The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3318: Swallow

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In an instant, sinful thousands of degrees extended the devil's claws to the emptiness, a lot of p2p software rushed to him, kept downloading apps, and kept filling in information. In view of his good credit in the past, all major platforms extended to him Out of the aid claws, he lent more than 290,000 for a while.

Looking at Cary's cash, he never felt like he was full of power. Soon, he was online again. Mimosa was still in the live broadcast room. Seeing him arrive, the whole person instantly became glorious, half happy and half worried. Say, I am really afraid that the empty brother will not come again.

The Emptiness of the Emptiness is proud, and he is greeted to rush on the list at 8:30. The Mimosa in the live room covered his mouth excitedly and asked him to add WeChat friends, so Emptiness had to send her the positioning. The emptiness lingered for a long time, but still sent the position to the past. Soon, it was half past eight.

The emptiness has long been ready to be issued. All the 320,000 on the card have been converted into imaginary coins. As soon as the time comes, the entire screen is filled with the heart of the universe, the heat of the room is rising rapidly, and a lot of eating The melon party is rushing in, and the mimosa performance is really great.

Soon after attracting a lot of fans, the newly joined fans started a new round of rewards, rushing the mimosa to the home position, and mimosa performed more enthusiastically in the live room, expressing his own to the empty child from time to time. affection.

This thrilling night, the emptiness did not know how it passed. When he woke up the next day, he found himself covered with a blanket, a swallow sitting next to him, Piggy's lunch box packed with two buns, two buns, some pickles, and a cup of soy milk in the other hand.

Seeing the emptiness woke up, the swallow handed over the lunch box, the emptiness hurriedly grabbed the phone, opened WeChat, and sent a lot of messages from the mimosa, and made a positioning. The Marriott Hotel beside his Jiangcheng Textile University was already staying. The emptiness quickly stood up, and subconsciously wanted to rush over.

Suddenly, he looked at his shirt, and sweaty, "Swallow, can you..." Borrowing money from such a swallow that he always regarded as the object of protection, he couldn't open his mouth, swallow took out his wallet, Stuck in his hand, put the lunch box away and ran away.

"I will definitely pay you back." The voider shouted, picked up the lunch box on the ground, soy milk, and quickly left the school. The swallow's wallet was only more than three hundred. He spent one hundred and fifty and bought a set in the back street. The replica Adi suit took another twenty hours to open the room, scrubbing inside and out.

After gorging on eating, he sent the lunch box back to the internet cafe, let Lao Jin look at it, and hurried to the Marriott Hotel. Soon, he saw the mimosa in the room, and it was much plump and more active in the video. But was stopped by the emptiness.

He admits that he is attentive, but he still can’t do it, and Mimosa is not demanding. He praises that he is a rare good person. The two of them sat for a day. Last night, the empty sky didn’t sleep well. Not long. After a deep sleep, when he woke up again, the mimosa had already left.

When he woke up, he was holding five hundred dollars and a piece of paper. The text on the paper was obviously left by the mimosa, saying that the five hundred was left for him to buy good clothes, and he said that he helped help the list. After he became famous, his money would be doubled back to him. At the end, he drew a hug.

The emptiness looked down, and the Adi Biao on his chest was about to fall off. The mobile phone was constantly flashing text messages, but it was a loan confirmation text. After seeing these, he didn't understand his pretending to be a local tyrant. Grass knew. In fact, he didn't expect the mimosa to return anything.

What he wanted was the restlessness in his heart, which was to wholeheartedly benefit Mimosa and help her get out of the mud. The thoughts beside him, he had never had it before, and he hoped to see her live broadcast lively. He took out his phone subconsciously and was surprised to find that he had been blacked out.

He was speechless, and the text messages on his mobile phone were still poured one by one. He came to the bathroom and dipped his face into the bathtub three times in a row, only to have to believe this reality, he spent the money willingly and did not want to be ashamed How about grass. Can be blacked out, only to prove that he was routine.

He couldn’t accept this ending. He found a virtual video complaint, but people didn’t accept it at all. He only said that there was no room or this person. He was so helpless that he could only go back to the Internet cafe and squeeze the 500 yuan to the old man. Kim, let him remember to give back to the swallows.

He had to hurry up and find a job that would make money. It would be better if he had no problems with his credit, and he had to get a few more credit cards. Perhaps by cashing out, he would dismantle the east wall to make up the west wall, and he could barely maintain the situation. The process went very smoothly. He opened five credit cards and bought a POS machine online.

I found a takeaway in a certain group, and started to take part in the day and night. After a month, it still crashed. The two softwares, Qianhua and Anyi, began to harass desperately. As a last resort, he pulled two and tried to make money quickly. The hole was blocked. At the beginning of the day and night, the shaft turned, and I only slept while waiting for the meal.

That night, when he took the takeaway to the room of the Summer Palace in the Emperor Times Night Club, he unexpectedly saw a group of college classmates party. He is three times taller than Swallow. He was expelled when he was a senior.

Now that the swallows are in the graduation season, those of his classmates have naturally graduated for two or three years, and some of them have been mixed up. The emptiness has always been in contact with people, and naturally has no contact with these classmates.

So much that he came to take out, many people did not recognize him. Only Wu Zhihui recognized him at a glance. In the junior year, he played with Wu Zhihui. Said that they came in the same high school entrance exam. The fellow is also a classmate, who should have become friends, but they have different personalities.

Wu Zhihui fell in love with the swallows, entangled many times, and used techniques. The empty child could not see the past. He started to fight. Wu Zhihui lay in a bed for three months, and he had no money to pay. The Wu family went to school. The compensation is paid, and the emptiness is expelled.

Wu Zhihui had never forgotten this old debt. This time he saw the emptiness here. He thought it was a providence, because he just saw the swallow here, he stopped the emptiness, and he called the waiter to call the 13th waiter. , He grabbed the microphone and greeted everyone to meet his old classmates.

Everyone's ridicule and ridicule, the emptiness didn't matter, but when he saw the swallow wearing the waiter's clothes and working here, his head couldn't help but buzz. When he saw him, the swallow's eyes flashed with surprise. How can Wu Zhihui grasp the good news? Emptiness is also mentally prepared.

If he cared about his face and other people's opinions, he wouldn't make the computer room his home. Wu Zhihui wanted to ridicule him, and let him say yes.

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