.

Unsurprisingly, Clark started asking questions. Schiller, with the mentality of practicing a rehearsal, began to tell Clark the stories behind these sculptures and decorations. Clark listened with great rapture.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that Clark came back to his senses. He slapped his forehead and said, "Oh, my God, I forgot. I have to make another trip today."

"Wait, Clark." Schiller stopped him and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I came here as soon as I thought about it. After all, it's not a big deal to bring something here after running so many times." After saying that, Clark walked out. Schiller wanted to ask a few more questions, but Clark had already flown away.

"Only he will believe those outrageous stories you made up." Batcat licked his paws and said, "Wouldn't you feel guilty if you deceive him like this?"

Schiller ignored him, but stood at the door of the backyard looking at a cow and a sheep tied to a tree, and asked without looking back: "Can you butcher?"

"Of course I won't. I'm a cat. Do you expect me to do the work of tigers and lions?"

"Do tigers and lions meet?"

The bat cat jumped down helplessly, walked to the door and looked at the cows and sheep gnawing on the lawn and said: "I reminded him that urban people are different from rural people. Not everyone can slaughter cows and sheep. There is no slaughterhouse..."

"I need to find an ethical butcher," Schiller said. "Try to let them go as peacefully as possible."

Batcat always felt that this was strange, but he couldn't say why it was strange. When he saw Scarecrow Jonathan and Pig-faced Professor Valentine, he felt that the problem might arise in the definition of morality.

Now the three of them were standing at the door looking at the cow and the sheep. Jonathan crossed his arms and said, "No, you can't expect us to do this. It's absolutely impossible."


Jonathan gestured to his body shape, then pointed to the fat and strong cow that was being raised, and said, "What makes you think I can beat it?"

"Where's your poison gas?"

"What will a cow do when it's scared? Break down and sit there and cry? Or will it accelerate in an angry straight line and hit my waist, causing me to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair? Which do you think is more likely?"

Schiller was speechless.

"If I get hit by a hoof, I'll break a bone," Valentine said. "Hoofed animals are very aggressive, and I have no experience dealing with them."

"Aren't you a butcher?" Schiller asked.

"But the things I'm good at dealing with don't have hooves, and my desire to survive is not that strong. If you give me an anatomy atlas now..."

Schiller sighed. The fact is that a good butcher may not be a good butcher. In many cases, animals are much more difficult to deal with than humans because conspiracy and conspiracy are completely ineffective against them.

During lunch, another savior appeared, that is Pamela. As soon as she walked in, she said: "It seems that Clark has already been here. When he sent me plant samples before, I reminded him to send them to you." When ordering ingredients, don’t actually use the freezer layer of the refrigerator..."

"Come here, miss." Schiller interrupted Pamela, but this made Raven glance at the freezer layer of the refrigerator in confusion. Now she really wanted to know what was in there.

Because the refrigerator is very large, when she searched the refrigerator before, she always searched for refrigeration. Vegetables and eggs were placed in the refrigerated layer, which was enough for making a simple breakfast.

Now she regretted not going to see what was in the freezer earlier. The powerful evil aura that day was definitely not an illusion. Could it be that there was a demonic portal hidden in the professor's refrigerator?

Pamela walked to the backyard and was shocked when she saw the living cows and sheep. She covered her forehead and said, "I swear, I told Clark to send food ingredients, how come they are still alive?"

"I also want to ask this question, do you have any idea?"

"You..." Pamela looked at Schiller and hesitated. She wanted to say, don't you know how to butcher? But after thinking about it, if the personality who knows how to butcher comes out, it will be hard to say who is the diner and who is the ingredient in this banquet.

Pamela summoned two vines and injected nerve poison into the cows and sheep respectively to ensure their silent death. She also used the vines to separate their meat so that the grass could absorb the blood and odor.

"How are Clark and the others?" Schiller asked.

"Their plan was very successful, in fact, a little too successful." Pamela smiled helplessly, walked to the kitchen island, poured herself a glass of water and said: "Do you remember that the Gotham gang boss had a very amazing big plan?"

"What is that?"

"They plan to build an undersea tunnel between the East Coast of the United States and Mexico to transport certain contraband."

"Yes, I've heard of it."

"This was achieved by Clark and Hal."


"I was also surprised when I first heard it, but at first Clark and Hal flew back and forth because the Luthor Group was willing to purchase Mexican grain at a price far higher than the local purchase price in Mexico and sell it in the metropolis to stabilize grain prices."

Next, in Pamela's narration, Schiller learned about the process of their outrageous plan being implemented. It can only be said that there is a sense of rationality in the outrageousness, and there is still a hint of outrageousness in the rationality.

Most people know that the local purchase price of agricultural products is actually very low, and the reason why they are sold so expensively at the market terminal is mostly due to transportation and storage costs.

Lex's idea is actually to use the superpowers of superheroes to minimize transportation and storage costs.

In fact, he did it. When he bought Mexican grain at a price far below the market price but far higher than the local purchase price, Oliver, Hal and Clark went crazy.

Because of Oliver's previous experience, he was no longer the leader of the Guazhou Revolutionary Army, but there were still many people loyal to him in the group, and these people were also worried about where to sell the new season's grain, and those who opposed Oliver would not go against money.

Mexico has a large area of ​​land, but it cannot expand production due to insufficient liquidity. Most of the cities will have a food crisis, and they are worried about not having enough low-profit food to supplement. The two of them hit it off.

The method was communicated before, and Hal and Clark used their superpowers to fly directly to transport food.

Hal can use the green light energy to wrap a large amount of food, and Clark can also let Oliver load the food into the container over there, and then stack the containers together. He himself is like a giant cargo ship, transporting the containers all at once.

But this also requires manpower after all. No matter how fast they fly, they have to consider food security, and they can't transport it a few times a day.

So Oliver suggested that since they were all working hard, why not do something that would solve the problem once and for all?

So they approached Lex together and proposed the possibility of building an air-space track. With these two supermen escorting them, as long as the technology was not a problem, nothing would be a problem.

But the problem was that Lex was unwilling to do so because it was too eye-catching. It would not be easy for him to have a good time in Congress. He would have to deal with their lion's demands from time to time. If others knew that he had this trick, he would have no peace of mind.

So Lex proposed that the sky was the domain of humans, but the seabed was not. People's exploration of the deep sea was even more superficial than that of the universe. Anyway, you still have Arthur, the killer weapon, so why don't we go directly to the seabed.

After hearing their ideas, Arthur also put forward his own requirements. He could help, and even the construction of this submarine tunnel could be done by the Atlanteans, but Atlantis also needed benefits.

Although the Atlanteans have evolved into sea people, it does not mean that they do not miss the glory of the land. The human chemicals have polluted the ocean too much, which is equivalent to being strangled all the time, which is not good.

Arthur proposed that the Atlanteans should have an island as their land territory and as a buffer between them and the land. In case humans start a nuclear war one day and pollute the ocean, they will have a place to go.

It happened that the Caribbean Sea was full of islands, and the ocean water was mild, and the seabed environment was more suitable for the survival of the Atlanteans. Oliver proposed that they first build a base in the Caribbean Sea and develop together with the Atlanteans.

In fact, this was also a last resort. Oliver had been excluded from the Guadalajara Revolutionary Army. He knew that all this would ultimately depend on the Mexicans themselves, but he was reluctant to let such a good land be wasted, so he decided to change his base and observe the overall situation from the edge. The islands in the Caribbean Sea were a good choice.

So the parties reached an agreement. Arthur took the Atlanteans with Clark and Hal to build the underwater tunnel, while Lex sent people and cars to transport large quantities of food back.

With food as capital, Lex can shake the foundation of the Metropolis system, but he knows that he can't do it all at once, otherwise it will be too easy to be seen.

Now the food market in Metropolis is still a free market, but with the influx of more low-priced food, the Luther Group has gained more market confidence while making profits, and even its stock price has risen instead of falling in the state of the Great Depression.

This has attracted more small capitals to gather around him, but what they don't know is that what Lex Luthor wants is not to go against the market, but to go against the will of heaven. He is not going to fish in troubled waters, but to change the world.

Chinese medicine is really bitter

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