The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1629 No time to die (nineteen)

Looks like you don't like me talking too much, well, I can understand, so where are you taking me next? Do you have a big cool lab too? Can we study your cape there ? Or I can also let you study my spider silk launcher, which is actually special...

When Spiderman said this, he saw the death gaze projected by Batman, so he immediately squeezed his index fingers and thumbs together and slid them flat on his mouth, making a zipper movement, signaling that he would stop talking .

Batman waved his cloak and jumped down from the tall building, and Spiderman followed closely. Even though Batman had already used his fastest speed, Spiderman could still keep up, and it was effortless. Batman led all the way. Then he came to the Batcave.

Batman was opening the door, when he heard a series of exclamations behind him, Spiderman was like a frog whose switch had been pressed, a series of wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah popped out of his head.

Isn't this so cool?! What is this? Is it a mysterious dark core? This door is too amazing! Is this combination lock a face recognition? And this handle, you engraved a bat pattern on it , it’s absolutely impossible.”

Stay honestly, don't touch it, there are weapons on the gate. Batman dutifully reminded every Robin who came here for the first time, and then went to open his complicated bat lock.

Batman swears, he didn't look at what Spiderman was doing for about a minute and a half, and it really didn't exceed two minutes, when he heard a click behind him.

When Spider-Man appeared in front of him again, he was holding the doorknob in which he had carefully carved the bat pattern in his hand.

Batman's eyes widened slightly, Spiderman was like a child who did something wrong, he quickly argued: I didn't intend to remove it on purpose, I think the pattern on it is very nice, I want to see the bottom The details, as a result, as soon as you use your strength...

I'm really sorry, I will compensate you, or if you have a machine tool, I can make you exactly the same.

Batman glanced at the superalloy doorknob on the safety lock he had just strengthened to confirm the safety status, and then looked up at the Spiderman whose stature had not fully grown, and could be called Spiderman with thin arms and thin legs.

Without saying anything, he waved his cloak and turned around and said, You don't need to pay, but don't touch it again.

Batman continued to unlock the thirteenth lock on his door, but at this moment he heard Spiderman's voice coming from behind.

This thing looks solid, so why did it break? I know I'm quite strong, and I often study those things in Mr. Stark's laboratory, but I haven't broken one so far. Could it be that there The ones are stronger, or Mr. Stark has made special reinforcements for them?

Batman's finger on the button paused for a moment, and his chest, as solid and steady as a statue, heaved slightly, but he continued to concentrate on unlocking the door.

Have you brought anyone here before? Batman, it looks like I'm not the first. You must have brought your kids here. Do they break stuff too? Well, I'm not saying they should break stuff , but I often broke Mr. Stark's things before, but fortunately he never cared, because he is richer...

Robins have been here. When Batman himself didn't notice, the word Robin was pronounced a little heavier than usual.

I've wanted to ask for a long time, what exactly is Robin? Is your hobby a pet bird? A bat that can raise birds is really rare.

They're my assistants, about your age.

So that's how it is. Spider-Man nodded, looked at the doorknob in his hand and said, I just said that there should be a superhero team.

Are you Stark's assistant?

Hearing this question, Spider-Man froze for a moment, scratched his head, and said: The assistant in your definition should be able to help you, right? I can rarely help Mr. Stark , he always helps me without asking for anything in return, sometimes I feel like he is my father.

So what do your parents think?

I don't have parents, they passed away when I was just born, but I have uncles and aunts, they don't know about me being a superhero yet. Spider-Man said with his arms down in frustration: But I think they Soon to be found.

After hearing Spider-Man answer that his parents died when he was very young, Batman's fingertips paused slightly again.

As the door opened, a gust of cold wind gushed out from the door, and Spiderman followed Batman into this huge base, and saw Batman's magnificent collection without any surprise.

My God, my God, this place is a hundred times more cool than I imagined!!! Spider-Man was so excited that his voice was almost broken, his head was spinning back and forth like a top, like a gust of wind, Whoosh Swish to this side and then swish to that side.

What is this? Where did this big dinosaur come from? You went to Jurassic Park? And this and this medal, my God! This statue is too cool, it matches my uniform so well...

In the next few tens of minutes, a red and blue figure was seen blowing across the entire Batcave like a whirlwind. Spiderman touched all the bat collections within the visible range of the naked eye with his agility and swift speed. over again.

Batman had no problem, and he knew he couldn't, because he knew that if Spider-Man stopped, the Batcave would be flooded with a horrific storm of chatter.

But the tolerance of visiting time did not bring better results. When Spiderman realized through these weird bat collections that he really came to a brand new universe and was about to experience a brand new legendary adventure, he Totally excited.

The spider mutation will provide Spider-Man with far more energy and concentration than ordinary people, and when the mutation factor in Spider-Man's body is excited, it will cause Spider-Man to produce a series of excited emotions physiologically, thus making him Become more lively and active, even slightly crazy.

By the way, you said before that you wanted me to be your assistant, right? You must have said that? Being your assistant means that you can collect these collections with you all over the universe, right? Let's defeat those Super-cool big monsters, unload the spoils from them, then carry them back to their home, and make this place the most-explosive museum in the universe.

Spider-Man stretched out his arms and kept waving, and Batman, who was listening, perfectly filtered out those very extreme adjectives in Spider-Man's words that would never appear in Gotham, and then nodded.

Spiderman let out a cheer, jumped high on the spot, and then hit the ceiling about five meters high. He fell to the ground, then shook his head in a dizzy state while covering his head, and then expressed his expectation His body language says to Batman: When do we start?

First, your uniform...

Spider-Man froze for a moment, then took off his hood under Batman's shocking gaze, shook his soft brown curly hair and said, Anyway, you all know that I am Peter Parker No need to wear a mask anymore.

Can't I cheat you?

What? Don't you know, just guessing? God, you are too cunning!

Batman was speechless. He looked at the immature face of the boy in front of him. He had short, slightly curly brown hair. The hair quality looked good, shiny and soft, but it seemed that he hadn't done it properly before wearing the mask. The movements of combing and taking off the mask were too rough, which made it look like there was a chicken coop on his head.

His eyes are dark brown with a grayish tinge, and the pupils are dilated in a somewhat dim bat cave. They seem to have a kind of simplicity that fits his character, with a little sunburn under the eyelids and in the center of the nose. , There is still a little baby fat on the cheeks that has not faded.

Peter Parker's appearance is unremarkable, like the kind of ordinary white boys who are caught in a lot of public high schools. The only thing that can be called an advantage in appearance is probably the proportion of the body, with slender limbs, wide shoulders and narrow waist. Although it is not yet fully developed, it is already possible to imagine the perfect figure of the golden ratio in the future.

What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with me? Peter Parker looked down at himself, then rubbed his face with his hands, and looked at his back in circles like a dog chasing its tail.

Batman shook his head and said, No, it's fine, let's go.

Then why are you staring at me? Ah, wait, where are you going? I mean where are we going together, what is that room for? It's not going to be some magic door to your adventure land Bar?

That's the physical examination room. We need to give you a physical examination first.

The expected doubts and doubts did not come, Peter nodded kindly as if hearing the words the earth is round, and then obediently followed Batman into the door of the room.

This attitude made Batman look him from head to toe again, and Spiderman spread his hands in confusion and said, What are you looking at me for?

Don't you dislike physical examinations?

I have a physical examination every year.

Batman was silent, and then Peter thought he had misunderstood something, and explained again: Ah, you may think that I am a child from a poor family, so I don't understand the importance of medical examinations. My family is indeed not rich, but my uncle never If we don’t save money in this area, even if we can’t go to a big hospital, we will still conduct routine physical examinations in community hospitals.”

Regular physical examination is the best investment in health. Eighty percent of human diseases are detected and treated at an early stage, and the cost can be reduced by more than half. My last physical examination was on March 21 this year. It shows that I have Other than a little bit of a fast heart rate, everything is normal.

Oh, by the way, I memorized all the data from the previous physical examination, do you want to hear it? I am seventeen years old this year, 178 in height and 64kg in weight...

Stop, I mean, aren't you worried about other people using your body data to do bad things?

Peter blinked, and then said, Can he use my body data to do bad things, trick people into signing up for gym membership?

If he has your physical data, he can analyze your physical weaknesses.

But my body has no weaknesses.

Batman fell silent again.

About half an hour later, Peter sat up from the last medical examination machine, and Batman looked at the dense data report and found that Peter was not lying—Spiderman's body has no weaknesses.

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