The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 996 Battle for the Tower (28)

Before that, I want to ask you a question, Batman, do you think you are special? Schiller asked Batman with a smile.

Everyone feels that they are special. Batman replied in a deep voice: Because people can only perceive themselves. For everyone, there is only the self that can feel in this world, and other people who appear in their lives. A person who plays a supporting role.

Very interesting point of view. Shiller commented, he said: It seems that you are very interested in the cognitive school, but what I am talking about is not based on cognition, but in reality.

Maybe. Batman took a deep breath. The exhaustion he had just exhausted allowed his tense thinking to relax, which would make the language center in his brain more active, so he would be more speechless than usual. talkative.

The world's richest man is special wherever he goes, and it's the same in Gotham. Batman looked at the reflection of the tableware on the table and said in a daze, but Schiller raised his eyebrows and said, I didn't expect that your first A proposed identity will be the richest man in the world.

Because all the plans to transform Gotham that are circling in my mind revolve around one word, and that is money. Batman let out the breath he was holding, which sounded like a soft sigh.

Four years ago, you would never have imagined that one day, after a life-and-death battle, you would sit in the final villain's room, discuss money with your psychology professor, and... You are short of money.

Batman covered his eyes with the gauntlet and asked, Why do you say you were Batman's victim? What did I do?

Schiller picked up the cutlery again and began cutting up the food on the plate. He said: If you are curious about this question, let's talk about the broccoli first. How did you and those two idiots break into the high school? In the tower? Why are you rummaging around in my room?

We each have our own purpose. Batman said truthfully, he looked up for a moment, as if recalling, and then said: Zatana really wants to save the world, but her method... is special.

Why should I come to save the world? Schiller asked.

Zatana came to us. She said that there is an extremely evil curse that has been hidden in Gotham City. Gotham will look like it is now, and it is inseparable from this curse.

Konstantin believes that what she said is not unreasonable, and you once said that Gotham will be what it is now, and it also has the influence of occultism.

Batman looked up at Schiller, and said, So the stronger curse you mentioned, is it a heinous curse?

I think you've misunderstood. Schiller understood the causal relationship he was talking about, and he said, The curse on my hand comes precisely from Constantine, who killed him in his mother's womb. The ghost of my own brother, Constantine once said, was called Thomas, but I don't like the name very much, and neither do you, do you?

Very rarely, Batman's expression didn't change much. Unlike in the past, once he heard his parents' names, he would show a very classic serious expression. He put one hand on the armrest of the chair, and said : We thought that the curse in your umbrella was the so-called heinous curse.

So, you guys want to take my umbrella? Schiller paused for a moment, then looked at Batman from above the glasses, and said, It's the way I used to do things, and I haven't dealt with you greedy intruders. , give a strong warning?

Batman's finger tapping the armrest paused, and he said, It doesn't have to be stronger.

Schiller rolled his eyes and showed a slightly disgusted expression. He said: I can tolerate Zatana because she is just like you at 18 years old, and exactly the same.

Capable people are always very confident in the ability they have mastered, and once the situation is beyond their control, they will not reflect on the way they use this ability, or have any mistakes in their concepts, but must To find a hole in each other, right? Batman?

Batman coughed twice. He and Schiller didn't talk about four years ago, but they talked about four years ago.

You should be thankful, Batman. At the same time, I can only tolerate one idiot like this. If you are still like that, someone will be in danger. Schiller put a piece of subcutaneous tissue into his mouth, and fiddled with it seriously looked at the food on the plate, and whispered:

But you can run into my room so easily, it must be inseparable from the group of me who neglected my duties. Perhaps, they deliberately let you in, because they should also be very curious about my current situation.

Batman's fingers paused again. He looked at Schiller's face, wondering if it was his illusion. Occasionally, a crazy smile flashed across Schiller's face, but it was not as frequent as it was at the beginning, nor was it so Crazy, as if in transition.

Merkel mentioned to me that you have changed a lot in the past four years. Does this have something to do with the lunatic personality in you? Batman asked.

This goes back to the original question. Schiller asked without raising his head, Do you know that you are special?

But he didn't wait for Batman's answer, but said to himself: Whether you know it now or not, you definitely didn't know it when we first met.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be asking me that question, and I wouldn't be Batman's victim.

Question? Batman repeated the word in a questioning tone, and then recalled that when he first met Schiller, he seemed to ask him a question, so he repeated the question: ...What is the meaning of life?

Revenge, the meaning of life is revenge. At the beginning, I answered you like this, but in fact, I shouldn't have answered you at all. Schiller put down the tableware again, sighed slightly and said: Maybe, you Asking this question is just to clarify my professional level, but in fact, the impact of this question is much greater than you can imagine.

Gotham is a special city. Everyone who gets stuck in it has a chance to become crazy. When I first came here, I was just an ordinary citizen, but all this ended when you appeared that day.

You have to know one thing, it wasn't the Joker who chose Batman, but Batman chose the Joker. Schiller looked at Batman and said, That crazy virus was produced by your attention. The minute you come to me and wonder who I am, my personality is tainted.

Batman frowned deeply, he never believed in such fatalistic things, but when all this came out of his professor's mouth, he felt that Schiller would not be aimless, because he knew, Schiller also didn't believe in fate.

Maybe you find it difficult to understand, but you must remember that you are special, and if you pay attention to anyone, it may greatly change their fate, including me.

For some reason, I knew you would come sooner or later. Before I saw you for the first time, my mind was on how to avoid meeting you, because I hate being forced into the vortex very much.

If I'm going to be involved in something, it should be in a more proactive manner, and I think you should have figured that out.

Schiller looked at Batman, and Batman nodded. He was very sure that this professor didn't like unexpected situations, he preferred to have everything under control, or in other words, he preferred to create troubles rather than participate in incidents.

But when you appeared, I was defenseless, and at that moment, I was infected by a special crazy virus, and my thoughts were reversed. Just like every clown, I used a very simple psychological suggestion to cause got your attention.

And also to verify my professional level, you asked that question, and this question is the root cause of my changes.

Perhaps, you should already know that the piece of personality that was infected by the virus at the beginning is also a part of arrogance. It is half of the arrogance trait, and I am the other half.

After he was infected by the crazy virus, in order to ensure that I could have a clear mind to carry out activities, the 'superego' forcibly locked him up, and then sent the arrogant other half, which is me, to replace his work.

However, this matter is far from that simple, Batman... Schiller squeezed the table knife slightly, and he looked at Batman with an unkind look, and said:

The question you had at the beginning has become a curse, a task that I must complete.

If you haven't got the answer, if you haven't found out what the meaning of life is, then there is no way to restore the other half of the traits and me that were once contaminated by the crazy virus.

You seem to be talking in your sleep. Batman commented, and he continued: I don't mean that this thing can't happen, but you and I can't explain how the situation you said happened. of.

What's so special about my attention? Why is there a special virus? Why did that question become a curse? Batman throws a barrage of questions, but doesn't expect Schiller to provide an explanation.

For the first time, he opened his mouth and said: In everything we have experienced together, you always have extra judgments that neither the authorities nor the bystanders are aware of. I thought that you could predict the future, but then , your performance doesn’t look like you have such ability.”

If you can not ask this question, then there is no need to ask why so many questions. Schiller said: I want to explain all this more than you, but the answer to this question is that it cannot be explained.

Batman narrowed his eyes, but before he could speak, Schiller went on, Leave aside the facts, you know? Every clown has his destiny, a destiny related to Batman.

He will definitely answer one of your questions, make you aware of some reality, make you feel emotional, or learn something from it.

If he is your friend, he will accompany you until you are no longer Batman. If he is your classmate, he will study and improve together with you. And if he is your teacher...

When Batman heard it, Schiller sighed deeply, as if lamenting his unfortunate fate, he said: I am the Joker, the Joker is me, we are both one person and the same personality fragment, so, we have the same fate.

If I hadn't been so special, without that tower of thinking, and a calm and decisive manager, then a professor of psychology who turned into a clown would answer your question in a more powerful way. this problem.

Before Batman could ask, Schiller said, don't want to know the method he intended to use.

Seeing Schiller's expression, Batman knew that the answer hovering in Schiller's mind might be more shocking than the food on his plate and the corpse behind him.

Thanks to the calm and decisive superego, he locked up that madman, but the price is... Schiller paused, then looked Batman in the eyes again and said, I have to do his job for the Joker.

I must use another, gentler method to teach you how to find the answer to this question—what is the meaning of life?

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