The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1658 Fishing Day (Part 2)

Bruce Wayne!!!!

Lucifer's roar echoed in the heavens, and he rushed to the room where the runes were adjusted angrily, looked at Bruce and said, Why do you know all the heavens about my childhood? Micah Le was just laughing at the fact that I was slapped by a fish when I couldn't catch it when I was a child, how long has it been?!

I didn't make the noise. Bruce said calmly: I was modifying the runes of the holy power that day, and several archangels such as Raphael, Lemiel, Uriel, and Michael were worried that I was working too hard. Just organize a group to visit me.

At that time, I was deleting some runes that were too old. That's right, the ones you left behind when you were a child. You don't even know how much trouble they caused me.

At that time, I had been busy for a whole day, and Michael was considerate of my hard work, so he dragged the other archangels to help me delete it. They would inevitably see the contents of those runes.

To be honest, you should blame God for this matter. Most of the contents of these ancient rune disks are not runes at all, but God's baby diary, which records everything about your childhood.

Lucifer's eyes widened slightly. Before he defected from heaven, he didn't pay much attention to these serious matters. After he defected, he had nowhere to look. Therefore, he never turned over the rune disk carefully.

He rushed up with a stride, came to the position of Bruce's console, turned over one rune disk after another, and then he saw that almost everything about his childhood was recorded in these rune disks.

After all, Lucifer is not a human being. Unlike human children, he has almost no memory before the age of three or four. He has memory since he was born, so he remembers clearly when he was a child.

But even so, he never thought that God recorded more clearly than him. The content recorded in the rune disk is as big as his first wing molt, and as small as he dug an earthworm in the river channel of Eden one day. It can be said, If Lucifer were to write the diary by himself, he might not be able to write in such detail.

Seeing the end, Lucifer was silent.

Runes are not used to show power. All the words and patterns were for remembering things when they first appeared. Bruce looked up at the densely packed rune wheel and said: Those are for humans and even angels. The runes that are all too complicated are actually just the most convenient method used by God to remember things.

Just because there is a layer of gap between all his creations and him, it is difficult for us to even understand the words he recorded, let alone understand the true meaning.

Bruce turned his head to look at Lucifer and said: But even if we can read it, the memories recorded by these runes are not shared by us. Now I just deleted these runes from the level of power building, but all the information Still there, and I can delete them entirely if you want.

Lucifer's fingers trembled, and he lowered his eyes slightly and asked, When was the last time God looked at them?

It was three months before you came back, Bruce replied.

No, don't delete them. Lucifer said instinctively, and then he took a deep breath and said, But don't let anyone else see them, especially my brothers and sisters, and I won't Allow any angel other than you to enter this room.

Also, I may... Lucifer sighed softly, but still said: I may have to leave heaven for a while, if you have any questions, go to Michael.

Lucifer walked to the door, and then he stood by the door and turned back to look at Bruce and said: have been working here for many days, if you have time, go back and see your professor, I'm leaving, goodbye .”

After Lucifer left, Bruce showed a smile. With Lucifer, an archangel whose specification is obviously far beyond any angel, and whose temperament and temper are difficult to figure out, it is difficult for him to make trouble, but once Lucifer left, Micah It's much easier to fool this moral model.

Michael's behavior pattern is much easier to understand than Lucifer's. The gap between the two of them is like the gap between a happy person and a day-to-day person.

Lucifer is full every day and has nothing to do. Where there is fun, there is him. If there is no fun to watch, he can create it himself. There is no fixed behavior pattern. To watch fun, he can be a good person or a bad person. A warrior in golden armor can also be behind a calculation, and Bruce knows that kind of guy all too well.

On the contrary, all the goals of Michael's actions are to maintain stability, and the moral bottom line is extremely high. He believes that both the process and the result must be righteous. I will never come to cheat or sneak attack, and catch others by surprise.

From the literal point of view, it can be seen who is better to fool. After sending Lucifer away, Bruce finally started his fishing career.

Bruce needs a Constantine who is full of knowledge and can practice at the same time to help him complete the update of the underlying rules of runes, but there is a problem that has to be solved, that is, countless universes and countless Constantines have different professional standards. together.

According to Bruce's judgment, Constantine in his universe may be younger and have a relatively average professional level. Although he has perfected deception and negotiation skills, he is still lacking in the depth of academic research.

If you look at it this way, then Bruce should find an old version of Constantine, but the problem is that young and middle-aged mages can pay more, so they are more powerful, and as they grow older, they can use them to pay the price There are fewer and fewer things, and the soul is less and less valuable, and the strength will naturally weaken.

If Bruce finds an old version of Constantine, the knowledge is enough, but the strength is not enough, isn't it still lacking the means of practice?

Therefore, he needed to find a balanced Constantine who not only had a good knowledge of runes, but also had enough energy and strength to carry out various experiments. Simply put, he could withstand Bruce's toss.

It is already difficult to change the underlying rules of a certain discipline. If you create a basic discipline from scratch, it is simply not something that humans can accomplish.

In the entire universe, probably only Batman has such an ambition that no one can do, and only Constantine who is good enough can keep up with Batman's rhythm.

So, Bruce began to repeatedly change some of the more commonly used rune rules for summoning magic circles in the room where the runes were adjusted. This was his bait for fishing.

There are several advantages to doing this: First, only Constantine, who has rich theoretical knowledge and a relatively good academic level, can discover the change of runes, and has the ability to use new runes to form a magic circle in a short period of time, which eliminates the A group of Constantines who are too young and academically incompetent.

On the other hand, because the runes change too fast, and every time the runes are changed on the Heaven side, Constantine has to update the use of the runes day and night, and the structure of the runes changes every time. If it is changed, Constantine has to re-inject strength into it to test whether it can be used.

This situation determines that only Constantine, who is strong in his prime, can have the energy and energy reserves to do these things. Constantine, who is young and old, has low energy, and it is almost impossible to make such a toss.

In addition, Constantine, who will follow Bruce so much, must have confidence in his own rune research level, and also has a certain obsession with rune literature, otherwise why do he have to use the rune genre of heaven?

This is like a game that requires character development to change the strength list three or four times a day. Maybe this character is a perfect human rights card in one hour, and it will be weakened into a warehouse manager in the next hour.

Under such circumstances, if you want to train a team of characters to play a dungeon, you must be a big boss who is very passionate and obsessed with this game. Ordinary players and Buddhist players have long since given up. Way to go.

The bait thrown by Bruce is only qualified to bite the bait that is young, strong and smart, and Constantine of the main universe did not give up. After fully understanding the current situation, he also had another thought.

He stood in the center of the magic circle that had been modified countless times, looked down at one of the runes and meditated, and after a while, a stretched Jason came over and asked him sleepily: You have been through for a long time? It's been two nights, isn't it alright?

Heaven may want to completely update the rune rules. Constantine said in a slightly hoarse tone: This angel who keeps changing the rune rules seems to be exploring a common underlying rule... Interesting, very interesting.

He wants to establish a discipline. Constantine frowned and said to himself: But as far as I know, there are no functional runes and power applications among the archangels. These noble-born super creatures would rather Even if you go to the Garden of Eden and get slapped by fish, you don’t even want to think about how to use the divine power more efficiently.”

There's nothing wrong with that, right? Jason spread his hands and said, He's an angel, and using divine power is as easy as eating and drinking. Weak creatures like humans need to find ways to use energy efficiently.

But the problem is, they've been making do with it for so long, why do they suddenly think of changing it now?

Constantine thought for a while, and then said in a slightly disbelieving voice: A new archangel is born?... This is an opportunity, an excellent opportunity!

Seeing Konstantin who suddenly walked quickly to the material production table, Jason asked a little puzzled: Opportunity? What opportunity?

If I have the opportunity to influence this newborn archangel's understanding of the rune structure, then I have the opportunity to leave my mark on the newly established rune discipline and the underlying rune rules. The textbooks are all printed by me. Don’t you just leave any back door you want?”

Aren't you too wicked? Tim, who had just walked in, stared at him and said.

What do you know? Little brats, work hard for a month, and enjoy the rest of your life. Good days for me and the magic world are coming!

Friends, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as this opportunity can be used by us, I am afraid that the sacred power will be the most important pillar of the magic world for thousands of years to come!

In the conference hall of the Gotham Academy of Magic, Strange tapped on the blackboard excitedly and said: The gods of your world are updating the underlying rules of a certain system, and if we can interfere with him, influence him, or even control He, the one who holds the rules, becomes us.

Strange put his hands on the conference table, looked around at everyone present and said, Do you know what this means?

This means that you and the magic world of your universe will take a completely different but equally powerful path from ours. We use power, and you use rules.

A storm called ambition swirled in Strange's eyes, sweeping the room, he said.

Absorb power through rules, change rules through power, borrow money to make guns, and use guns to rob money—friends, the real good days of the magic world are coming!

Stack a thousand paper cranes and tie a red ribbon~

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