The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1431 Research on Manipulation (4)

Above the dark cell, the light bulbs flickered non-stop, and all the prisoners were turning back and forth on the bed, looking very irritable.

Since the vicious killing incident occurred on this floor, the prison guards have been patrolling here at a speed of about three or four times an hour, knocking on the railing every ten minutes, and there is no sound of heavy footsteps and coughing. Regular ringing, no one can sleep peacefully.

Any heavy crime prison, although it claims to be watertight, but as long as it is not fully mechanized, but human beings participate in the management, there will always be loopholes, and all kinds of contraband are brought in like this.

In order to avoid inspection, contraband is often in the form of powder wrapped in a paper bag the size of a bookmark. As long as you can get a match, you can use it. In the past, no one hid in a place where the prison guards could not see, but secretly smoked. Few people dare to drink themselves unconscious.

But people in the entire prison who heard about Jimmy's incident did not doubt it. On the one hand, they all knew that Jimmy was transporting drugs to the border gang drug dealers, and the possibility of him getting contraband was too great, and It is very likely to guard against oneself.

The inspection in the prison is very hasty. Jimmy only needs to intercept a little bit each time, which is enough to make himself high, and he was beaten by a big dog before going to the infirmary. Many prisoners on the road saw it and knew The two of them have a feud.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Jimmy to fight the big dog with the courage provided by the hallucinogenic ingredients. The only doubt is that he has hidden a toothbrush, but he is relatively small, and it is normal to find ways to hide things for self-defense.

In this way, this incident was judged to be the result of the prisoners using contraband to cause a fight that eventually resulted in the death of one person. After Jimmy woke up, he couldn't say anything except trembling and crying.

He didn't suspect anyone, and he didn't have the position to suspect others. After all, he was really taking drugs, and he hid his toothbrush himself. The Bandage Killer asked him what he wanted and he didn't give it to him. Everything was his own decision, and he couldn't rely on it at all. other people.

Jimmy was taken to the special monitoring cell, which is the cell used to hold special prisoners. If there is no accident, he should not be able to get out in this life.

The big dog died, and Jimmy left, and only he and the big dog's follower were left in the cell where the bandaged murderer was. On the second day after the big dog died, the follower came to the bandaged murderer's bedside and said : I see, you actually killed the big dog, right? You convinced Jimmy?

I didn't convince him. The bandaged murderer sat cross-legged on the bed, leaning his back against the wall. His eyes never fell on the face of the servant, but he seemed to be thinking about something.

If I ordered him to kill the big dog, then he would have confessed to me when he learned that he was going to be punished more, but he didn't. The Bandage Killer said slowly as if he was sorting out his thoughts .

Then how did you do it? The servant moved closer, but when he saw the red eye, he retreated back to his bed in panic.

The Bandage Murderer remained silent, as if the attendant's question had stopped him, and he turned his gaze to the opposite bed.

Jimmy's blood was still clinging to the sheets at the foot of the bed, and when he looked up, another man was sitting on the edge of the bed, Bruce Wayne, with clear blue eyes.

How do you do that? asked the blue-eyed Bruce.

I tricked Jimmy into killing Big Dog, said the one-eyed red Bandage Killer. It wasn't difficult, but something went wrong.

What's the problem? Blue-eyed Bruce asked.

If manipulating other people to kill is not as convenient and quick as killing myself, then why should I do it?

You think manipulating people is too complicated? Then maybe you should first think about what you have done and how you did it.

If we're going to start over, it's up to you to do the first step, said the red-eyed Bandage Killer.

Bruce, blue-eyed, propped his forearms on his knees and clasped his hands, saying: It all started when I went to a farm in Kansas to learn how to grow from an experienced farmer, and then went further afield in Mexico to learn how to grow on a farm. With the help of a god princess, a rotten magician, a superb cryogenicist, and an agent of all things green, I planted a whole field of broccoli and threw my professor in the middle of the field .”

I know very well that this professor turns over the old accounts from the back to the front, but no matter what order he turns over the old accounts, as long as I am there, he will definitely turn to me first.

So, you dropped everything and ran away with lightning speed. Another Bruce appeared, not sitting on any of the beds, but standing in the middle of the room, staring overhead with gray eyes light bulb.

Blue-eyed Bruce shook his head.

This can't be called an escape. I think what Clark and Diana said makes sense. In order to protect the universe, we should try our best to keep the professor in a good mood, and being thrown into the broccoli field will not Put him in a good mood.

So, you plan to turn his mood from cloudy to sunny?

Blue-eyed Bruce nodded and said, And I have to find a way to get Schiller to put my name back on his student list. Thomas' heart and blood pressure really can't take any more.

And there is only one way to achieve both points at the same time, and that is to write a good paper.

Blue-eyed Bruce raised his head, leaned against the wall and let out a long sigh, and then said: In the past four years, I finally understand a truth. In terms of psychology, I am not an academic talent. I am not good at summarizing the theories of other psychologists, and then sublimating and innovating in theory, which is totally unworkable.”

I can memorize the theory, and the summary and outline are not difficult, but as long as it involves sentiment analysis, there are too many reasons that cannot be imagined, let alone innovation.

Therefore, I had to create a new direction, find another way outside of psychoanalysis and cognitive theory, and even create a new discipline.

Actually, I should have done this a long time ago. Blue-eyed Bruce tilted his head slightly, looked at his other gray-eyed self and said, I do this in every other discipline. The previous theory It's just a support for me.

But the reason why psychology has hesitated so long is because Schiller is my teacher. He led me into the world of psychology and let me appreciate its charm. I really want to inherit those theories and be like him. become a master of both psychoanalytic and cognitive schools.

But it turns out that whether it's physics or psychology, I'm not good at purely theoretical research, but better at practice. In physics, even if I don't summarize and innovate any formulas, I can create a formula that is far beyond modern times. Mechanical creations at the technological level, psychology is the same.

But in psychology and sociology, if you want to put some ideas into practice, you can't do it in a laboratory and a machine tool. I need a qualified testing ground.

The requirements of the testing site are that it must be a closed social environment, with a unique ecosystem, enough people, and the identities of these people so that I can feel no guilt when using them as experiments, The heavy-duty criminals in the super prison in Florence are the best choice.

In this way, there is only one last problem left, which is how to ensure that I will not be affected by other emotions, avoid the long-standing moral sense from interfering with the experimental process, and be able to execute the entire plan calmly and objectively, and record the data accurately.

The blue-eyed Bruce set his sights on the bandaged murderer's face, and in the mental space, the bandages on the bandaged murderer's face continued to peel off, revealing the exact same face as Bruce Wayne, except that his eyes were Red.

Frequent visits to Schiller's tower made me realize that the separation of personality traits is not without benefits. Bruce said with gray eyes: In fact, everyone is using different aspects of their personality to deal with different situations. The lively and sociable side is used to deal with interpersonal interactions in work and life; the violent and rebellious side is used to deal with injustice in life; the calm and thinking side is used to study knowledge and take exams.”

And I and Schiller are two extremes. His personality traits are too separated, but I am not separated at all. I plan to use my serious and cold side to deal with everything in this world.

Now I realize that maybe we should move closer to the middle value. Blue-eyed Bruce said, and he looked at the other two himself separately, and finally his eyes fell on the red-eyed Bruce's face.

Of course Bruce Wayne has a violent, evil, and cruel side in his heart, or in other words, the excessively high moral level is because the strength of the positive traits is not enough to control these dangerous traits, so it is necessary to set a strong standards, to keep myself from being driven mad by these negative traits.”

But when I decided to go deeper into my personality, all the negatives came out on their own and were pitted against the positives, says the red-eyed Bruce in that hoarse voice.

And the reason why I don't worry about going crazy anymore...

The blue-eyed Bruce drew a long note, and then looked at the figure standing in the middle of the room together with the red-eyed Bruce.

Bruce with two eye colors, one red and one blue, sat on the opposite side of the two beds, while Bruce with gray eyes stood in the middle, and the flickering lights above his head elongated the shadow, like a stable and powerful balance pillar.

To complete this plan, I must first find a way to enter the super prison in Florence. It won't work as Bruce Wayne, but I can't completely change my appearance. It is possible to escape the layers of searches in this prison.

Bruce with red eyes leaned against the wall and said: At this time, a piece of news caught my attention. Thomas Elliott killed more than a dozen people in the process of being chased by the FBI, and is now being arrested. Wanted by the entire Federation.

He has a different interest in Bruce Wayne's identity. He once tried plastic surgery to look like Bruce. Although he was disfigured in the end, his facial features are roughly the same as mine.

In order to carry out my plan and prevent him from continuing to kill, I used another message to attract his attention, so that he would give up hunting down the surviving girl from a Kansas farmer's family and investigate another thing.

I brought the serial killer's club to Elliott's attention with some newsboy gossip.

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