The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3485: Pond fish

Xu Yi said frankly about the encounters between him and Yu Duzhe. Of course, he did not conceal the poems that surprised Yu Duzhe. The story of rectifying Yuwentuo was even more emphasized. Yi Bingwei was dumbfounded, and said for a long time, "Unexpectedly, you are somewhat conscience."

The indifference and guarding of strangers come from not understanding, and the details of life can easily narrow the distance between the two sides. Xu Yi took the trouble to state the details of him and Yu Dushi, hoping to narrow the distance with Yi Bingwei At the same time, I hope Yi Bingwei understands herself.

What he did in this way was not because he had any wrong thoughts about Yi Bingwei, but he also wanted to understand Yi Bingwei. Only by understanding this person's past can he fully understand whether she and Xuan Xuan are the same. people. But he said that the two asked and answered, sometimes drinking each other, and the atmosphere was not bad.

"You can restrain Yuwentuo, but it is a great help to Xiaoyuer. Come, I will toast you a drink." Yi Bingwei is sincerely happy for her old friend. Xu Yi drank up and started to turn the topic to Yi Bingwei, "I don't know how long it takes to teach you more than anything, I think your friendship is extraordinary."

Yi Bingwei said, "That's natural. Xiao Yu'er and I have a fateful friendship and best friend. Let's put it this way, there are only a few people I am worried about in this world, and Xiao Yu'er is the most important of these limitations. One of them. Since you are kind to Xiaoyuer, I will accept your love."

Xu Yidao said, "The teachings are heavy. The teachings can serve in the Taoist palace, and they must be from famous people." Yi Bingwei raised the glass for a while, staring at Xu Yidao, "Why do you always want to ask me? Is it true that what you said just now is true and really suspect that I am your acquaintance?"

Xu Yi's eyes narrowed, and he nodded slightly, "The gambling book disappeared and the fragrance of tea was poured. At that time, it was normal. I don't know the difference in the past. It seems that Cheng Yongjue has disturbed the instruction. Please forgive me." It seemed to be fake, and he didn't even have the slightest impression of him. It was obviously not Xuan Xuan.

Yi Bingwei said, "Unexpectedly, you are quite infatuated, but I really wasn't the person you were looking for. What have I experienced since I was a child, and I still don't know it? Don't spend time here with me." On Yi Bingwei's lonely face, for the first time, Yi Bingwei thought this guy looked attractive.

Patter, patter, the drizzle hit the glass roof of the pavilion, making a crisp sound. The cliff is high and the people are far away, the sky and the earth are dark, the patter of rain suddenly pulled his thoughts far away, looking back, the people they loved, and the things they have experienced, one after another rushed to his chest, and he couldn't help whispering, "The young man listens to the rain song upstairs, the red candle faints. In the prime of life, listens to the rain in the boat, Jiang Kuoyun is low, and the broken goose is called the West Wind. Now listening to the rain monk’s house, the temples are already stars. The joys and sorrows are always ruthless. . It’s getting late, let’s say goodbye next time.” After that, Xu Yi left in a hurry.

Yi Bingwei's sitting still, still immersed in the image of Xu Yi's sentence, never walked out, couldn't help whispering to herself, "It's no wonder that Xiaoyuer saw him. Although this person is not pleasing, he talks to him. Kind of..."

"What is it?" A voice came out abruptly, bluffing Yi Bingwei, and then, a dark figure appeared in Tao Ran Pavilion, but it was a long-faced middle-aged man. Yi Bingwei said with a cold face, "Professor Wu, what are you doing here?" Secretly drumming.

This Professor Wu called Wu Pin and had been pestering her for a long time. She had refused many times, and this person was still entangled, making her really upset. Now that he stared so tightly, he followed Tao Ranting.

Wu Pin grinned and said, "What am I doing? Excuse you, this **** and that **** have a private meeting? Only a few times, you are willing to have a private meeting with him in this quiet place, a few lewd words, just Did the hook make you mad? Bingwei teaches you, aren’t you the most reserved? How many times have someone invited you, didn’t you refuse it every time? You changed that **** today, and you were moved Well, that **** also helped me. For a long time, you have treated me without saying anything, and I almost doubt whether you like Ruan Hongchen's sorrowful ladies. Very good, you still like men, haha ..."

"Wu Pin, please also respect yourself. If you talk nonsense, I will call someone." Yi Bingwei said in a cold voice.

"Yeah, you can let your voice go. I really want to know what the men in the Dao Palace know about you and Xu Yishi after the meeting. If I'm not wrong, Mr. Zhong Fang is secretly admiring You have been for a long time, and there is a portrait of you in his study. You said that if he knew that you fell in love with Xu Yi, how would that kid end up?" Wu Pin's voice gradually rose.

"You are shameless." Yi Bingwei said, "Take away your dirty thoughts. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will fight to not do this instruction, and I will pull you off the horse."

Wu Pin was startled, tears fell in his eyes, and his voice became sad, "I deliberately said Mr. Zhong admires you, how can you be so nervous, Bingwei, Bingwei, only one day, your heart Can it change? Very good, very good." Wu Pin disappeared as soon as he walked around.

Yi Bingwei was exhausted for a while. She didn't expect Wu Pin to have such a deep obsession with herself. Fortunately, this is the Taoist Palace. No matter how Wu Pin, she has some scruples. Most of them have to make things difficult for Yi Bingwei. I want to inform Xu Yi, but this is a bit hard to tell.

I can't tell Xu Yi that Wu Pin misunderstands that I like you, so I want to make things difficult for you. She can't tell her. After thinking about it again, Xu Yipo was watched by the upper layers of the Taoist Palace, and his ability to toss was not small. Wu Pin had to worry about the Taoist Palace in the end. The two parties had a fight, which was just another excitement.

At this point of thought, Yi Bingwei also went back to the cave. Walking on the moonlight, when Xu Yi returned to the cave, Jia Zhaoxian, Fang Shihui and others were already there, each with a distressed expression, as if they had drained their energies in the festivities. After seeing Xu Yi, the seven of them each put down a Xumi Precept. , Then leave.

In these short hours, they have experienced the extreme misery of this life, and the whole person has reached the extreme. Xu Yi has taken seven Xumijies and checked them. There are no less than 14,000 Xuanhuangjing points. After receiving seven Sumi Rings, he was about to return to the cave and he heard, "I have one more here."

Before the sound fell, he saw a Xu Mi Jie flying, Xu Yi Ning Kong took it, and the Xu Yi Jie exploded in the air, dropping countless yellow and fishy things, which turned out to be a lot of feces. "Why don't you pick it up? What a pity," a handsome young man in a bright yellow robe shook his head and said.

"Brother Qi Tian!" Jia Zhaoxian and others were shocked and excited. It’s just this inspiring spirit that was instantly pressed back by Xu Yi with a light sentence, “Jia Zhaoxian, tell me who this pretend persecutor is, be careful, otherwise, you’ll get back your two thousand Xuan Huang Jing.”

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