The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3514: Serve soft

Xu Yi is not a person who is willing to suffer a dumb loss, he is completely inadequate. In this wave of toss, he obviously took advantage of the five elements, but he felt that he had suffered a loss. After nine deaths, this evil spirit would not come out, and he would not be happy for several days. So he came to this jade city.

I chose this place because it is not far from Wuyuan. It is only thousands of miles away. It is also the junction of three things. It frequently swaggers in Qiyu City to attract the attention of Gu Beiting and others. He also deeply believes that ancient Beiting and others must be frantically looking for themselves these days.

And this Jade City, as a marginal zone, had the power of evil courts, it was normal. Sure enough, today, he noticed that someone was following him, and immediately knew that it would not take long before the troops of Gubeiting would be killed. At this time, he didn't rush to send a message to the Sui's Si Ah.

He said that he continued to refine alchemy during this period, and his vitality was severely injured. Sui's Si'ah immediately became anxious and hurried to find the treasure medicine. As soon as the news spread in Wuyuan, it immediately caused a sensation, and even several Wuyuan clan elders who hadn't asked the world for a long time came over.

Without him, Xu Yi's recent reputation is really good. A steady stream of Wudan was sent to Wuyuan, and the various tribes of Wuyuan were already grateful to him. In the past, how difficult and humiliating it was for the Wuyuan tribes to obtain Wudan from Zhu Yuliang, but now they are more grateful to Suijie.

When I heard that Suijie was injured and needed nourishing treasures, he basically took action, and accompanied Sui’s Si Ah to Xu Yi’s alchemy cave. In fact, it was the site he temporarily opened. Visiting Suijie was mainly worried about serious injuries. Suijie has three strengths and two shortcomings, which is an unbearable weight for Wuyuan.

And these great witches on Wuyuan were the generous gifts Xu Yi prepared for Gu Beiting. He did not expect that Gu Beiting was so vigilant that he could see some clues from the blood he squirted. However, he has gathered momentum, how can he still be afraid of Gu Beiting to ask questions.

So he listened to him, "So what do you do, you don’t have to tell you, I see if you guys rush to this place anxiously, who must be arrested? Listening to this interrogation, it seems that I am the person you are arresting. , Forget it, Suimou will come with you to ask for innocence in person."

Hearing what Xu Yi said, the Wuyuan Wu clan was all bombed. "Wow, I can't bear it, who dares to have trouble with Wuyuan Saint, I will tear him up first." "Biao Cen, you are still not a human being, Sanhe does not lack Wudan, is it good to see us Wuyuan," You have to go to war, Lao Tzu will accompany you."

"The Great Wizard of Suijie has been providing medicinal pills for the Wuyuan Wu Clan. In just a few months, I have provided too many and too much. If I want to refine these medicinal pills, I am afraid that I can have rest time at all times. How can I go and get involved with you? , Sanshu, Biao Cen is rude, kill these **** first."

"Yes, kill them all, kill them all, Wuyuan heroes, how can you be humiliated by the villain." "..." The sentiment is indignant, it is really indignant. The younger generation of witches are all enthusiastic, and there will be a battle immediately. It seems that only this is the way to vent the anger in their hearts.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Zhu Jun calmed down his anger."

Wang Chongrong was anxious and wanted to suppress the scene, but seeing him look bad, the witches seemed to attack at any time.

Biao Cen was also panicked, and repeatedly scolded Gu Beiting for not knowing the severity. He was frustrated and mad, and he explained Suijie's current deeds and reputation. The last trace of Gu Beiting's luck was also shattered, thinking that he had really made the wrong object.

Xu Yi waved his hand, and the tumult stopped immediately, and he saw him pointing at Wang Chongrong and said, "As far as this day, the monarchs have caused many disputes. I don't want swords and soldiers to face each other, but you must give an explanation."

Wang Chongrong said, "This matter is all a misunderstanding caused by our side. Naturally, Wang wants to give you an explanation. I don't know what the Sui fellow Daoist thinks?"

He could see that Suijie's prestige in these five original realms was astonishing, and such a new character appeared to him, he didn't know it, and he couldn't help saying that he was negligent.

Xu Yi pointed to Gubeiting, "This person barked for no reason, causing a disturbance, and he was even more disrespectful to Suimou, so he stayed in Wuyuan for ten years. After ten years, you can take it away."

"This is impossible." Gu Beiting immediately became anxious. All the witch races glared anger, and the situation that had only eased slightly was about to collapse immediately.

Wang Chongrong said, "I promised." As he spoke, he conveyed his thoughts to Gu Beiting, "Suijie just wants to save face, and when the limelight is over, I will get you back again. Don't worry, Suijie is such a character. , I will definitely recruit my imperial palace for the Lord, so stay calm and restless."

Although Gu Beiting was angry, he stopped talking. Xu Yidao, "Except for this, there are 28 family heads here. Everyone gathers together for the purpose of refining witch pills. Now there is only a lot of star fire grass. If Brother Wang can get ten kilograms, this misunderstanding will be Revealed."

The Penhu waited for the Witch clan patriarchs to no avail. After doing it for a long time, Xu Yi made the offer for them, and his faces were red with gratitude. At this moment, if Xu Yi gave an order, it was really in the water, the Penhu group would never frown.

Wang Chongrong frowned slightly. Martian grass is one of the raw materials for refining Xuanhuang Pill. It is not valuable in itself, but the amount Xu Yi wants is too much. If it is tossed, it may be a troublesome thing, but you can look at it again. Wang Chongrong knew the expression of the Wu Clan that he could not refuse this matter.

At the moment, Wang Chongrong responded to this matter. Xu Yi said, "So, thank you brother Wang. Ah Da, Ah Er, take this ancient Taoist friend down, and Ah San Ah Si will send him brother Wang and the others." Sui Si Ah took the order. At the moment, two great witches are in Penhu. Under the sign, he escorted him down to Gu Beiting with A Da A Er.

Wang Chongrong clasped a fist to Xu Yi and led Biao Cen and others to leave. Out of the narrow cave, Wang Chongrong and others waited for a long sigh of relief. In Shicai cave, surrounded by hundreds of powerful witches, he felt that he was dreaming and didn't want to come back again.

"Okay, everyone quickly forget about the talent, and hurry up to find someone. Even if you dig the ground three feet, you have to find Xu Yi for me." Wang Chongrong gave an order, and dozens of strong people dispersed. Start searching for the vast mountains.

Even if the land of three thousand miles is extremely large, it is not difficult for these powerful monks to search all corners and corners. However, after more than an hour, everyone searched this area for three thousand miles, and there was no shadow of Xu Yi. Wang Chongrong felt very tired.

"Master Shaoqing, could the surname Xu be hidden among that gang of witches?" Lao Sui finally asked the question hidden in the hearts of many people. Wang Chongrong snorted coldly, "It's okay, after a few days, I don't believe those witches will stay here forever."

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