You mean, after you squatted there for a few days, the biggest problem you found was...he might steal electricity?

Nick Fury stood in the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, holding a newspaper and asking Coulson.

Coulson also knew that this report was really like something that he got up early in the morning to rush to work because he was hangover the day before and had no time to write. The above conclusion is only a bottle of whiskey away from nonsense.

Nick Fury took the report, took a deep breath, opened his mouth, but still paused for a moment, obviously speechless.

He said: Actually, I have always disagreed with the rating standard of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson, I think, you are my strongest argument against this standard, aren't you?

Uh... Coulson rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and said, Actually, we haven't observed anything. We found that there may be a tunnel underground in his clinic...

I should really ask Nurse Jenny to do a DUI test for you, Coulson, it says 'Observed that the target often appears suddenly in other places about a hundred meters away from the clinic', and your conclusion on this is... ...could there be a tunnel under the clinic? Nick Fury said.

Actually, I know that he may have the ability to teleport. Coulson said, he folded his arms and frowned and said: But according to the cases we have come into contact with, teleportation always has the moment of landing, and we arrange it around Hundreds of micro-cameras were installed, but none of them captured the anomaly.

Nick Fury said: Then add a few hundred more. He is very important to us now, and he is the most difficult opponent to deal with. Don't be careless...

At this time, Schiller just woke up on the bed in the professor's apartment at Gotham University, and found that he was holding a fluffy thing in his arms. He looked down, Pikachu!

Oh, what's the matter with you? What time is it? Pikachu couldn't open his sleepy eyes, Schiller rubbed his eyes, why did the mouse come with him? ?

Pikachu looked around with sleepy eyes, was startled, woke up instantly, and said, Where is this?! How did you bring me here? Are you actually a human trafficker???

While folding the quilt, Schiller said, Why don't you explain to me first, why are you on my bed?

You still have the nerve to ask me?? Pikachu yelled, and it said, It's a three-story building, and you only turned on the heating in your room! If I hadn't picked the lock, I would have been frozen to death by now!

Oh, is it? Schiller said without guilt. Freeze-drying mice is not a good idea.

So why are you here? Where is this?

As you can see, I travel through time, so I wake up here, Schiller said. This is a very dangerous place. If you run around, you will be stewed in less than three minutes.

Tch. Pikachu made a disdainful nasal sound, it said, You can travel through time and space? Then I can still splash in water.

Schiller didn't lie, and it's okay for Pikachu to know. After all, it is a mouse. In the eyes of these superheroes, its credibility is not even as good as that of a repeater. If it goes to Batman, Batman will definitely be the first Stew it for a while, Batman doesn't kill people, but it doesn't mean he doesn't kill mice.

In the face of non-human creatures, few heroes of the earth have any trust in them. Although Pikachu speaks no differently from humans and has a strange Canadian accent, this yellow mouse, which obviously looks like a genetically modified creature, is obviously very difficult. Take the trust of any normal person, so Schiller has no worries.

While Schiller was making the bed, Pikachu jumped up and down and sniffed the room, wrinkling his nose and muttering in distaste: It seems that you really have some skills, this is indeed not the original world.

Schiller went to class in the morning, and he carried Pikachu in his bag, not because he wanted to take Pikachu to class, but mainly because if he didn't bring it, Pikachu would slip out by himself and be stewed.

Pikachu poked his head in Schiller's bag, and was pushed back several times by Schiller. In the afternoon, Schiller put the bag on the table in the counseling room, pressed Pikachu's forehead and said, Listen, even if I don't care about others Seeing this weird yellow creature in my bag, I think you get what I'm telling you about superheroes, each of them has 'mind your own business' as their mantra , no one will let go of studying your yellow mouse, especially...

While Schiller was talking, the door of the counseling room was suddenly opened, and Bruce said, Professor, I...

As soon as he entered, he saw his professor pressing the forehead of a strange yellow creature with his hand.

Pikachu was startled, and jumped into Schiller's arms in an instant. Schiller pursed his lips, looked at Pikachu, and then at Bruce. He hugged Pikachu and said, If I say, this is a new breed of albino Mole, do you believe...

I don't believe you're going to make another one? Bruce said, crossing his arms.

Pikachu bared his teeth at him, but Schiller covered his mouth and said, What's the matter with you, Mr. Wayne?

Bruce walked over and said, Actually, I'm's like this, I want to invite you to Wayne Manor as a guest...

Visiting Wayne Manor?

What kind of invitation to surrender is this?

Bruce is obviously a little awkward, because Schiller knows his true identity, so he can't decide whether he should be Bruce or Batman, and the current Batman is not as cold as he will be in the future, and he will even take the initiative to find Gordon to cooperate. So now Bruce is in a very tangled state.

Schiller could feel a little bit through telepathy, he knocked on the table, and said actively: I can see, Bruce, you are very troubled now, sit down.

Actually, you did a good job before. Bruce is not Batman. He is just an ignorant playboy. His favorite thing is clubbing and drinking, surrounded by beautiful women. But Batman is just the opposite...

Bruce sat down, put his finger on the corner of his brow, and said, I don't see the point of doing that. I don't think I can fool anyone.

Bruce is not stupid, he is the only rich man in Gotham City, and he is the only one with the financial resources to manufacture Batman's equipment. He doesn't think criminals are fools, and they don't know that he is Bruce Wayne.

And it can be speculated from the figure alone. Bruce's game of flowers will not be tightly wrapped at certain times. It is not difficult to figure out some details of the figure.

In particular, Schiller has seen Bruce go out in the middle of the night more than once, and the female companions around him have never been the same, and only half of the famous Nightingale cheerleading troupe have been with Bruce.

In fact, Schiller speculates that many villains with super high IQs in comics should not be completely kept in the dark. This reasoning is really not difficult, but they still make a pair of Who is Batman? How do I guess? There must be a reason for the appearance of not coming out.

Yeah, it's not really a secret, but as long as you want it to be a secret, it will be your weapon when necessary.

If you show that a certain secret is very important, others will also think that this secret is very important to you. You try your best to hide it, but if it is revealed at a critical moment, it will naturally prove your sincerity, even though it is not. unimportant.

What Schiller was talking about was Bruce's future operations on Zhenglian. In order to win the trust of Zhenglian, Batman took off his mask-announcing a secret that everyone actually knows. Batman is Bruce Wayne.

But everyone has strengthened their trust in Batman, because Batman has always shown great importance to this secret, and is willing to reveal it for his companions. Of course, he can win people's trust. It doesn't matter, what matters is the attitude!

Bruce stroked his chin and continued calmly: For example, if a criminal wants to threaten me with this, I can set a trap for him without haste...

Okay, Mr. Wayne. Schiller glanced at his watch, and then said, It's time for psychological consultation. Regarding your invitation, I will carefully consider it after I get the invitation letter.

Bruce doesn't quite understand why Schiller has to think carefully. In the United States, a verbal invitation means that this is a private visit, not formal, and it is probably just a private meal together.

But when Schiller mentioned the invitation letter, Bruce felt that Schiller might think that the invitation was not formal enough and did not pay enough attention to it, so after he left the consulting room, he asked the housekeeper Afu to prepare the invitation letter and the banquet.

What he doesn't actually know is that, for Schiller, being invited to his house by Batman is like saying to him, Would you be interested in throwing yourself in a trap?

He needs too much mental preparation.

Although Schiller knows that the current Bruce is far from the later Batman, and his two identities have not even been completely distinguished. If it were Batman in the comics, Bruce would only come over with a bottle of wine and say that he will be at the party. Introduce him to some beauties.

Instead of acting serious and awkward.

But Schiller's stereotype of Batman is so deep that he even suspects that this is a trick specially set up by Batman to get his DNA, which is definitely something Batman can do.

In addition, although Bruce didn't say it, it was obvious that Pikachu, the yellow mouse, caught his attention.

Schiller picked up Pikachu by its tail and said, Did you see the man who just came? That's Gotham's leader. If you want to eat well and drink hot, you'd better not offend him.

Pikachu waved his short hands in mid-air and struggled desperately, saying, Put me down! That man just now was really scary!

Schiller pulled Pikachu by the tail and brought it in front of him, saying, How do you know?

Detective Instinct! Pikachu yelled, and it said, You should really think about not staying here, it gives me chills, why don't we go back to where we were yesterday? I can even stand you eating strawberry jam!

Schiller looked Pikachu up and down and felt that it was not telling the truth.

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