Erha said things were not intimidating, but they did.

Heavenly Dao has spoken numerous times about the principle of equivalence… If, between dust and dust, those who do not do well, do not write, or even copy, automatically enter a remedial room after promotion to complete their own unfinished class. There is a need to complete all the missing jobs in nine years of compulsory education to get into Heavenly Dao’s wheel…

Although young girls are not very young, it seems that there should already be a fourth grade in primary school. There was also a lot of work in primary schools during the year, and Erha did not know if the girl was finished. If it’s not done, ten eight-nine will still be replenished in a day.

Even as a spiritual body, it is also the spirit of culture, so that it can enter a return to life. If it was poor and white in the field of knowledge, there were other ways to go back… to the breeding pathways, to the hungry, etc.

Of course, Heavenly Dao’s equivalent exchange laws differ. Some people who have completed their classes, but who are obsolete in the dust world, are also about to complete the no-fault exchange in Heavenly Dao. This is more cruel than a recharge, because it needs to be in a closed room for the last few years… and, no wifi! No smart phone! You can only think about it!

Seeing a little girl is scaring herself, Erha, but somehow sorry to get up.

“The little girl, Big brother lied to you.”

“You’re lying again… you’re a dog!”


“Two fairies don’t know what to ask.”

“What was the matter with the devil you said before?” Erha said nothing.

“This is the case… about four days ago, there was a black soul in the cemetery. And he wandered around here, and grabbed a lot of spirits who fled the cemetery.”

“Where are the spirits?”

“All swallowed by this black soul…”

Listen here, Wang Ling and Erha are all silent.

black Spirit, it looks like it’s a good condition for the shadow, perhaps the shadow of the man who fled? Because, after being given the power of the shadow, human shadows are like souls, and are given the will to do some work in the subconscious.


inmates are makeup to the dead, and there may be inappropriate misconceptions about the body of the deceased… In Cultivation World, the workers of the cemetery are more likely to enter office after rigorous screening. Because there are some corrupt laws that increase their own cultivation base by absorbing the soul.

And the cemetery workers have such a time to take advantage of conditions that can be practised in such corrupt techniques.

A hundred years ago, there were such cases.

One person, through curse, keeps “awsl” on the screens of large videoconferences, and people who watch the screens tend to turn their tongues into sexual channels: a great funeral.

In fact, there’s really a lot of names with the word “great”, and I saw the curse that died… and their spirits were absorbed by the curse. Finally, when the police found the cursor, it was found that the cursor was a staff member of the cemetery.

Because long hours work in such an environment, there’s always a nerve about planting deviation, and once the mentality fails, evil perceptions will be lost.

This infiltration is also becoming more and more pronounced, in addition to the natural “occupational discrimination” loop of workers as cemeteries.

“Many thanks.” Wang Ling said thanks to both mothers and daughters, and he hit a finger in the sky.

In an instant, Heavenly Dao’s guide golden light fell down on her mother’s head.

“daughter… is Heavenly Dao to guide us…”

“Mother, can we turn around?”

The mother and daughter were shocked by golden light, and suddenly gathered together in great joy and weep.

They were frightened when they saw black spirits and wondered when they could be taken away by Heavenly Dao. I didn’t think the little brother who couldn’t see her before was helping them.

But it was just a ring that could shock Heavenly Dao to help them… and this little brother was afraid not of Sivenly Dao.

A woman was spoiled and was busy walking daughter down on Wang Ling’s knees, and Wang Ling was somewhat embarrassed to bring two people up, and finally, she was sent back to the wheel with Heavenly Dao golden light guidance.

Wang Ling strangled his hand, which would become a sister-in-law after the mother had passed away, live in a rich family and eat.

Of course, Wang Ling’s reason to have Heavenly Dao connect this to her mother and daughter in advance is not for other reasons. It is a good idea for mothers and girls and a poor life, and both of them drowned in order to save a boy who falls in water. After the death, the behaviour of the mother and the girl was not endorsed by the boy’s family. Perhaps it is the concern that the families of mothers seek compensation, and perhaps for other factors, that their minds have never been rest after the death of their mothers.

Just now, they’re still wet.

So, Wang Ling, that’s what you’re gonna do.

And the immediate priority now is to get the black spirit out of it.

“I don’t know if you’re here. What’s the matter with you?”

At this point, a chilling sound rings from the back of Wang Ling.

Wang Ling went back and was finding a white makeup, and old man, whose hair had fallen completely, was laughing at himself with his back, and smiling at each other was horrible and weird.

And most importantly, this man has no shadow!

“That’s the man.” Erha looked at it, and it clearly felt the evil that old man passed on. Plus, without a shadow, this man should be the intruder they’re looking for.

“It’s a shame…”

The incubator stared at Heavenly Dao golden light’s mother and daughter showing regrettable expression: “The mother was my dinner today, and I didn’t expect Heavenly Dao to extradite them… the most intolerable spirit. If it were under my teachings, there might also be an opportunity to become Evil Spirit, when my subordinates were fine.”

Wang Ling’s eyebrowing, this man is completely corrupt!

As he thought, the power of the warmth shadow will activate the evil of a person’s subconscious mind, which is often hidden and will not happen at all. But once activated, these corrupt forces will be like long blocked bruises, like well spraying!

So, in fact, this intruder is also a victim… and this pot should still be on the heat…

Wang Ling is thinking about the response.

The guilt of this intruder has reached the bone marrow, and even the shadow has escaped, which is completely different from that of Zheng Father and Wu Yuen Ki.

The use of a large seal is no longer sufficient.

Would you like to use Great Purification Spell?

Wang Ling’s finger is a little bit quick on the head of this inmate.

But what happened when Wang Ling didn’t think about it, the evil idea of entering the bartender, not only had half been purified, but the breath of the whole human being increased much more!

How did that happen?

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