The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3490: expert

Wu Pin was angry and conveyed his thoughts, "What is wrong with this professor, and why I should apologize." Xu Yichuan thought, "The professor sits down and looks down. It's time for students to show their real skills." Wu Pin thoughts. Cold, "Come on, show it."

Yi Bingwei at the token end only felt weird to the extreme. When did Wu Pin speak so calmly?

Without waiting for her to ask questions, he listened to Xu Yidao, "I know that I have always left a very bad impression on the teaching and caused a lot of trouble to the teaching, but I don't know it. To this day, I can break the emotional barrier. , I realized that I have always had a devilish mind. Whenever I encounter a teaching, I have no sense of belonging and made many gaffes, which caused a lot of trouble to the teaching. I am sorry."

"That's it. Well, I accept Professor Wu's apology." Yi Bingwei really believed in this explanation, because those actions of Wu Pin were indeed crazy. If this big trouble could be solved, she would of course be happy to see it. .

Xu Yi's tone suddenly became deep, "Teaching, although I can break through the emotional barrier, but I will not change your mind, but I will not do the previous crazy actions, only to deepen the affection. Buried in my heart. The instruction is a dream of me, I don't care if the instruction treats me as a gust of wind around you."

Wu Pin's eyes straightened, and he sighed in his heart, "If I would have spoken like this, why did this happen, why did this happen." Although he was dissatisfied with Xu Yi saying that he was acting crazy, he really couldn't believe that Yi Bingwei was willing to do so. Talking to myself peacefully was unimaginable before.

In fact, he didn't have to put Yi Bingwei in bed right from the beginning. If there was this process of infiltration, why would he not want to enjoy it? But in front of Yi Bingwei, he always behaved at a loss. He clearly wanted to attract Yi Bingwei's attention. As a result, he didn't even say anything, but just avoided.

Yi Bingwei's heart was slightly shocked. It seemed that she was really able to break through the emotional barrier, and even the realm was different. However, the inherent image Wu hired him was too bad. For a while, she could not make it so small. Fresh words are in contact with Wu Pin.

Yi Bingwei did not speak, and Xu Yi's tone became even lower. "Today Wu Mou can break through the emotional barrier and change his mind. Many people who have been talking in their hearts for a long time want to vomit quickly. After speaking today, they will no longer disturb each other. The instruction may not know that Wu even was jealous of a attendant and a handyman by your side, because they could easily see you who I was thinking about."

Wu Pin found that his eyes were a little moist, and he really said this to his own heart. Why is it clearly what is in his heart? Why can't he say it, why can't he say it.

Yi Bingwei coughed and didn't feel touched. Instead, she felt chills in her heart. But Wu Pin made it clear that after this time, she would no longer disturb her. Therefore, no matter how sick she was, she could only listen to it.

"Wu is also considered a high official in this life. There are many people who want to flatter Wu as the leaves of the South Mountain, and only Bingwei, you are my favorite, and Bingwei, you are the least admirable, but I can't let you go. . If my heart is a bird in the wilderness, I can only find the sky in your eyes."

When Xu Yi talked to this point, Wu Pin’s heart exploded, "Today I know that there are people like Skog in the world. I met this person long ago. Wouldn't I have brought a beautiful person back earlier? I even wish to use my lifelong cultivation. , To change his lotus mouth, it's really, it's too vernacular."

Yi Bingwei was also dumbfounded. Although she didn't feel anything about Wu Pin, she really felt that there was infinite affection in this phrase. How could she not realize that Wu Pin was such an inside show? , The whole person will be completely changed?

"Professor Wu, I have something to do, let's talk about it another day." She wants to be quiet, and she'd better find Xiao Yu'er to advise her. Xu Yi's voice raised a little, "Let me finish the instruction. I am afraid I will leave the Dao Palace temporarily." Wu Pin was anxious and spread his thoughts, "When will I leave the Dao Palace? You will die."

Xu Yichuan thought, "If you want to succeed, you have to screw it up. If the professor doesn't listen to me, I will let go now, and the left and right have helped the professor to save the situation." Wu Pin panicked, "Listen to you, listen to you." He felt that God opened his eyes and finally sent Xu Yi, an emotional expert, to solve his problems.

"Where is Professor Wu going?" Hearing this news, Yi Bingwei felt much better. Without Wu being hired, Dao Palace's life would be brighter. Hearing the temperature in Yi Bingwei's voice, Wu Pin felt more and more that Xu Yi had a talent for turning things around. It was amazing.

Xu Yi's voice began to become strong, "I'm going to a place farther away, to see the soft mountains and clear water. On the journey, I will talk about dreams, talk about life, and exchange love with people I meet. The name of a person. The world is vast, and you can wander everywhere. I think no matter how far I go, how long time passes, your voice and smile can travel through the ancient land, under a certain rain, and flow in my heart. Ruo. You agree, I most want to shake off the starlight and sleep in your heart forever."

Wu Pin's mouth opened into a huge "o" shape, and there was only one thought left in the mess in his mind, "I believe it, this guy is not bragging, he must have many, many women. If you don't rush to anything else, just rush to this mouth. , Even the stone is going to be emotional."

On the other side of token, Yi Bingwei's thoughts floated far, she did not bring Wu Pin into the story, she went single-handedly into the story, dazed.

Xu Yi continued, "Even if I don't come back, I won't regret it. The trees are here, the mountains are there, the earth is here, the years are here, you are here, how can I make a better world. I walk through every mountain and cross Crossing every river, I will bless you. There are thousands of floating mountains, and my love has three: sun, moon, and Qing. The sun is the morning, the moon is the evening, and the Qing is the morning and evening."

"Speak slowly, slowly, wait for me to take notes." Wu Pin was already so excited that he couldn't hold on to himself. He hurriedly gotten out of his pen and ink and began to record quickly. The heavy breathing from Yi Bingwei on the token end made Wu Pin so happy that he could not bring Xu Yi to the high platform.

"Okay, Bing Wei, I'll just talk a lot. I am a gloomy person, and I always want to give you some sunshine. Unfortunately, I wake up a little later, but I can tell you so much. I There is no regret. You don’t know how cute you are. You must have stolen the spring of many people. No matter what, I wish you goodbye. Goodbye."

When the voice fell, Xu Yi signaled Wu Pin to cut off the token. Wu Pin was already obedient to him, and with a wave of his hand, the light flashed, and the token channel was closed.

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