The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3276: repercussions

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However, the ideal is very good, the reality is cruel, and the improvement of mysterious magical power is not to say that it is okay to restructure the mathematics building. Xu Yi’s vision has never been completed. Up to this moment, Xuanyi was switched on twice, and the mysterious point of Dafa Practitioner seemed to be reactivated.

Under his re-architecture, the Z-axis was finally constructed, so that his Dafa method was finally completed. When he was done, he strode out of the quiet room, climbed to the top of the mountain, watched the nine days, cherished the westerly wind, and muttered, "Laohuang, this step has finally stepped in, I feel the breath of the avenue." Inside the starry sky abstinence, the demon charmed his lips. , "Don't buy peanuts in the future, you will be drunk. To be promoted, you have to install a wave of thirteen, I can understand. After all, I can't expect you to be as mature and stable as me. The key now is , You should be anxious to find a way to get Xuan Huangdan."

Xu Yi frowned and spit out, "Your kid should always say something unpleasant when Lao Tzu is happy. What is Xuan Huang Dan, isn't it two thousand Xuan Huang Dan? Behind the step door, it seems that you are not allowed to participate in the hunt? Grass, it’s really shit-like regulations."


"What, this guy has succeeded in rushing through the border. How could this happen, how could this happen, let's be shit." Ying Haifeng, Daguantang, with clear windows and bright sunshine, Elder Song, the master of Daguantang, was extremely upset.

Song Yuanyou hurriedly paced and whispered, "This guy really doesn't open his eyes. You said he is a stone baby. What kind of situation is he rushing into? What about the life wheel realm. He is a stone infant, and the most inferior existence is the life wheel realm, and he wouldn't want to enter the life wheel second realm. If he is still in the Xuan Ying realm, he can still hunt two by virtue of his cultivation behavior. Ten years, what a fortune is that stupid thing that doesn't count..."

Li Ping, who was standing still in the hall, didn’t know what to say. He only now realized that Elder Song borrowed Xu Yixuan and Huang Dan to run for the purpose of rushing to the ground and honestly went to work for him. Thoughts.

"Okay, you go tell Xu Yi, the evidence is established, within one year, you must repay the principal and interest, and no more than a day, as for how to pay back, he is trying to find a way, it is really stupid." Song Yuanyou was indignant. Swinged back Li Ping.


The Pleiades, Snow Jade Cliff, True My Pavilion, Tao Jinan sits in the pavilion, the white dress wins snow, and the hair is like a waterfall. He received the Ruyi Pearl in his palm, and a sneer was raised in the corner of his mouth. No matter how hard it is, a piece of stubborn stone can't be made into beautiful jade, so I can't fight with me anymore."


Yue Longfeng, Cui Yuxuan, Luo Fuluo Shi Fandai in a green dress, her charming face became more youthful and charming. Hearing the movement outside, he hurried out and saw a woman in Tsing Yi, who was bypassing the bamboo forest. , Coming here.

"Sister Liu, it's enough, my three Xuanhuang Dan, can't be white flowers." Love said anxiously.

The lady in Tsing Yi brought out a jade box and smiled, "Don't you worry about me doing things? There are so many sisters in the Antarctic Sect. Which one doesn't say that I am doing things properly. Look, I just spent a lot of time to find it. It took three and a half Xuan Huangdan, it was really not..."

"Sister Liu, what do you mean, the price is what you quoted, and I haven't bargained, wouldn't you have to sit on the floor to raise the price?" Love's Dan Feng stared round, ruining her overall appearance.

Tsing Yi Xiu giggled, "Sister Luo, look at what you say. Sister, who do I earn, I can't earn your money? Who doesn't know that you and Brother Zhong are the best friends and have the lives of your parents? Everyone said that since Brother Zhong was able to communicate mysterious meaning in Xuanying Realm, most of his stone infant was not serious, and Brother Zhong collected all the resources this time, maybe he broke the life cycle and achieved his life. Lun, with Brother Zhong’s talents, is there any need to talk about his future status? I can’t say that I will ask my sister Luo Shimei in the future, I’m afraid that Luo Shimei must not recognize me at that time.”

Love listens to this flattery and feels happy in her heart. These days, she has spread her relationship with Zhong Ruyi. When she and Zhong Ruyi were still the candidates, the disturbance was not a secret, and Love was not a person. There are many of them, but Zhong Ruyi has never said bad things about Love.

This gave Love and everyone an illusion that Zhong Ruyi still did not die for Love, and it seemed that Zhong Ruyi became the de facto first disciple of the outside disciples. Love has been exposed to these days. , She is the focus.

While supporting Tsing Yi Sister on one side, Love opened the jade box, and a charm language heart lay quietly in the box, emitting a faint light. The charm language heart was selected on the day she was returned to Zhong Ruyi's life. The crushed heart of the charm language is almost exactly the same.

Love hugged her charm language, as if she clenched her destiny. At this moment, two figures flashed quickly, and two female practitioners, one called Long Zhen and one called Chen Qianqian, saw two people, Luo Fu's chin rose high, and Long Zhen and Chen Qianqian had never dealt with her.

Ping Su didn't take Zhong Ruyi to ridicule him until that day Zhong Ruyi came to the sky, and Wan Dao Jinguang almost blinded the eyes of all outside disciples. The two talents were obedient and sent many gifts one after another, losing a lot Carelessly, she only managed to get her a little understanding.

"What do you want to do, don't have a system, haven't you seen any VIPs here?" Love said in a cold voice. To her surprise, Long Zhen and Chen Qianqian didn't see the familiar pleasing smiles on their faces, and there were ridicule in their eyes.

"What kind of demon again?" Love said with a cold voice.

Long Zhen sneered, "Pretend, you still pretend, Zhong Ruyi broke through the life wheel realm, would you not know?"

"Ah!" Love said with a sharp cry, "I know, I know, my brother Ruyi, will not let me down, haha, haha, Yin Hong, Liu Simei, I think you dare to see me in the future Don’t dare to walk with his neck up."

Chen Qianqin smiled and said, "Love, Love, you really have a shallow eyelid, that Zhongrui achieves the life wheel realm, can you hear the drums? You don’t know yet, the life wheel he turned into is the most inferior , I didn’t even hear the drum, haha..."

"What is the most inferior, as I say, is the Life of Abandoned Life, and it will also shake the drums. The Life of Abandoned Life would like to make a slight improvement. With my qualifications, Brother Dong said, I hope to advance the life of Life Anyway, more than 80%, even you, Love, did not open his eyes, and found a guy with a life wheel, and no matter who is worthy of whom, this one is here to inform you. Mix the gift from me and Qianqian, Come back quickly, otherwise, we're welcome." Long Zhentou said arrogantly, and pulled Chen Qianqian away.

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