The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1444 Research on Manipulation (Seventeen)

Bane came back on the third day, and when he heard Bruce say good morning in that low tone, he was no longer surprised, he just squatted in front of Bruce's cell door and said.

I don't know if you're pretending to be driven crazy by the torture Amanda inflicted on you, maybe it's your way of teasing or getting revenge on her, but I'm not here to hear that.

Then what do you want to hear?

I just want to know about you, about Batman, about... Bane's tone gradually sank for a long time before he uttered a word: About Gotham.

I don't know exactly what you're referring to.

A long time ago, I asked a colleague if he had any good vacation spots to recommend. He told me that Gotham would be a good choice. I find this point of view very interesting. Perhaps the best place for us criminals to relax is precisely A city of sin.

“So about five years ago, I went on an East Coast tour with a good colleague, Metropolis first, then Gotham, and it was pretty good, like coming home.

What is your home like?

Bane fell silent again, and after a while, his low trembling voice came from outside the door: You are smarter than I thought, Batman.

Thank you for your praise.

You have a darker heart than mine, but you appear to be more straightforward than me, and you use this straightforwardness as a weapon. You have indeed surpassed my assessment of your level. Now I am more interested in you.

My pleasure.

So tell me, Batman, what happened to the city I saw a month ago?

I do not understand what you mean.

I mean, why in just five years, the legendary city of darkness disappeared, and Gotham not only has sunshine, but also hope?

Bain knocked on the door with his hand and made a boom, his tone was full of a slightly morbid thirst for knowledge.

Tell me Batman, what did you do to this city to make it what it is today, tell me, how the hell did you save Gotham? That's what I followed you here to ask you question.

Why do you ask that?

Because Gotham cannot be saved. There was finally a slight fluctuation in Bain's tone, his breathing became heavier and his speech speed became faster: Because five years ago, I saw the city At that time, I judged that even if I replaced you, I could not cure this city, and I believed that you could not, so I left.

That colleague once asked me why I didn't kill you, because when I saw you from a distance, I thought you were too young and immature, and I didn't think you were worthy of being my opponent.

If I must take your life, it's best to make your despair worthy of this city. I call it a miracle at that time, but you are not worthy, and you are still far from it.

Thank you for your praise.

Batman... Bane whispered: A few months ago, I revisited this place out of curiosity - I can't believe what I saw, you, a boy who is addicted to his childish fantasies and games, In just a few short years, a breach was made in the dark barrier that never sees light in Gotham.

Now the miracle is yours, and I want to know, what is the true face of the miracle?

Why do you ask that?

Bane was silent for a moment, shorter than his previous silence, and asked, Truth for truth, isn't it?

What is your home like?

A prison, it sounds absurd, but my mother was taken prisoner by the war, and the man who captured my mother decided that if she had a boy in her womb, then he would pay for his father's crimes, and I was born .”

Sounds bad.

Yes, but there are worse things. I was born and raised in a prison. I can't talk about healthy growth. My physique is far inferior to those of the new strong prisoners. I am constantly being beaten and abused. grow up.

And one day, a prisoner wanted to use me to escape from prison, and pushed me down the tunnel to make me unconscious. It may be that the brain attack changed my mind. I couldn't bear it any longer, so I killed him.

I don't know exactly what you're referring to.

In a very cruel way, I removed his mandible, injected rat bait into his stomach, and then stuffed a bunch of hungry live rats into his esophagus, leaving him from the inside out. Get eaten.

The warden thought I was very cruel, so he threw me to the lowest level of the cell, a dark and narrow place where the tide would rise at any time. I lived by eating rats.

But it has exercised my will and body. When I really grew up, I seized the power of the prison and ran amok here. They took a fancy to my strong willpower and chose me as a part of the biochemical experiment. member.

The experience in the laboratory was very boring. As you said, the experimental projects were not taken seriously, and the doctors were not professional enough. They injected me with a toxin to make me stronger, so I killed them, and everyone escaped from prison. He escaped, and has since become a freelance mercenary.

Bain's tone became more and more low, and after a while of silence, he still asked: In exchange, don't you plan to reveal some truth about Gotham?

I don't know exactly what you're referring to.

What do you think Gotham is?

Gotham is a city located on the east coast of the United States, bordering the Atlantic Ocean, and has a temperate continental humid climate. It has four districts and a total population of nearly ten million people...

It seems that I can't get an answer today. Bane stood up, put one hand on the door and said: I took Amanda's order to lure you here, not entirely to complete the task , but also want to create a sufficiently secret way of communication for us.

It's not an honorable approach, so I owe you, but I've got to figure it out, and you'll always answer me. Goodbye, Batman.

Goodbye, Bane.

An hour later, Bruce woke up again. He blinked in confusion, tried hard to dispel the hallucinations in front of him, felt the silence in his ears, and said to himself: ...He left? The automatic reply should not What's the problem?

Soon enough, he's quiet again, apparently diving headfirst into Mountain of Shit code, doing what every Gothamite has ever done, repeatedly trying to pan for gold out of shit with great perseverance.

On the second, third, and fourth days, Bane would appear outside Bruce's cell door every day, talking to him about many things, but getting little response.

Bane of course sensed that Bruce's short and repetitive answer was wrong, but he thought that he helped Amanda trick Bruce into here, and Bruce would think that he and Amanda were on the same team, so performing in front of him was deprived and driven crazy The play code is also normal.

Bain knew that he had to break through this layer of defense before he could get the real answer.

But what surprised him at first, then shocked him, and finally made him speechless was that for a whole week, this Batman didn't say a word to the only person he could communicate with during the harsh sensory deprivation punishment.

Bane was almost in admiration.

As we all know, the most severe part of sensory deprivation is that in a completely dark space, people cannot feel the flow of time, and this state of complete loneliness seems to last until their death, which is a very deep feeling. Desperate, almost no one can resist.

In most cases, sensory deprivation cannot be done very tightly, but Amanda will naturally spend great effort on the final punishment when building this prison. The cells used for this kind of punishment are surrounded by layers of maze-like soundproofing devices and are tightly shaded. , even the ventilation device is absolutely silent.

The criminals will be very strictly restrained on the chair, and there will be no room for movement except to meet their personal needs from time to time. If it weren't for the long-term immobility that may cause limb diseases, Amanda even considered direct intubation to solve eating and excreting question.

This is simply an excellent environment for cultivating the Stockholm plot, and Bane is naturally aware of this.

In this case, with a person who can communicate and a way to experience the passage of time, the imprisoned person must go crazy to find a sense of security in order to alleviate the terrible loneliness and despair The destruction of the will.

Bane wanted to kill Batman, but after seeing the situation in Gotham again, he thought Batman was a miracle, so he, like all the villains in Gotham, didn't want to destroy Batman's body, but wanted to kill Batman. Destroy his mind completely, or better yet, manipulate his mind.

What Bain has for Batman saving Gotham is not admiration, but a kind of morbid curiosity. This is unreasonable malice, and Bain does not need any reason to cross the moral bottom line. Growth itself is twisted, and sickness is the norm for him.

But now, he really has a feeling of admiration for Batman. Batman has almost completely surpassed the limit of the human spirit. The two weeks and 14 days of sensory deprivation together may be more than a few in his thinking and feeling. The longer and more painful ten years of imprisonment did not make this tough guy say a word.

It is precisely because Bain spent his childhood and youth in a small and completely enclosed space that he can understand how this kind of pain can distort a person's spirit and drive him crazy.

He also knew better that if at that time he had a partner who didn't have to do anything else but just come and talk to him every day, he would definitely be grateful no matter what the other party asked him to do, he would do it.

Loneliness is the greatest enemy of human beings, and human beings in loneliness are the greatest enemy of order.

But for so many days, Bane got nothing but a few repeated answers—he was convinced.

In the end, Bane stood in the dark corridor, feeling the boundless silence he had been terrified of and the loneliness that still flooded his heart when recalling the past for many years, and said to Bruce.

I once thought about breaking your spine, seeing you lying helplessly on the ground, unable to do anything, and being abandoned in the rainy night, because this will make you feel the pain I have suffered, not the physical pain , but the loneliness and despair brought about by powerlessness.”

Whatever you look at it, in my defense, I don't like dynamic bloodshed and conflict.

I prefer to deprive people of their power, to watch them die in silence, to let them know that in their last moments, what they fear most is not death, but the loneliness of abandonment.

From the moment I was born, I was abandoned by this world.

But it's not a kind of revenge. I failed to overcome loneliness in loneliness. I chose to break away from loneliness, return to the crowd, and resist with violence. This proves that I lost to it.

I searched the world and killed countless people in this way, just to prove that I was right-no one can overcome loneliness itself in loneliness.

Until I met you, Batman.

Bain raised his hand on the door, retracted his arm and hung it by his side, with a solemn posture as if he was saluting something, and when he made a sound, he seemed to be sighing softly.

You defeated loneliness, and you also defeated me.

Then he put his hands on the door again, gritted his teeth and said: And I just want to know, what is it that supports you to defeat it, you have to tell me, Batman... answer me!

Only a deeper silence answered him.

At the same time, Bruce's voice of resentment and doubt echoed in his spiritual world——

How come Schiller can do it but I can't???

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