The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3517: Dark line

Yi Bingwei never expected that her unintentional remark would be fulfilled so soon.

On the morning of the second day, she heard that Ruan Hongchen was taken by the Dao Gong Lutang people. During the capture, Ruan Hongchen resisted desperately and was seriously injured. At the same time, Liu Ling, the head of the third room, was also arrested.

But in the process of apprehension, Liu Ling was in chaos, causing a lot of casualties. Among them, two professors were killed in battle, and the entire Taoist palace was almost turned into blood. This is the only civil strife that has erupted since the Dao Palace was established 8,000 years ago. The impact is so great and far-reaching that it is difficult to estimate.

Not to mention, just mention one point. Since this incident, the Dao Palace has begun a comprehensive investigation, chasing up the six ancestors and checking down for three generations. If the political trial fails, all will be removed.

Xu Yi, who exposed the case, naturally became an existence that attracted much attention. With such a great contribution, the big figure in the Taoist palace will pretend to be asleep again, and this time will have to be awakened.

There is no way to not give Xu Yi the quota for an outstanding student. Because the inside line of the evil court was unearthed, the entire Taoist palace set off a storm, but Xu Yi hid in the cave, enjoying his own cleanliness. However, in the eye of the storm, just want to hide quietly, how easy it is.

Xie Dongfeng cracked and moved the prohibition outside the cave. Xu Yi wanted to pretend to be asleep. He only opened the door to welcome the guests. Xie Dongfeng snorted coldly, "You kid broke the fire and almost didn't blow up the Dao Palace. I am here to enjoy the blessings, and there is no door."

Although it was a rant, but Xu Yi couldn't see the spring breeze on Xie Dongfeng's face. He smiled and said, "Master She, I am afraid that others will blame me for making this monstrous disturbance. You have no reason to be upset."

Xie Dongfeng said sternly, "Why do I want to be happy? Do you think that if you have more of an outstanding student, how much performance can I get? Be less affectionate. You kid is a demon, but you put Lao Tzu in front. Do you know how many **** to wipe afterwards."

Xu Yi said, "Those who are able work harder, otherwise, how can the above know the ability of the head of the house, and how can they intentionally promote the head of the head to professor."

Xie Dongfeng was immediately embarrassed, and said, "Listen to who said it, don't worry."

He hadn't planned to tell Xu Yi. He used this momentum to suppress Xu Yi first, but he didn't expect that Xu Yi was well informed even though he was sitting in the cave. it's good now. This opportunity was created by Xu Yi,

He must accept Xu Yi's favor, and how arrogant he is even if he inherits Xu Yi's favor.

Xu Yi laughed, "I don't want to conceal from the leader, and I have talked to the leader, but I have said a lot of good things about the leader." This is purely a lie. Hell in the day, never talked to him above.

But Xie Dongfeng really believed it, but he knew that there was a lot of controversy over the quota for Xu Yi, an excellent student. In the end, it was passed by an absolute majority and awarded to Xu Yi as an excellent student.

Such a high optician, since he started teaching, he has said that he has seen it, but he has never heard it.

The face of Xu Yi was particularly blue-eyed and he was willing to listen to his opinions. Xie Dongfeng believed that it was really not impossible.

At the moment, he clasped his fists into a big bow at Xu Yi, "I accept this favor. Don't worry, you kid. Xie never accepts gifts in vain, and he will return in the future. By the way, I am calling you here today, not to drink. I'm calling you. Besides, I'm calling you to blame. It's the name of the Lord Shanzhang. I put on you to love you. Okay, don't pretend to be a bear with me. The Lutang wants you to go there. It seems to be interrogating Ruan. The world is not going well, I want you to help."

Xu Yi frowned, "How can I help?"

Although he was reluctant in his heart, since Lutang called the name, he could only take this trip. The torture room of the Law Hall is not like the ordinary torture room, it is **** and unusually bright. The whole decoration is pink, but it is somewhat warm. Ruan Hongchen that Xu Yi saw in the third execution room.

When he came over, Longdian Prison in charge of No. 3 torture room had already stated clearly that Ruan Hongchen confessed very cleanly and called Xu Yi to come over because the only requirement Ruan Hongchen mentioned before confessing was to see Xu Yi side. Lutang is selfless and speaks for words, this time he invites Xu Yi to come to fulfill his promise.

Although it was guessed that Ruan Hongchen must have suffered a lot in the torture room of Lutang, when he saw Ruan Hongchen goodbye, Xu Yi bluffed. Ruan Hongchen had turned into a light and shadow gathered image, obviously his body had disappeared. Trace, this phantom is the manifestation of the wheel of life.

"How did you know me? Yu Qing didn't know me. Gubeiting still existed. You probably didn't know it was me. Of course, you might doubt it, but if you just doubt it, you would not place such a heavy bet. Let me do it." Ruan Hongchen is straight to the point.

She was trapped. Xu Yi made a few words and deceived, and she was arrested instantly. Xu Yi found her star ring, obtained evidence from it, and implicated Liu Ling. All this is simple to say, but if Xu Yi is not fully certain, he will never bet.

Because his identity is a student, and Ruan Hongchen is the instructor. When a student acts on the instruction, he commits the following crimes. This is the most taboo of Dao Gong, a holy palace that is represented by immortal officials and teachers in the world. Therefore, Ruan Hongchen was still struggling with this matter when he was about to disperse the fate wheel into reincarnation.

Xu Yi didn't feel any pity for Ruan Hongchen. This person made his own mind. He hid in the dark and took action. He used Yi Bingwei as an attack, and almost killed him. Xu Yi had no mercy towards such a snake girl.

Xu Yi smiled and said, "According to what I mean, it's my heart that you don't look at me. But Yi Bingwei begs me to make you walk more decent, and I can give you the answer."

Ruan Hongchen heaved a sigh of relief, "You really have a deep and righteous affection for her. Actually, the first time you met, I was outside Zhaohui Hall. There was no ordinary desire in your eyes. It was an indescribable one. Infinitely affectionate. It's a sigh that Gubei Ting has a false reputation. If you are willing to listen to me, or let me trade, as long as you hold Yi Bingwei firmly, let you be the east, let you be the west, how can you end up in this way. "

At first, after Xu Yi entered Wuyue Villa, Gu Beiting had nothing to do with it. Gu Beiting sent a message to someone for advice. This person was Ruan Hongchen.

Xu Yi said, "You are right, but not all right. I care about Yi Bingwei's life and death. In addition to being an old friend asking me to take care of her, Xu has the difference between good and evil in his heart."

Ruan Hongchen said, "It's about this time, you still refuse to tell the truth, duplicity, you and Yi Bingwei are a natural match."

Xu Yi waved his hand, "It's all this stall, do you still want to make your tongue? The fate wheel is about to dissipate, your gossip fire is still burning, do you want to listen to the serious, if you don't listen, I will immediately Just leave, I don't have the time to spend with you."

Ruan Hongchen stared at Xu Yi and nodded slowly.

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