The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1682 Bruce Wayne and the Chamber of Secrets (6)

Chapter 1682: Bruce Wayne and the Chamber of Secrets (6)

Seeing the little girl's face, Schiele didn't react, but when he heard the name, he froze for a moment.

If he remembers correctly, in the greedy memory, Quill and Rocket Raccoon once told him that they brought out a little girl from the dream universe where all humans mutated, and then settled her in Kamatei Ji.

This is not surprising. Although it is a dream universe, the setting of the Marvel universe is actually an endless universe composed of endless thoughts, so the universe formed by Azathoth's dream is also real. It's normal to bring out the people inside.

Schiller began to look through this memory carefully, and then remembered that after he led Gu Yi to this universe, because Gu Yi sympathized with the little girl and saved her, but unfortunately used the spell to make her sleep to make the crazy nightmare It attacked her, which caused her to mutate, and at the same time broke through her own defenses, resulting in her having to stay in that universe.

It wasn't until later that Quill and Rocket Raccoon shouted out the fact that this universe was a dream, that Ancient One and the Scarlet Witch Wanda got a glimpse of the great existence behind this dream universe.

But Schiller felt a little wrong from this story.

The little girl Jennifer stood outside the bedroom door, holding the staff in both hands and standing in front of her chest. She seemed a little out of the situation. She nodded to Barry and said, I've delivered the things, I'll go first.

Wait first. Little Bruce put down the book and walked quickly to the door. How could he give up the opportunity to learn about the situation of the universe from the natives of this universe.

About what time do the lights turn off here? Little Bruce asked.

There is no specific time. If you want to do homework, you can stay up all night. Jennifer lowered her head and nodded lightly. She was a little socially awkward, but little Bruce is not a person who likes to make rounds. .

We just came here and didn't understand a lot of rules. I want to ask you for advice. Should I come in and sit down? But we can't use magic wands yet, so I'm afraid we can't make tea and snacks to entertain you.

Little Bruce just expressed that he has no power now and is harmless to anyone, but Jennifer seemed to understand it in a different way, she opened her mouth in surprise, and then said.

You guys don't even have water? Well, let's go.

Little Bruce and Barry backed away a little, and Jennifer waved her wand lightly. The tea set was unpacked and placed on the table in the middle of the soft couch by the window. It spreads with the aroma of tea.

Immediately afterwards, several plates fell on the table, and the oriental-style dried fruit snacks were piled up all over the plates.

I can stay here for a while, because I don't go to bed so early, but I've only been here for a long time, and I only took classes for one semester, so I don't know much.

Jennifer tightly held the staff in both hands, Little Bruce saw her shyness, so he pulled Barry to sit on the soft side, leaving Jennifer alone on the other side.

We just want to know some basic rules of the school, such as work and rest time, class schedule, how many professors there are, and their names.

And when can we use this magical wand. Barry asked, sticking his head out from behind Bruce Jr.

Jennifer seemed a little confused by so many questions, she paused for a while, blinked and said: There will be a special person in charge of reminding you during the work and rest hours, and the class schedule is written on the board at the end of the corridor, you can start tomorrow morning See.

As for the professor... I don't know how many elective courses you have taken, but there are four main courses that you must take, and there are four different teachings. The physical education teaching is the holy sword master Alena, and the magic wand usage skills teaching It’s Karma Taj, the butler king, the magic energy and skill teaching is Asgard’s prince Rocky Odinson, and the basic knowledge of the universe is the cosmic agent captain Lan Ling.”

Among the long list of names, most of Bruce Jr. were unfamiliar, but he occasionally heard two familiar words, so he asked, Asgard, Odinson?

Jennifer nodded and said: It's the Asgard and Odin in the myth. Although I was surprised when I first came here, they are all real. Rocky Odinson is the son of the Asgard royal family. The prince is also a very powerful mage, his class is very interesting, I also took his magic and illusion class, which is also very good.

So Asgard is also a protoss?

Jennifer nodded, she looked at the slightly bored expression on little Bruce's face in surprise, but soon little Bruce restrained the look on his face and said, Sorry, I just don't have a good impression of God, it seems like today It's getting late, I'll take you back to rest.

No, no need, I'll just go back by myself. Jennifer jumped off the couch, waved to them, and walked out of the room.

After she left, little Bruce thought for a while, then waved his hand to Barry and said, Go to sleep, I have to get up early for class tomorrow.

Barry was already so sleepy that he could barely keep his eyes open. The two washed up hastily, then lay down on their own beds, and soon fell asleep.

But this dreamland was not beautiful at all. They had just lost their consciousness and consciousness, and then suddenly woke up again, and then found themselves in a completely different room, with a kind and gentle voice in their ears sounded.

You should be the freshmen Stephen mentioned, right? I'm Charles Xavier, the dean of the Academy of Dreams. You can call me Professor Xavier. Since you have arrived, let's start sorting now.

Little Bruce and Barry are really at a loss now, why another school? Why do we have to be separated again?

Just when they were completely unprepared, they appeared in a large auditorium as soon as the white light flashed. There was a chair in the middle of the auditorium, and a dusty hat was placed on the chair.

Little Bruce sat on the stool under the guidance of the voice, and the moment he put the hat on his head, he heard an extremely exaggerated voice.

My God! What's going on in your little head? Bizarre, absurd, yet full of talent, wit...extremely wise! And the deepest darkness... Of course, you should enter--Sta Ke Academy!

Immediately afterwards, Barry also sat on the chair, the voice startled him, and the weird and exaggerated theatrical tone sounded again.

You have a tenacity that ordinary people can't match, and at the same time, you have a fate-like talent. This talent points to a special ability... What will it be? It's hard to judge now, but I feel this talent, you will Find a home here - Xavier College, no doubt!

The two children were still dizzy when they walked out of the auditorium, and they didn't understand how it all happened, but that gentle voice seemed to sense their doubts, and a lot of memories were directly stuffed into their minds.

Barry was completely dizzy, but Bruce, relying on his extremely high wisdom and strong comprehension ability, forcibly understood all the knowledge in a short time.

So, there are actually two academies. They take classes at Karma Taj during the day and study at Dreamland Academy at night?! Little Bruce felt a little absurd, and he said, How did the students here survive? They Are you really not going to be exhausted?!

The knowledge you have learned here will not be fully remembered, but will be integrated into the subconscious mind to speed up your ability to comprehend when you encounter them again. I will explain in detail later. The physics class taught by Stark himself is It’s time to talk, and you’ll regret it if you miss it.”

Little Bruce snorted coldly. Although he still walked towards the classroom, he said in a low voice: No teacher's class is so wonderful that I regret it.

About half an hour later, little Bruce rushed to Stark with a swish, stopped him from leaving, and said, Wait a minute, Professor Stark! What you mentioned at the end of the course is about May I understand the effect of the combined application of magical energy and the Ark Reactor...

Before Bruce could finish speaking, Stark looked him up and down, and when he saw his appearance and eyes, he immediately opened his eyes and said, Bruce Wayne?! What are you and Bruce Wayne? Relationship? Are you his illegitimate child?

You know Bruce Wayne?

Yes, the two of us... are friends. In fact, he is my friend's friend. What's the matter? Why did you come here? He didn't ask me to help him with the child!

Little Bruce waved his hand impatiently. He didn't want to explain any more about the illegitimate child. He said, The effect of the combination of the Ark reactor and magic...

That's just my casual mention. This is not what you should learn now. You have to lay the foundation first...

I have already laid the foundation. Little Bruce looked at Stark and said seriously: And I don't think you have anything more in-depth to talk about.

Stark's eyes widened and he took a deep breath. He rolled up his sleeves and said, Your father wouldn't just educate you like this, right? Didn't he tell you how amazing the great Stark's wisdom is? Is it?... Well, since that’s the case, I have to teach you myself!”

The next morning, Bruce Jr. was woken up by Barry. Barry kept shaking his hand back and forth in front of his eyes, and he grabbed his shoulder anxiously and said, Wake up! The senior who called me early has already woken up ten minutes ago. Leave, if you don't wake up, we will be late!

When little Bruce sat up and Barry saw his face, he shouted in surprise: Oh my God, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so bad?

Little Bruce was still not very sober, he said in a daze: No, it's nothing, my brain has received too much information, and now its... er, its system is not functioning properly.

No way? I just remember that I had a dream about going to school last night. It's not surprising that I think about it day and night, right? Well, hurry up, we're going to be late .”

Barry almost dragged little Bruce up from the bed, and then pushed him into the bathroom. Luckily, little Bruce woke up a little bit after washing. I walked by myself.

Barry dragged him to the cafeteria in a hurry. When he arrived, the cafeteria was already full of people.

Barry saw a familiar figure among the crowd, so he waved to the other side and shouted: Sirila! Sirila!

The Indian girl turned her head to look at them, and walked over slowly. Barry stared at the big dark circles under her eyes and said, What's wrong with either of you? You haven't slept all night, have you?

Almost. Sirira nodded, her brows were filled with sorrow, her hazel eyes flicked left and right, she pulled Barry's arm to a place where there were fewer people, and then said.

There was an accident in the fourth grade last night. Someone broke down and injured a student with a wand. You better be careful.

Barry's heart fluttered immediately, he didn't care about Sirira, and immediately looked towards the crowd, trying to find Harry's figure, but at this time, Harry and Helen were walking into the gate of the cafeteria together.

Did you see the student who was dragged out? Helen lowered her voice and asked, The accident was close enough to our dormitory.

Harry frowned tightly and said: I think he is crazy, this is not scolding him, he has fallen into madness.

how do you know?

Harry took a deep breath and said.

No one in this universe understands madness better than I do.

The synthesis of Britain and the United States has almost two thousand chapters, and finally the synthesis

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