The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1618 No time to die (eight)

Schiller's psychiatrist's office is located on the top floor of the new S.H.I.E.L.D. base. There are floor-to-ceiling windows on one side, and the lighting is excellent. If you look from the outside of the building, you can just see the figure of the doctor standing in front of the window, and then look down. , in the Spider Legion base three floors away, the atmosphere was even hotter.

Oh my god, they published a new article on!! Miles, who was sitting in front of the computer and typing, shouted: They actually said that the critical philosophy developed in Europe was influenced by nothingness. Inspired by God? The whole article is absurd!

Where is it? Let me see. Gwen Spider-Man immediately ran over, frowned and browsed through the few lines of text that Miles pointed out with the mouse. She snorted and said, Get out of the way, let me do it. Reply to them, I have to let them know how wrong they are.

They're replying to me again, God, another Spider-Man yelled. How can they be so unrealistically critical of every word I say? I can't stand it!

Come and see this, this sentence is even more crazy, they call us the new NAZI with extreme theories! I can't help but scold him.

I'm under siege! I'm under siege! Another scream came from a workstation: They have four or five people answering me in turn, and I can't reply, come and help me!!

The New York Times twitter community has fallen, and it's crazy who can write a script or something to knock them down.

Shouts came and went in the base of the Spider Legion. After a while, the middle-aged Peter Parker, whose wrist was sore from typing, stood up, shook his hand and said, I'm really sorry, my friends, I'm about time. , who will change classes with me, I have to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Mei Dai.

No, I have to go too. Mr. Stark asked me to test the new suit at night. Another younger Spider-Man stood up and said.

Soon two people took over their class. The middle-aged Peter was teleported back to his own universe through the spider totem, and hurriedly drove to the kindergarten where Mei Dai was, only to find that Mary Jane was already there.

Oh, you're here, didn't you say you can't ask for leave today?

No kidding, this is our daughter's first parent-teacher conference since she started kindergarten.

I thought you would be busy in that universe, so you might not be able to come...

The two walked towards the classroom while talking in a low voice. Thinking of his work, the middle-aged Peter couldn't help complaining: The work is not too busy, but it's just too outrageous. It's hard for me to describe it to you, but anyway... ...

To be more specific, you don't think I don't understand?

No, I just think you will definitely be angry. The thing is, that universe is undergoing the third industrial revolution, and ideas are changing accordingly. We have participated in the work of controlling public opinion and conveying positive messages to ordinary people in that world. thought of.

But there is such a nasty weird church called the Church of Nothingness. They advocate nihilism. You know nihilism, right? It's actually...

In the Stark Tower in another universe, Stark looked at Peter Parker who was in a daze with some strangeness. He put down the parts of the suit in his hand and couldn't help asking: What's the matter? Peter, you never came here I started to wander, what happened? Someone in that universe bullied you?

It's not accurate to say it's bullying. Peter shook his head, with a complicated expression on his face, he took a deep breath and said, I feel like I've been raped by logic, Mr. Stark, you don't even know that I met What kind of weird...

Once Spider-Man's chatterbox is opened, no one can stop him. He pours out all the words he wants to say. Every Peter Parker is pissed off by this group of bullies, and they are the kind of people who are not in front of close people. People who can't express themselves very well, but once they find an outlet, they will talk about something non-stop.

Almost all Peter Parkers who had to return to their own universe due to something during this period could not help complaining about their wonderful work in that universe to those close to them, among which the church of nihilism and nihilism were the most mentioned.

Most of Peter Parker's friends don't know much about philosophy, so once similar issues are mentioned, Peter has to give them popular science. If you want to popularize science, you have to repeatedly mention certain words and certain definitions. Broken mouth, even if it is about the process of the event, you have to take out the definition mentioned before and repeat it again.

As we all know, human beliefs and prayers have special meanings. This is the basic setting of comics. Most of the seemingly high-end gods will come out to fight for power and profit for the beliefs of these humble earthlings.

And this also led to the fact that regular gods like death or annihilation would also perceive human prayers.

Schiller led Hydra to spread a large number of articles about nihilism, which contained some content similar to prayers. Of course, it is useless for these Hydra to pray, but if you want to refute their Viewpoint, Spider-Man will inevitably quote these words.

To refute them, Spider-Man must study how cultures such as nihilism, existentialism, or annihilation develop in the course of human development, and then compile them into their own language and output them, to some extent Generally speaking, this is a kind of prayer.

When they return to their own universe, they will inevitably have to complain with their relatives and friends. A Spiderman can not only complain, he will at least have to complain for half an hour, and the central universe brings together tens of thousands of multiverses. Spiderman.

For a moment, Annihilation was awakened from sleep with a bass as if tens of thousands of harassing calls were made at the same time.

What's going on here? Chinese New Year?

I don’t know if I don’t see it, I was shocked when I saw it, how come there are people in every multiverse praying to me when I wake up? To be precise, why are people scolding me in every multiverse?

Annihilation, who hadn't fully woken up from sleep, was a little dazed, who did he provoke? What happened?

The reason why Annihilation doesn't have many chances to appear on the stage is because the existence that represents nothingness itself has a certain inertia. They don't have high motivation to do anything, and they don't have much curiosity. They are basically in a deep sleep all the time.

So after Annihilation discovered something strange, his first reaction was not to check the source along the timeline like other gods. He let out an exclamation, and then continued to fall asleep.

But Schiller has always been very good at setting an alarm for all beings to wake them up. Each alarm is customized and very suitable for their characteristics. It can wake up almost 100% of the people who want to wake up.

The appropriateness of this alarm clock set by Schiller for Annihilation is that it is not particularly loud, but it lasts for a very long time. It can be said that as long as the bars led by Schiller are still making Spider-Man angry, the spiders of the multiverse It is impossible for the heroes to stop complaining, and Annihilation will always hear some strange sounds in his ears.

Now, Spider-Man is like a mosquito in summer. Apart from the noisy sound of him buzzing in your ears when you sleep, you can't help but wonder where he came from and where he is now. The hazy thoughts in sleep are the most unsettling.

Annihilation woke up, fell asleep and woke up again, heard voices in the half-dream and was unable to get up again, woke up and lay back down again because of sleepiness, after tossing like this for an unknown amount of time, Annihilation finally couldn't take it anymore.

He came to his senses completely, and followed the timeline to find the culprit, Chief Le.

What are you doing?! Annihilation growled at Schiller.

Schiller sat behind his desk and smiled at Annihilation, and said, It's nothing, I can't get through to you, so I can only invite you here for a chat.

What do you want to talk about?

You don't know? In the barren land at the end of time, you and your messenger blocked me for so long, I thought you had a lot to talk to me about.

Uh... Annihilation thought that Schiller had to wake him up in this way because of some urgent matter, but he didn't expect that there was no serious business involved in the personal enmity.

Annihilation sighed deeply, looked at Schiller and said, Very well, your goal has been achieved, this should be the worst sleep I've ever had in my life!

After finishing speaking, he disappeared. In his opinion, other gods would be tricked by Schiller again and again. It was nothing more than refusing to admit defeat. One of the biggest advantages of Annihilation is that he never thinks about why.

As the saying goes, as long as I lie down fast enough, nothing in this world can be called trouble. Schiller will take revenge if he wants to. Anyway, I can’t die. I just go back to sleep after he finishes his revenge.

But obviously, he underestimated the degree of Schiller's narrow-mindedness and the wisdom he could display in retaliating against others. After Annihilation left, Schiller made an unlimited call, and his backhand was a report.

Schiller directly reported Annihilation's illegal preaching on Earth, which seriously affected the life of the superhero Spider-Man, interfered with the development of the world line, and damaged the reputation of the universe.

Unlimited was already so busy that he was full of grievances, and when he heard that the lazy dog ​​who was sleeping on the workstation actually started to make trouble, he exploded on the spot, and made a series of life-threatening calls to Annihilation.

If Spider-Man's prayers are like mosquitoes to Annihilation, then my colleague's phone is really the last alarm to get up at eight in the morning. Infinity didn't say a word after waking Annihilation up. A growl was left on voicemail.

Go get Schiller!!!!!!

Annihilation had no choice but to find Schiller again. This time he really couldn't do anything wrong, because he also saw that if he didn't get Schiller done, this person would try to do all kinds of things. , let him restless.

Tell me, what exactly do you want? Annihilation stared at Schiller angrily.

I heard that you are the strongest among the five gods?

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

I heard that mastering the power of nothingness means mastering the highest power that devours this world?

It's total bullshit.

I heard that the other four gods are in charge of things in the universe, and Annihilation can be in charge of nothingness outside each universe?

Part of it.

Now that we are outside the big world, what do you think about the nothingness between the big world and the big world?

...What do you want?

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