The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1677 Bruce Wayne and the Chamber of Secrets (1)

Kama Taj is a secret magic temple located deep in the Himalayas. It is the overall control center of magic temples on the earth. It is also the place where the previous supreme mage and his disciples live and practice. .”

Strange's voice echoed in the room, and the picture on the screen began to become brighter and brighter.

It was a heavy snow that seemed to submerge the highest peak in the world. Countless snowflakes fell from the sky, covering all the secret paths leading to the depths of the Himalayas. A group of mages wearing yellow cloaks slowly Wandering in knee-deep snow.

Kama Taj is a well-known magic temple. It is a temple located deep in the northern peak of the Himalayas. It has East Asian-style wooden architectural structures, cornices and brackets, as well as Central Asian-style pattern decorations and domes, hidden in the This temple in the heavy snow makes every traveler who gets a glimpse of its true face feel a sincere admiration for the holiness.

Kama Taj Magic Academy is located deeper in the Kama Taj Temple, in a hidden valley in the Himalayas that has never been visited by humans. The entire academy is built on the cliffs, with countless winding corridors leading to it. To the school building full of oriental classical charm, when the heavy snow completely covered the brilliance of the glazed tiles, it added a bit of simple beauty.

Countless dazzling wooden support structures hold up the seven main buildings at random heights, and there are countless corridors, plank roads, and iron cables running through them. The mages returning from the snow lined up with their horses and dug along the cliffs. The extremely thin corridor that came out walked into the school in a suspended but steady manner.

There was a small resting pavilion about two hundred meters away from the deepest part of the valley, but the mages did not stop. They climbed to five or six hundred meters in one go, then sent their horses into the horse society there, and turned left. Along a plank road, I took my first sip of hot tea in a firewood room filled with the warmth of the fire and the aroma of herbs.

The Supreme Mage said that there are a few new students coming today. They are really unlucky to have such heavy snow. Do we have to go to the village to pick them up? One of the elderly female mage with white hair at the temples said He took off his hood, shook his head and blew on the hot tea in his hand.

Another burlier male mage put his staff by the door to add firewood to the stove, and said angrily: The Supreme Mage has thought carefully about how to let the children come up the mountain in such heavy snow. I'm afraid their enrollment will be postponed. ”

That's okay. Another mage, who was taller and thinner and sounded younger, said: There are more and more children, and I can't manage them anymore. I hope there won't be another little daredevil. The stick poked himself in the eye.”

At least breathe a sigh of relief. The female mage took a sip of hot tea, slowly exhaled a wisp of white mist and said: Although the mountain has not been so lively for many years, it has obviously become too lively recently. How I used to like it These young and energetic calves. Now I think they are giving me a headache.”

Master Song! Master Song! Are you here? A younger and more lively female voice came from outside the door.

I've said it so many times, my surname is Song. Well, I don't expect you to call it right. The elderly female mage known as Master Song slowly put down the teacup in her hand, walked to the door, opened it, and stuck her head out. Go and ask: What's the matter, Sirila?

Three children were teleported to the Supreme Mage's study. They may be the new students he said were coming today. Come here quickly.

What? They're already here? We'll be there right away!

So how did you get them over? I mean you two. Schiller looked at Bruce, his eyes stayed on his face for a moment, and then turned to Strange's face.

Strange, on the other hand, looked at Bruce with Schiller without any psychological burden. His eyes clearly indicated that someone else was responsible.


The name Bruce said did not surprise Schiller at all. He tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa and asked, I know it's him. I asked 'how'?

The story of his childhood is now being circulated in heaven. Of course, this is not my intention to spread it. It's just that rumors are like pervasive mountain spring water that can flow out from every crack.

You are talking more and more like your professor. Constantine crossed one leg over the other, shook his feet slightly, and then said: Stop being so mysterious, genius detective.

He wanted these rumors to go away. It's hard to tell whether it was because he was embarrassed to be seen in embarrassing situations as a child, or if he wanted these memories to be enjoyed only by him and his father, but in short, the father and son were unanimously in favor of the road. Xifa’s childhood story doesn’t need to be known to too many people.”

So he bribed you by doing things for you?

He doesn't have to do this. Bruce shook his head and said, He has an easier way to solve all this.

The key is timing, Schiller said thoughtfully.

Bruce nodded and said: Gabriel disappeared. No one knows where he went, and God doesn't know either. This can be called shocking. God should not be ignorant of anything.

Constantine paused with his fingers holding the cigar, and seemed to mean something and said: God is supposed to be omniscient and omnipotent, but in fact there are exceptions.

It didn't matter where Gabriel was, what mattered was that God couldn't find him, and God wanted to find him so badly that when Lucifer went to find God, he came up empty.

Can you imagine? For the first time since his fall, Lucifer took the initiative to find his father, and it was also the first time that his father was not there waiting for him. God knew he would come, but he was not there waiting for him.

He panicked. Constantine showed a big smile and said: The arrogant Lucifer also has today.

No one in this world will always wait for someone. Schiller sighed, and then said: People only know how to cherish after losing something. God is like this, and Lucifer is like this.

But you still didn't say why Lucifer wanted to help you. Zatanna pointed out.

Isn't this obvious? He wants to make some noise, maybe to attract God's attention, maybe with some resentment and injustice. He wants to cause big trouble for himself and heaven.

Too childish, Strange commented.

But it's not surprising. These powerful beings who were born perfect are just because they are so perfect and powerful that they have never suffered or even suffered setbacks. Therefore, they inevitably appear light and exaggerated. This is their greatest luck. Bruce said.

How did he help you? Schiller asked again.

I guessed that His Majesty the Supreme Mage must have come here through some special method. I asked Lucifer what this method was, and he said that a special being created a passage invisible to ordinary people.

Did you use this passage?

No, due to the nature of the being who forged this passage, only people from another universe can walk on this passage. We need a passage of our own.

Schiller raised his eyebrows slightly, and then heard Bruce continue: Lucifer created a new passage, and only people on our side can walk through it. This is fair, isn't it?

Would he go to such trouble?

The difficulty is positioning. The void is endless and no one can find a clear direction in it. But if there is a definite anchor point and both parties know each other's existence, the distance becomes infinitely close.

A matter of time?

No problem. Bruce shook his head and said, The time flow rates of all universes are different, but they can be unified in observation. The concept of distance in the universe is also based on the same principle.

When a universe is 'known' by another, the physical distance between them is not important. When one universe is observed by another universe, then during the observation process, their time flow rates must be consistent. of.

Looks like this inspired you. Constantine said, looking up at Bruce who was walking to the wine cabinet to get a drink.

This is actually a theory that has been proposed in the physics community, but it is still too early for humans. Bruce said while observing the wine in the wine cabinet: The endless universe in nothingness is like particles. They are not billiard balls, which will not be placed neatly and smoothly on a certain table, but probabilities. They will not arrive from one point to another, but will always jump among certain possibilities.

When a known possibility is anchored, it appears at that point, and we can describe it through the properties of that point, that is, we 'know' it. Its fixed properties at this point come from For our cognition, observation is a means of cognition.”

So, when we look at it, what anchors it is our concept of time, so among its infinite characteristics, the characteristics of the same concept of time as ours become its only temporal quality at this moment. , we can achieve the effect of unifying time field theory.

I don't understand at all. Constantine said very simply.

But Zatanna touched her chin thoughtfully and said, It's as if the world I imagined must have the same concept of time that I have, because I can only understand this concept of time.

It doesn't seem like it. Bruce came back with a bottle of wine, put the bottle on the table and said: If we look at it from such a macro perspective, the extremely huge universe to us is just an even bigger one. particles of existence, then an idea that is small to us may be the universe at an even smaller level, and our ideas, the things we understand, and the concepts we have will become these ideas The rules of the universe.”

Bruce picked up the wine bottle again, opened the cork and poured wine into the glass slowly, and said in the same calm tone: Perhaps, the rules of the universe we live in also come from some more advanced ones. Being’s understanding of the world in which he lives.”

A trace of surprise flashed across Schiller's eyes, and he raised his eyes to look at Bruce. Bruce's eyes were still so blue, but the clear and understandable colors in them became less and less.

Schiller whispered to himself as if no one else was around: This is why I often regard education as a miracle. You can only plant seeds, water and fertilize, but you cannot control what grows from the soil. what exactly is it.

Then he raised his eyes and met Bruce's gaze again when he was standing pouring the wine. Bruce bent down, pinched the upper edge of the wine glass and handed the half-filled glass to Schiller's hand. At the same time, he lowered his head and lowered his eyes. said.

But a good teacher cannot say that he did not expect this, because he clearly knows that this seed is different from others.

Schiller put the wine glass to his lips and sighed: It's so different.

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