Wang Ling thinks it’s a good news.

While agreeing to eat herpes, the person is an anonymous patient, not as high as normal food body acceptance, so just a little bit. If it’s just a little bit, then Inner demon’s erosion should not be too high.

“Why do you have to go with Xiao Yin to the bedroom?” And Erha couldn’t stop asking.

“The patient is a girl, screaming in the sky to lose weight, and it’s just a day of pumpkin, and it starts not eating. And then I was really hungry and I didn’t want to eat, and suddenly I fell in love with my ashes. Grey, this thing isn’t fat, and it’s full of care. The girl’s having fun. And then I got poisoned when I ate, and I was sent to the hospital.” Xiao Yin said, “On the one hand, I picked out the phone and looked for the photo. That’s what he got from the doctor.

“Look, this is the soap of the girl’s health.” Xiao Yin said.

Wang Ling and Erha are looking at the cell screen, which is a good girl with a body, and the development is mature, and the meat is long.

“This child doesn’t look fat, you don’t have to lose weight.” Erha does not understand the reasons why some boys and girls eat by means of diet.

Hungry, then you have to eat.

Just make sure that every day’s movement doesn’t work? I can’t get fat at all.

Healthy diets are crucial, so long as the intake of high oil resin is blocked, healthy diets, together with appropriate campaigns, are not dreams.

After all, not everyone can be as fat as Wang Ling, and then they can wreck their own flesh like rubber.

tentatively, go check her out.

Wang Ling looked at the eye phone screen, and the nerve was bleak.

He had a clean clock, and the removal of Inner demon should not be a problem.

A few minutes later, Wang Ling, led by Xiao Yin, successfully arrived at the Special District Sister, where Wang Ling, Xiao Yin and Erha were wearing white chores, and Erha’s white stick was unique. The new identity given to them by the War negligence Authority is to hire outside doctors.

The nurse saw Xiao Yin come here with Wang Ling and Erha, looking forward to Wang Ling’s young face.

Wang Ling: “Well…”

“Don’t blame the nurse, teacher. He usually doesn’t like to talk too much and bother the nurse!” Xiao Yin said hello to the nurse.

“Good…” Nurse Nodded of Mone.

Xiao Yin had done all the preparations well before Wang Ling and Erha came here.

Their documents are complete and identical disguises are in place.

Even so, the nurse was curious about Wang Ling.

He thinks this princess is too young and seems to be very sexy, and he likes to have a dog when he comes out.

So young, handsome and personalized doctors are rare.

With respect to Wang Ling, the nurse had a slight imagination.

“Please come with me.” The nurse pulls out a magnetic card, and then he starts to lead. All the rooms in the Special District’s ward are separate and take care of many special patients.

“The original girl who had an anomaly would not be here, but since he had eaten the bag, he wondered why the mental situation had suddenly occurred. The whole person began to become gloomy and uncertain, and not only so… her diet began to grow, but the madness of diet had risen by 30 kg in a short period of time.” Nurse wrinkles: “This situation has not been seen before, suspicion is a special disease, so she is being isolated to observe treatment.”

Wang Ling nodded.

He walked along with the nurse, and walked to the 1306 bedroom door, where he shouted a teenager in hysteria.

“As you can see, girls are now insane and yelling at food.” The nurse sighs: “This is a very special memory of all four walls in order to prevent dangerous acts such as collision by some crazy patients. Even if destroyed, it can be recovered in a short period of time and has the capacity to absorb water fires.”

“Since this girl was inspired by the fast-frozen pack, what happened to the frozen cream?” Erha asked.

“The nurse says.”

Xiao Yin followed up on Wang Ling and Erha sound transmission, and said, “MASTER is relieved that all fast-frozen rubbish lost mines have been arranged for recovery!”

That message made Wang Ling sighed in relief.

In any case, it’s good that these claws don’t continue to flow out.

The nurse brushed the door with a magnetic card, and some of the horrors were narrowed behind Wang Ling: “Doctor Wang, I’m afraid…”

Wang Ling: “…”

Xiao Yin was in a hurry to pull the nurse’s hand and then turn around to the nurse’s front: “Nurse chief, Teacher Wang has paedophilia, and don’t touch Teacher Wang better…”

The nurse moved his hand.

Although she knew that old cows did not eat grass well.

But, man, there’s always a dream!

And after hearing the nurse’s heart, Wang Ling’s heart was also silent.

And what can you do as a “old cow” with Sun Rong? Sun Rong isn’t a woman, do you want to be a woman? It’s not a dream, it’s just a dream!

Without the nurse’s dream, Wang Ling opened the door.


are no HHS family furniture in the special room, so this young girl is useless, regardless of how to dump in it.

And there’s someone here, and the look on the girl’s face is getting crazy, and she’s staring at Wang Ling sniffing, and she keeps screaming, “Why don’t you just face it?”

She smells like Wang Ling’s face!

And then she smelled Xiao Yin: “The Flowers of the West Lance… the Flowers of the West.”

“What is this skill?” Xiao Yin was surprised.


nurse who hides behind explained: “Since the girl’s gone mad, it seems that someone else can eat in a few hours.”

“So this is the case.” Xiao Yin learned that he did eat the salad of the Alain before he came. It’s just that I didn’t think it would smell like that.

The girl’s eyes are getting crazy, and she’s staring at the nurse who’s hiding behind the last, and she’s constantly repeating what the nurse has eaten: “Big garlic… big garlic…”

The nurse’s head is low and breathed at her hand, and she eats garlic at night, but in order not to affect people’s tongues, a lot of gum has been used, and she didn’t think she smelled it.

Finally, the girl’s eyes turned to Erha: “Shit… shit… shit…”

At this point, the eyes of the people are painted in their eyes for Erha, and they are not frightened.

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