The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1646 No time to die (thirty-six)

About a few months ago, I can't remember exactly when, I found that there was a problem with some magic circles related to the sacred power I used before, and I can't explain the specific reason to you, but in short, Heaven may have unilaterally modified the application scenarios of certain runes, causing more than half of my magic circles related to holy magic to fail.

In the alley next to the coffee shop, Constantine took a sip of hot coffee and slowly explained: I don't know if the brains of those angels were kicked by donkeys. I just used the runes that have not changed for thousands of years. In a few years, they have changed beyond recognition, and now I have completely lost contact with heaven, and there are two debts waiting to be paid by the power of heaven, can I not be in a hurry?

Who told you to owe so much... well, let's not mention this, then what's the use of finding Gotham? There are no angels here.

Constantine opened his mouth, as if he didn't know whether he should say it, but facing the two Robins' questioning eyes, he still sighed and said: You can't never grow up, right? You don't May believe what Batman tells you for the rest of your life, Gotham is all because of those evil criminals.

Red Hood and Ye Yi glanced at each other, and they both read the meaning from each other's eyes, but Red Hood still cleared his throat, tapped the ground with his toes, and said, Then why don't you talk about it, brother? What happened to Tan, and why are you here?

To be honest, I have to come here to get some strength to pay off my debts, or the next time you see me, my liver will definitely be gone. Constantine sighed sadly.

As you all know, my magical power is like a credit card set to pay off debts. When one card expires, I borrow another card's line to pay back the money, but heaven suddenly disconnects, which is equivalent to half of my card line. Suddenly disappeared, I have tried everything to fill this hole, but it was still close, I had to use a backup plan.

To be honest, if there is no other way, who would want to come to Gotham? Constantine squatted down against the wall, squatting in the corner without any image, holding a coffee cup and muttering: This ghost place, the devil You have to spit when you come, and there is also a crazy Batman, if it is not really urgent, I will not come!

You are here to borrow strength, so what are you doing with Lincoln March?

Uh, so you don't know? I thought Batman had checked him out. Constantine took a breath in embarrassment. Facing the searching gazes of the two Robins, he could only say : Since you all know that the darkness of Gotham is not entirely due to the security situation, you should be able to guess that there are some mysterious forces hidden in this city. I came this time to discuss business with them.

Ye Yi narrowed his eyes, he stared closely at Constantine and said, Mysterious power, what do you mean?

Constantine blew on the coffee and spit out a noun: Owl.

To be precise, it is the court of owls. Batman must have noticed the clues a long time ago, but I can't let him know this time, because he will not allow me to take away any power from this city. Now I am equivalent to pulling out teeth.

To be honest, I didn't expect to succeed, but it was a bit beyond my expectation to be discovered by you so early. I was just about to ask, what happened to the Midtown area? I just teleported here and almost got shot by a bazooka Boom to the sky.

The red hood let out a chi sound, which provoked Constantine to look at him with strange eyes, and the red hood struggled to swallow the laughter back, and then said: This is called the house leak. It's raining all night, but you're in luck, sir, and we don't have to tell Batman, because we're trying to deal with Lincoln March, too.

You're dealing with Lincoln March. Why?

Then, within the next ten minutes, Red Hood explained their plan to Constantine in detail, and after listening to it, Constantine remained motionless like a woodcarving.

After a while he said, I think I should go tell Batman now, you guys are a little crazy, boy!

Manipulating elections, developing gangsters, and even getting involved in ships and smuggling?! If I didn't know that this city is rotten and hopeless, I would have to be a righteous hero and send you to the police station!

Stop talking about those useless nonsense, just ask you, do you want to do it with us? If you dare to say no, I will call Wonder Woman right now and tell you that you stole her underwear.

Constantine took a sip of coffee, stood up and stared at the red hood and said, We haven't seen each other for a few months, why do you seem to be possessed by a demon, besides, how do you know me...

You don't really think about it, do you?

Red Hood and Nightwing immediately got together and looked at Constantine with pest eyes, Constantine waved his hand and said, Don't insult me, I'm not so vulgar, but Diana is really pretty, isn't she?

Okay, boys, how do you plan to deal with Lincoln March, maybe there is something I can help, when you solve the Penguin's competitor, I get my power, this is a win-win situation.

It's not that simple. Red Hood curled his lips in disdain and said, Don't think you can fool us, your reward for helping us solve Lincoln March is that we help you hide from Batman, not help you gain power , if you want us to join you in pitting the so-called owl court, you have to show some sincerity.

What do you want me to do for you?

Red Hood showed a slightly nasty smile, looked at Constantine and said, Find the Court of Owls, and then...

Mr. March, our patience is almost exhausted. If you still can't take Mrs. Maia, you may have to go to the coffin to reflect.

A woman wearing a white owl mask stood behind the table in the reception room of the mansion. She looked at Lincoln March impatiently, and said, You know, those fighters have always wanted to occupy the absolute Advantage, they have bred more and more claws, and soon they will not be able to use you, and they can also trap Batman.

And if you don't contribute and let our long-term cultivation and investment go to waste, you know better than us what the consequences will be. March, your time is running out.

Did you call me here just to scare me? March's face was a little ugly, but he could still calm down. He touched the ring on his hand lightly and said, Let Batman lose control Falling into the trap is not that simple, too many things have happened in Gotham recently that are out of control, that's why you are so anxious.

Think about how calm and cautious you were in the past, and now you suddenly take such a big step, and you are not afraid of spraining your feet.

Through the owl mask, March could also see the face of the woman on the opposite side sinking, but he continued: I will deal with the current mayor Magan, I have already caught the evidence that he bribed for the approval of the construction of the deep-water port project , he will soon no longer be my opponent.

Except for him, the other candidates are all your puppets. They are not competitive at all. I plan to toast at my campaign celebration banquet. Goodbye.

March strode away from the mansion where he met, and when he returned to the office he had rented in the upper city, a female assistant came up with a livid face and whispered something in his ear.

March's eyes widened immediately, he rushed into the office, slapped the table angrily, and shouted: What's going on?! That gangster boss named Oswald Coppert also ran for the election ? Where did he come from?

Mr. March, according to our investigation, Oswald Copperpot is the owner of the Iceberg restaurant. The funds and contacts gathered for the construction of the deep-water port project in Gotham City may be in his hands. The richest people in the city, and many of the big bosses who are engaged in smuggling along the East Coast, they are very generous.

This shrewd and capable female assistant stepped forward and said firmly: If he really wants to run, even Ma Gan, who has a big advantage now, may not be able to win. Cobbot's geographical advantage is too great!

Why does he suddenly want to run for mayor?

It is very likely that during the negotiations on the deep-water port project, he and Mayor Ma Gan had a disagreement. I think it is very likely that there was no agreement on the amount of bribes. , so he decided to do it himself.

Ma Qi covered his forehead and let out a long sigh, then he took a deep breath, waved his hand to the people sitting at the table and said, Stop fiddling with the computer, get ready for a meeting, we have to find a way Pull Coppert off the horse, I will be the mayor!

In the residence of the Neville family in Midtown, Tim's face flashed with the blue light reflected by the computer. He tapped the keyboard quickly and said: Lincoln March put forward 'Twelve Suggestions for Gotham Municipal Reform', published on On his personal campaign website, there are already more than 200 comments.

He will give a speech at the council's press conference tonight, and I suspect he may elaborate on this new campaign slogan, and we have to find the loopholes immediately.

Jason leaned over to his side, stared at the long speech on it and said, Let me see...he definitely didn't write it himself. I've heard the recordings of his private conversations. I'm simply hopelessly illiterate.

Of course it was written by the campaign team, but his speech is good. He should imitate President Roosevelt's style and create a professional but pragmatic image.

Jason rolled his eyes, and then said: This is easy to handle. We have existing experience to copy. Our Gotham Mayor Roy has gone through two mayoral elections. Even without using any special means, the number of votes has remained high. , he has two brushes.

I have heard him give three speeches on Gotham's traffic and municipal reforms before, and I can remember about 95% of the contents. Go in, give me two hours, and we'll give a speech tonight, too.

After it got dark, the Bingshan Restaurant was uncharacteristically not full of guests, but seemed a little quiet. Walking into the Bingshan Restaurant, what you saw was not the waiters coming and going, but a complete set of interview and shooting equipment.

This thing is absolutely useful. Harley Quinn said while chewing bubble gum: My little biscuit uses this thing every time he makes a horror statement, and he spends a lot of money on it. Xia can see his every expression clearly.

Here, this radio equipment costs tens of thousands of dollars for a single speaker, to ensure that the entire east coast can hear what you say clearly, and this camera, it's probably more than a hundred thousand dollars.

Stop standing there stupidly, come over and help adjust the shelf! Harley waved at Harley Quinn.

Finding that Harley Quinn ignored her, she had no choice but to hold her throat and shout in a melodious manner: Oh, my dear mother, can you come and help me turn this handle that I can't reach? Thank you!

Only then did the Harley Quinn run over with a smile on her face.

The Penguin was standing behind the wine cabinet where he used to stay, but his expression was a little hesitant. He put down the manuscript in his hand, looked at Jason who was adjusting the camera position next to him, and said, Are you sure it's okay? Our That idiot mayor was being interviewed in the bright and spacious hall of the City Council, and my restaurant... as long as anyone in Gotham knows, nothing here is legal.

How many things in Gotham's house are legal?

Penguin was speechless, he went through the script one last time, and then about half an hour later, Batman heard such a passage in the Batcave with the Joker.

...When did you manage us? Where was the FBI when the mobs took over the city? Where was the CIA when the drugs were imported from abroad?

When Gotham was polluted by industry, you didn't talk about environmental protection. When the surrounding farms failed to harvest, you didn't talk about environmental protection. Now that we build wharves to make money by ourselves, you want to talk about environmental protection with us!

All I can say is fuck it! State legislature or the federal government? Yes, that's all I have for you! You should all get the hell out of this city with the sluts in your crotches. The farther the better!

Early the next morning, Batman sighed deeply as he watched the soaring votes for mayoral candidate Oswald Cobblepot reported in the newspaper.

respect blessing

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