The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1457 Asuka and Return (9)

Red Robin pushed open the door of a room furtively, and saw that Red Hood, who was sitting by the bed arranging equipment in the room, was really awake. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, Go, housekeeper. not there.

Red Hood re-fixed the weapon on his waist, stood up, stomped his feet impatiently, kicked the carpet on the ground and said: I told you all before, we will be knocked out when the Flash comes. He, it's because of you guys who didn't do anything about it that we got to where we are today!

Stop complaining, Jason. Red Robin walked ahead and opened the door and said, Who would have thought that Batman would really be determined to send us out? Normally, he's just talking.

The face under the red hood seemed impatient, but there was a flash of thought between his eyebrows. Red Robin's wisdom allowed him to understand the behavior patterns of everyone in the Bat family. Feeling the silence of the red hood, he asked: Do you think something is wrong?

That's too much. Red Hood said angrily: We all know that Batman is not a generous person. To some extent, he regards Gotham and the Bat Family as his personal belongings, no Allow anyone to point fingers, do you think he's going to hand over Gotham?

Of course not. Red Robin walked into the hallway and said, He'll just say 'get the hell out of Gotham'.

The red hood touched his chin and said in a serious tone: This is the problem. He not only let us leave Gotham, out of his monitoring and protection, but also sent us so far away.

More importantly, I'm afraid this place is completely out of his control. Even if there is The Flash, when we are in danger, he may not be able to rescue us in time.

Red Hood paused for a moment, as if feeling a little annoyed, he tore off his mask, shook his hair, looked at Red Robin who was staring at him and said, Don't look at me with that damned look. !

We all know what he's worried about, said Red Robin, shrugging.

That's what I find weird. Red Hood walked down the stairs and stood around the corner and said, His useless worries made him treat us like fragile birds, even things like not being allowed to drink at parties. You have to run over and tell me yourself, why did you suddenly change your gender this time, kicking us to another distant universe?

This universe is so weird. Red Robin could only comment in this way: Every place and everyone is weird, and Batman is especially weird. I really didn't expect the young Batman to be like this.

Red Hood snorted coldly and said: I don't care what Batman in other universes is like, I just want to find out the purpose of Batman doing this.

Before I came to you, I went around the manor, but I couldn't find the entrance to the bat cave. I saw a suspected basement entrance, but I was worried that there might be an alarm device and it would have passed.

Haven't you heard enough of others praising your wisdom? Red Hood said angrily, Get to the point.

Although Red Hood's tone was full of impatience, Red Robin seemed to be praised. He walked down the stairs with his arms folded, and said with a snort: I think the Batcave of this cosmic Batman may It's not under the Wayne Manor, or the one there is just a fake, the real Batcave should be outside the Wayne Manor.

Red Hood frowned, he glanced at Red Robin, and didn't express his opinion immediately, while Red Robin fumbled with his fingers and said, Then let's follow the usual practice and skip your impatient listening to my reasoning. That part of the process, speak directly to the result.”

You should have seen it too. Just after it got dark, Batman went out. I suspect he went to the Batcave, but we can't follow him. He will definitely be found, and it's useless to install a monitor.

But we can follow the trail left by the Batmobile all the way, you know, it's not difficult for me.

Then what are you waiting for, let's get started.

The two figures walked out of the gate of Wayne Manor, and encountered the first problem on the road at the gate of the manor.

Red Hood stared at the tire ruts under his feet, which were wider than others, and raised his chin at Red Robin and said, Tracking the traces of the Batmobile, huh? That's great, it seems that Batman in this universe likes to drive trucks.

Red Robin turned around several times in a puzzled state, mobilized his talent for detection and reasoning, which was comparable to that of Batman, and repeatedly considered, and found that Batman might really be driving in a truck.

It's not surprising, is it? Red Robin spread his hands and said, Although the truck is large, its defense and attack power are also strong. As for the image problem, maybe the Batman in this universe has a unique aesthetic?

Soon, the two followed the trail of the truck to the parking lot of the truck, and then followed the footprints to find a barbecue street.

It was almost late at night at this time, and most of the people started to go out after eating and drinking. Red Robin, who was traveling with them, looked around and suddenly saw a familiar figure among the crowd.

There's Batman, Red Robin said softly, to remind Red Hood, but the figure that Red Hood saw was more familiar - it was the Joker.

The next second, Red Robin also saw that figure, and he let out a near-death whimper as if something had strangled his neck, and his next move was to pull Red Hood's arm.

But soon he was surprised to find that the force he expected to break free did not come, and the red hood didn't rush to kill him as crazy as he usually did when he saw the clown.

Red Robin swallowed, and tugged on the sleeves of the Red Hood lightly, for fear that he would be fooled by fright, but at some point, the Red Hood had already put on the mask, and Red Robin couldn't see his expression.

My God! What are Batman and the Joker doing together? Is it Damian in Batman's arms? Isn't it the Joker who kidnapped Damian? ... Who is that? Gordon? Why is he so so Young? God! Barbara's here, and I knew they weren't going to stay!

Hurry up, Jason, let's hide over there so they can't find out!

Red Robin pulled the red hood and hid on the side of an intersection not far from the barbecue stand where Batman and the Joker were, with his back against the fence and his head sticking out to see what they were doing.

The crowd was bustling outside, and soon dispersed, so the barbecue booth was no longer so noisy, and the conversation between Batman and the Joker could be heard clearly from the wind.

Your daughter will start elementary school next year?

Yes, I haven't shown her school yet.

Are you going to send her to a missionary school?

I was going to get Elsa a tutor, but Thomas said she needed to learn to socialize, you know, that's the thing, 'real ladies go into society long before they go into society'.

He looks like he's from the 'Pride and Prejudice' era.

Who says it isn't? . . . James? James? Well, it looks like he's drunk again, Barbara, hold him while I check out.

After a chattering sound, Red Robin saw Batman stand up from the saddle, then took out his wallet from his pocket, and walked towards the owner of the barbecue stall.

He stopped in front of the barbecue stall and flipped through his wallet, took out a card from it, handed it to the stall owner and said, Swipe the card.

The stall owner took out a credit card machine from the side, swiped Batman's custom-made card that seemed to cost tens of billions and had to be continuously upgraded every year through the machine, and then frowned.

The machine beeped twice, and Batman leaned over to look. He seemed to be discussing something with the stall owner in a low voice, and then checked his wallet.

He took out another custom-made card that looked like it could only be obtained by depositing money for centuries in a noble bank controlled by a vampire. The stall owner took it and swiped it on the machine. Twice, no response.

Red Robin saw that Batman frowned and muttered in a low voice: What's the matter? Why is my card frozen?

At this time, another figure knocked him away, it was a clown wearing a truck driver's overalls, he impatiently took out his wallet, took out a pile of cash and handed it to the stall owner, and then turned to Batman Bai Yan said: If you don't have money, don't be like others who say you want to treat yourself!

Batman grunted again, but said nothing, put the card away, and walked back to the booth after the Joker.

The red Robin and the red hood with their two heads protruding from the corner made a movement in unison—the head was retracted with a bass, the mouth was covered and the eyes widened, and then yelled crazily in the head— What's going on???!!

Batman eats, Joker pays? ? ?

What are you doing here?!

A familiar voice came from a distance. As soon as Red Robin looked up, he saw Batman walking towards him. He patted Jason's arm frantically and said, What to do? What to do? He's coming Already!!

You ask me who the hell am I asking! Don't run away! It's too late!

Five minutes later, two new sculptures were added to Jack's truck.

And Damian, the devil boy who was still in Bruce's arms, turned his head and looked towards the back seat. When he turned back, he grinned brighter than the clown.

There is a saying that goes well, the less stable the world view is, the easier it is to accept new knowledge and take it as common sense. Damian is afraid of clowns, but he is not that afraid. its number.

But that’s not the case with Red Hood and Red Robin, especially Red Hood. The truck’s seat space is not big, and the back row is squeezed in. Red Hood sits directly behind the clown, separated from the clown. A chair back, he was never this close to the clown when he died at the clown's hands.

There was deathly silence in the car.

As soon as the parking door of the truck opened, the two figures in the back seat rushed out like crazy. After getting out of the car, Red Robin clutched his neck and began to retch.

In the next second, they thought of Batman, and looked at the front door. Wayne and his son, who were well fed and drunk, were fast asleep.

Through the truck window, the two of them saw that the clown had unbuckled his seat belt, strenuously passed Bruce and Damian in his arms, and pushed open the door on Bruce's side.

Then he kicked the father and son out.

As the truck drove away, Bruce tried to widen his sleepy eyes, looked back at Red Hood and Red Robin who were still standing on the side of the road, and said, I should let him send you back to Wayne Manor first... ...

Red Robin shrank his neck, It's unnecessary...

Then go, come with me.

Where are you going?

See for yourself where this is.

Red Robin and Red Hood looked up and found themselves standing in front of the high iron gate.

There is an arc-shaped support at the top of the gate, and a plaque hangs in the center of the arc, with a line of words written in cursive English on it-Arkham Asylum.

In the previous chapter, someone asked why Damian’s vegetarianism setting disappeared, and my reply was swallowed, so I will explain it in a unified way:

Children cannot be vegetarian! Children cannot be vegetarian! Children cannot be vegetarian!

Chronic lack of protein intake during physical development can lead to growth retardation, poor organ development, arrhythmia, osteoporosis and anorexia! Seriously, it will be life-threatening!

Children do not have the ability to survive independently, have insufficient knowledge of nutrition knowledge, and do not understand the serious harm of such behaviors. Parents who do not correct them are serious dereliction of duty or even abuse!

Therefore, this book will not have similar settings, and will not describe details. This kind of thing is easier to imitate, and it is more likely to cause misleading.

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