Wang Ling could certainly deliberately choose the wrong answer, but he knew that once he chose the right answer, the group of brother on the ceiling would not be able to withstand.

As a result, with the trapped ceiling, a pair of recreational activities were at an end just now.

Then Flower Seed Water Curtain Group’s bodyguards came in with a bunch of campus guards, who thought it was an explosion in the classroom and panicked at a moment. They fought in the classroom, and the entire classroom became overcrowded, and Wang Ling and Sun Rong were squeezed in the middle of the crowd…

It’s been ten minutes after the scene was calm down.

At the school level, Old Antique was also rebooking the night shift, and he critically criticized the destruction of public facilities in the campus by several boys.

“Bullshit!” Old Antique’s staring at these out-of-service boys.

This is a group of three students, Wang Ling and Sun Rong Senior, so the purity and destructive power of the law are stronger. While it is not yet a municipal priority, the quality of students is indeed higher than one.

Some of these people also have students who are known to Old Antique, even one of whom is a cadre of students’ associations, but now make mistakes, and Old Antique is naturally a homosexual and unambiguous person.

Student cadres make mistakes and are often more reprehensible.

Old Antique looked at a few people who deliberately put their voices down, and honestly he was not used to being bad people: “Do you know how dangerous it is to do this?” The teaching building prohibits the use of law without Teacher’s guidance! This is the regulation in the High School Handbook, isn’t it? Did you ever let you back when you were in school? ”


construction materials of the classroom are unique and in no way bean rotting works, and it is not reasonably possible to cause damage to the walls of the classroom in the absence of law, so Old Antique sees how many of these boys have eight-nine.

A boy stood out and said, “Like Teacher… I was saving strength.”

“What’s the matter with gravity?” Old Antique staring at this powerful word of students: “You! Five thousand words for review. Give it to me tomorrow!”

“Ah?” This boy is a little susceptible.

“Well, we can’t do it. Comrade Wang Ling and Mr. Sun Rong went to Dual Cultivation?”

“You, 10 grand word review!” Old Antique looked at this student, smoked his mouth.

“Why?” The second boy is unhappy.

“You’re not pure! They’re having an academic discussion.” Old Antique brought Wang Ling out of that choice just made to a few boys, and boys are falling down.

There’s no way. This pot is all they have to do.

And indeed they’re dirty.

“Now, they’re a high class, and it’s normal to learn to interact with each other. And you guys are now three times tall, and you should concentrate on learning!” Old Antique looks at a few boys, with a long tongue: “As students, you play your place.”

Several higher students: “…”

“I don’t care if you’re right, but you’re wrong now, and if you’re wrong, you’re going to change! What? That’s your problem! Find out why.”

A few boys finally surrendered under the vicious bombing of the START Classic.

“All right, Teacher… we’re wrong… and we shouldn’t go home and go upstairs and listen.”

“Well, attitude is sincere.” Old Antique nodded: “What are you doing just upstairs?”

“Only the Geography and the Cobration.”

“What kind of surgery did these two go to?”

“It’s necessary to repair the law, so we all usually work together, and it’s done. Each of us reached 6-Layer.”

“Oh? You don’t feel tired of these two techniques.”

“Our tireless Teacher… keeps Teacher in mind, and the primary task of our three-year period is to increase the patience of the use of every kind of art in order to prevent the emergence of a situation in which, at the time of the exam, the magic failed due to a lack of energy or identity…”


first three boys, who had received a respectful reply, had a very low tone and had a modest attitude, and had thought that that would have inspired the old Antique of the moment and avoided some punishments.

However, where Old Antique eats this set of routes, listening to learning is just a small matter, but destroying school business is a crime, even if disposition can be stayed, but the review must be written.

“Oh. If you’re not tired, the review will be 20,000 words per person. Give it to me in the morning.”


On the other hand, because the classroom ceiling collapsed, Wang Ling finally got out. This is generally the case in which many people think that they will not be able to attend school tomorrow… but in fact this idea is very silly.

The construction materials of the classroom are very special restitution of mud, which, as long as they are accompanied by legal techniques, will be reinstated into the original shape.

Just picking up a classroom would be a little more troubling, and that job would naturally be done by three men who did it.

At this point, Wang Ling walked in the direction of the school gates, and Sun Rong was so following Wang Ling, she wanted to say that she was hesitating.

Now there’s no one in the school gates, Sun Rong thinks this is a good opportunity.

“Comrade Wang Ling… I…” Finally, Sun Rong opened.

In the front, Wang Ling stopped stepping, and he slipped his face and kept looking at Sun Rong with his pants.

You see only girls with red faces, like you hold on to a piece of strength, and it’s not the courage to say that they’ve reached your mouth.

For so many reasons, from being little to Sun Rong at home, all kinds of love have been accepted, and countless followers have been rejected from tolerance. She never thought about one day, and if it were to be rejected, what should be her heart.

Is it lost?

Or are you completely desperate?

Maybe all.

It is also for that reason that adolescent girls feel caught in a vortex called youth at this time. She doesn’t know it’s not love, but it can be sure it’s probably like a person’s feelings.

Sun Rong

You can…

You have to say it!

Speak up loud!

Tell the boy who’s in front of you!

“Comrade Wang Ling!”


last, the brave girl opened her mouth again: “I…”

Wang Ling: “What?”



“I think it’s delicious too!”

“Well,” Wang Ling nodded, his inner head Sighed in relief, and then he didn’t go back home.

At this moment, Sun Rong’s heart is collapsed.

A girl pia fell his bag on the ground!

Why do you want to be completely different from what you say in your mouth?


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