The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1113 Father and Son (Forty)

No matter which universe you are in, the night in Asgard looks quiet and deep. Loki carried Helen to the sink in the bathroom, and let her wash her face with water from the tap, while he turned around and went out to the dressing room to change. pajamas.

While tying the belt of the nightgown, Helen's laughter came from the direction of the bathroom. Loki hurriedly fastened the belt, and when he walked out, he found that Helen had foamed up his face and drew a picture on the mirror with the foam. smiley.

Loki leaned against the door with his hands on his hips. When Helen found him, not only did she not feel the panic after getting into trouble, but formed a circle with her wrist and blew a series of bubbles at Loki.

Loki hurriedly waved his hand in front of his face to prevent the foam from getting on his freshly washed hair. He turned his head and wanted to look for a towel in the bathroom, but he found that the towel was also dropped on the floor by Helen.

Loki sighed, turned to go out, just opened his door, he showed a hesitant expression, he turned his head instinctively to look at the window in the corridor, the window frame cut the moonlight into pieces, and when it was scattered on the ground , like a shattered mirror.

It was very quiet outside the window, and even the flames of the Martial Arts Field were extinguished, which meant that it was already late at night.

If it was in the past, it would be absolutely impossible for Loki to call out to the ceremonial officer or attendant, because he didn't want these people to think that he was someone who couldn't even handle such a trivial matter, and still troubled others.

Loki, who was standing by the door, took a deep breath and let it out again, clearing those memories from his mind, and then shouted loudly towards the stairs in the corridor: Come on!

Ten seconds later, two servants in armor ran up. Loki cleared his throat and said to them, Bring me two towels.

Although his tone was calm, the hand pinching the door frame was exerting slight strength until the veins were clearly visible, but the two attendants didn't even raise their heads, bowed and said, Please wait a moment, etiquette The officer will be here soon.

Loki frowned and said, Where did he go? Why wasn't he on the night watch?

The two attendants looked at each other, both seemed a little surprised, wondering why Loki knew so much about the manpower arrangement of Asgard's night watch.

Asgard is a comprehensive place integrating accommodation and office. It is similar to Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom. The royal family lives and works here. In addition to the royal family, generals, messengers, diplomats and housekeepers who are allowed to stay overnight and so on, will live here too.

Because there are a lot of people living there, three attendants and one ceremonial officer will be arranged on each floor to facilitate the various needs of the royal family or staying guests. The attendants are mainly responsible for ensuring safety, while the ceremonial officer is responsible for life logistics and notification of work and rest arrangements. .

Rocky waited at the door for five or six minutes before the hostess came late. Rocky said he needed to get two towels, but before he frowned, the host frowned first.

Although he finally turned around and went to work, Loki could clearly see the impatience in his attitude, as if I have to do this little thing.

After the attendants and the etiquette officer left, Loki frowned even deeper. In fact, this group of people didn't recognize him as Loki at all, but thought that he was Thor's guest.

Now, Loki lives on the sixth floor of Asgard. According to the Asgard hospitality etiquette he knows, this is the place where distinguished guests live, but even so, he asked the etiquette officer to help get two towels. Not reluctantly.

Rocky, who has lived on the earth, knows that, let alone a royal butler, in New York, if you find a five-star hotel at random, you will not have this level of service, and even the waiter on the night shift will have a better attitude, because Guests are tipped higher during this time period.

Asgard does not pay much attention to tipping, but the ceremonial officers and attendants here are actually the children of fleet commanders or officers. They come here just to win a place in front of Odin or Thor. There are some comparisons. Fortunately, he could still follow behind the God King and learn how to lead the army.

However, how could they have such an attitude? Even if it is tiring to be on duty at night, the manpower of Asgard is very sufficient. One person can be on the night shift for at most two days a month, and if he is late like this, he will embarrass him. Isn't this an offense to Asgard?

Loki's heart sank more and more. Since Thor succeeded to the throne, Asgard began to conduct frequent diplomatic activities.

In addition to summoning various feudal lords within the nine major countries, other interstellar civilizations are also invited to watch the ceremony. After that, Thor may also hold a grand wedding, which is a very important diplomatic event.

But if all the attendants and etiquette officers of Asgard Palace have this attitude, is this diplomacy? Isn't this, going around the universe and offending people?

Loki had already closed the door, shook his head, and turned back to the room.

Now, he sort of figured it out, it wasn't him who was abnormal at all, but Thor.

As a monarch, Thor is too tolerant, careless, careless, and the people below will follow suit, and maybe they will complain that other guests are too troublesome and have too many things.

Or, in fact, the special one is Asgard.

After all, there are few civilizations in the universe whose fists are bigger than their brains. Most civilizations are not as strong as the gods of Asgard. If they want to develop, they will inevitably rely on geopolitics and diplomatic relations. Therefore, in this regard, Be extra cautious.

But the Asgardians are used to being careless. They feel that they didn't have any diplomacy before, and they don't need it in the future. The person on the other side is either a defeated opponent or a future defeated opponent. Why give them any good looks?

This reminded Loki of a sentence he saw in the human world: the scariest thing is not weakness, but arrogance.

If you compare Asgard to a human being, then he must be very arrogant, always follow his own way, and is unwilling to change. If others don't follow their style of acting, it will be hypocritical and troublesome.

The more Loki thought about it, the more he felt that a heavy boulder was pressing on his heart, and he couldn't solve it, but he couldn't find a good way to solve it. Who made Thor have such a character?

But when thinking of this, Loki suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Thor has such a character, so what about Odin? Would Odin take issue with this?

As soon as this idea came up, Loki was startled. Why did he think of Odin? Aren't Odin and Thor carved out of the same mold?

But reason is telling Loki that this is not the case.

When Thor was still a prince, his acting style was quite reckless, and he liked to run amok. It was during the period of his succession that he began to learn how to judge carefully and act rationally.

But according to Loki's understanding of Odin, from the beginning to the end, this seemingly wild father of the gods is definitely not a reckless person. On the contrary, he is more cautious than anyone else.

During the period after Thor succeeded to the throne, Odin still stayed in Asgard to hand over the work. Would he have not noticed the strange behavior of the attendants and ceremonial officers in Asgard?

In Loki's heart, he came up with an answer that surprised and frightened him. He was unwilling to let his logic follow this line and continue to deduce downwards.

After a while, the etiquette officer brought the towels. When Loki took the towels, he found that the towels were not neatly folded, and the specifications of the two towels were different. It looked a little funny, which made him feel even worse.

Walking back into the room, Loki carried Helen off the sink, and wiped off the foam on her face with a towel, but because he was upset and his movements were rather irritable, Helen sneezed twice.

Loki took a look at the towel that was wiping Helen's face. This towel was obviously over-dried and began to shed its hair. When he shook it lightly, the fluff in the air was clearly visible.

Rocky threw the towel out angrily, then squatted on the ground, covered his face with his hands, Helen rubbed his nose, turned to look at him, and said: What's wrong? You seem very angry...

These bloody idiots! Loki scolded through gritted teeth, I went to the post station to find two flying horses, and I can do things with their hooves, and they can do better than them!

Helen didn't seem surprised at all, she shrugged and said, It's not been a day or two, last time, the clothes they found for me, the pins on the collar were not removed, when Pepper took me back, it happened to be I found out and complained for two or three days.

Loki looked up at her, and he found that the worst outcome he had imagined had come true, and Asgard was really ashamed to turn around.

But Helen smiled and said: I guess, you must be troubled by this, thinking that they are really careless, and I don't know how many people have offended people in subtle ways, but in fact, it's not as serious as you think...

Helen looked up at Loki and said, Perhaps, you also know something about Tony and Pepper, so why do you think they are willing to send me here after they find out that a group of people don't care about me at all?

Loki was a little stunned, he looked at Helen and asked, Why?

He was indeed a little puzzled by Helen's meaning. Pepper discovered this incident a long time ago, but after that, Helen still traveled between Asgard and Earth, and the relationship between the two parties was not affected.

When working in the Holy of Holies, Loki also knew Pepper. Pepper's name Little Pepper is not for nothing. This housekeeper is vigorous and strict, and she is unwilling to tolerate any flaws. .

Then, why was she willing to send her here when she found out that Asgard hadn't taken care of Helen well?

As soon as he thought of this question, Helen opened her mouth to give the answer: Of course, it's because, she thinks, what I can gain from Asgard is much more than what I can lose.

I can learn how to use divine power and hone my martial arts here. Apart from that, I also live happily here. Frigga and other goddesses are willing to play with me, and the warriors of Asgard are also willing to take me out. shop.

Compared to this, it's okay to have some flaws in life. If the clothes are not handled well, you can bring your own clothes at worst. Pepper often said that she shouldn't expect Asgard, a civilization with only muscles in its head, to take good care of it. child……

Loki stared straight at Helen, Helen shook her head lightly and said: Asgard's style is known throughout the universe, and because you are strong enough, even if the other party is dissatisfied, they dare not say it, or they know it and say it It’s useless, you just do it.”

Loki pursed his lips and seemed a little dissatisfied. Helen shook his hand and said, Don't be sad. I have to admit that big fists are good. As long as you are strong enough, everyone will forgive you.

But going on like this is not a solution. It's not that we can't do well. Or that sentence, if we work a little harder, will we exhaust them to death?

As soon as Loki finished saying this, the expression on his face became a little hesitant. He said, I want to change, but I know that I can't find Thor. He will only persuade me, don't worry about these...

After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to the towel thrown out by him again, and said, This is no longer something that can be explained by a personality problem. It's just being too loose and lazy.

When there are battles every day, these details are really not too important, as long as the martial arts are strong, but now, Asgard has stopped the pace of fighting, let them continue to indulge like this, sooner or later there will be cracks inside ...

Then what are you going to do? Helen asked.

Loki bit his finger lightly again, and said, I have a bold idea, so bold that it's a bit scary.

My God... How could I even think of going to the All-Father... No, it's definitely not going to work... He can't...

At this moment, a series of hurried noises came from the door, and Helen ran to open the door in a hurry, and there was a tear-stained, anxious Sylvie standing outside the door, she shouted!

Let's get out of here quickly! In case, the director of the Time Management Bureau finds here... I can't bring Thor any more trouble!

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