Wang Ling did not think that he had attracted Pan Teacher’s attention because of his excessively stable achievements. He thought he could be a little transparent in his work, but absolutely didn’t expect Pan Teacher to be on the end.

And Pan Teacher, as the pioneer in 60 years of teaching, has countless cases that guide students to focus universities, and naturally, with his instincts, Wang Ling is a very plastic student! In some sense, Pan Teacher even considered Wang Ling to be a human being.

Since it was talented, there was a lot of room for progress.

However, in previous years, a group of learning groups often suffer from opposition from a number of parents and students, and there are many reasons for parental opposition, as a group of groups sometimes matches men and women, sometimes with emotional effects in the course of a gang, and it is always difficult to talk about love in the eyes of this show. The reason why students objected was because a group of people would delay school time and would pay much energy beyond learning.

Why can’t you use this kind of time on things that are of interest to yourself?

So Pan Teacher, having given full consideration, decided to start the pilot from Wang Ling and, if it works well, slowly spread it out. Even he thought it would be possible to achieve a system of rotation.


Well, now the problem is coming.

Who should guide Wang Ling to study?

“Everyone here, who wants to counsel with Mr. Wang Ling?”

“…” Town dollar, followed by silence again.


They can teach Wang Ling what… isn’t this the king’s ax?

No one answered that Pan Teacher cleaned up the class members present here, where all of the work was moderate, while the two best grades were naturally two new classmates.

But in view of the fact that the two new classmates just arrived in school, Pan Teacher felt that direct help to Wang Ling would appear to be 60 years old, and that looking at the face of the new classmates, it would appear that they would not be willing to go to counseling work in themselves.

As a result, Pan Teacher took the final decision after the comprehensive examination.

“Comrade Sun Rong, do you have a problem with the study mission of Comrade Wang Ling?” Pan Teacher tone barely fell, where everyone’s eyes were shocked, several shifts first saw Sun Rong with red faces and looked back at Wang Ling from expressionless, which is all complicated inside.

After the end of the sword exchange, the rumours that preceded the portfolio have slowed down, and now it has been brought together by Pan Teacher, which gives rise to a sense of isolation.

And that’s why Pan Teacher is such a combination.


was true that Wang Ling and Sun Rong had been dating and having a good feeling of each other in the school before, but the problem was… the news was sinking, and Pan Teacher finally heard it because Wang Ling’s personality was too cold to leave the distance with the girl child.

Calm down!

It can’t happen as long as it’s cold on one side.

So Pan Teacher thinks that this portfolio is completely free of gross illness.

Wang Ling: “There’s no fucking problem!”

A group of learning teams were known throughout the class soon after the Commission’s conclusion. In addition to this, of course, the thirty-three sports classes deprived of them have become one of the fairly hot topics for discussion.

“Why don’t you go get it!” Someone complains.

“Don’t you know what the old Pananana personality is for?” Chen Chao’s Naughty shrugged, whose body is no longer a day or two, says it’s 33 classes, but not at all. The remaining 33 courses may have been followed by accidents such as sports Teacher’s outside research or collective illness, for a variety of magical reasons being taken away… It is a miracle that sports classes in this semester will be filled with 20.

A higher semester has yet to do so, and people are beginning to worry about the lives of the two and three, and there is a clear sense of pressure among the people. When it’s really high, sports classes don’t even think about it… Normally schools may concentrate their students on sudden training before sports exams.

For the two parties successfully led by Pan Teacher, Wang Ling and Sun Rong have their own intentions.

On the emotional side, Sun Rong knew that she had actually hit the board this time, and in the first half of the semester, she was trying to get Wang Ling’s attention, and Wang Ling was still looking beyond the window in her head at school.

She thought their relationship could go further since the Spirit Rider Exchange, but she didn’t think Wang Ling was really in love with it.

Strong melons aren’t sweet, Sun Rong naturally understands that.

But in any case, this is a very difficult opportunity.

Those who hold in the heart for a long time, Sun Rong thinks it’s time to say it.

Either way, the results.

And Wang Ling on the other side, at this point, is thinking.

The time has elapsed, the people in the classroom are gone, before a desk, Wang Ling and Sun Rong are facing face.

Sun Rong is reading all of Wang Ling’s mistakes and auditions.

After all, her main task was to help Wang Ling learn, and to improve her achievements was first, as for those private things, and to talk about it after the end of the study.

Sun Rong looked at every mistake very carefully, and she was shocked: “Comrade Wang Ling…”


“How did you get so evenly?”


Sun Rong checked Wang Ling’s trial volumes from the beginning to the end, and found that Wang Ling had made many minor mistakes in detail. For example, failure to write a unit, deliberately omit a symbol, or the final step towards dissolution is wrong… and the answer is very close to the correct value.

These are, in fact, the customary means of Wang Ling’s repression.

In the absence of a unit, Wang Ling can guarantee at least 10 cents of his own file.

Sometimes the prints deliberately write the grass spot, and the fraction may be held around 5 cents.

These scores, Wang Ling, don’t hurt at all.

In Wang Ling’s opinion, measurement units or something, but it’s just the tools he’s used for repression.

Subsequently, Sun Rong reproduced several topics on the books.

It’s not the subject of moving, Sun Rong changed the lower value on several variables.

Finally, she pushed the subject back to Wang Ling and said, “Comrade Wang Ling, these are all your wrong subjects. Can you do it again?”

Wang Ling, keep an eye on the script and get silent.

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