Since entering the era of the nation’s self-cultivation, the advent of order has made the realm of comprehension not as strong as the former and as strong as before. In this era, realm does not mean everything. A powerful self-cultivator violates the human morality and violates the law and discipline. It is also subject to severe punishment.


This is the main theme of all the comprehensible developments on Earth. However, under the main theme, there are always people who like to do things that are dangerous and illegal. Therefore, the revision of the police station has its necessity.

In addition to the specially configured police, the repair police station also has a powerful patrol team affiliated with the self-cultivation police station, the Xianshu Mobile Team.

This is the most basic occupation in the self-cultivation police station. It represents a large patrol officer. They follow the well-defined work area according to the divided work areas. The daily patrols are in a fixed range to protect the safety of the city. At the moment of the police, you can immediately dispatch the personnel to check the situation.

At the beginning, Odd Zhuo was actually a member of the skilled mobile team.

To enter the government department, most of the self-cultivators must start from the Xianshu mobile team, but Odd Zhuo is more fortunate. He graduated from the police station and passed the assessment of the police station. The door of the outer world is coming…

Then there is no more then.

At that time Odd Zhuo became the hero of the times…

As for Gao Tian, ​​the high police officer is not as lucky as Odd Zhuo. But it is also time to run. Although the high police officer has always felt that he can always meet Mr. Xiao Yin is a shackle, in a sense, the high police officer has to admit that since he met the Mr. Xiao Yin, the career seems to be a lot smoother…

He spent five years from the Xianshu Mobile Team and became the Level 2 policeman in the police station. Instead of showing up every day, he was responsible for some easy wiring work for nearby residents. Then, he spent another five years, from Level 2 police to first-line police, to the big office to deal with network public opinion.

In fact, it is plainly responsible for the operation of the public number of the local police stations and the rumors of the self-media transmission of the blogs on the network. Occasionally, please ask a female colleague to help out and make a selfie to prove the operation of the public. It is a beautiful policewoman, little elder sister, instead of a rough man who is holding a noodle in front of the computer every day.

Of course, sometimes if colleagues in other departments are not allowed to go empty, Gao Tian has to go to help. Responsible for some trials and the like. For example, the interrogation of Xiao Yin, a few times… all the police officers took the initiative to help, and this hit Xiao Yin.

As an excellent self-cultivation level, these day-to-day jobs look boring, but high police officers feel that they are happy. The first-level police officers are promoted online, that is, the first-level superintendent who can have an independent office. Gao Tianben thought that he would have to spend another five or even ten years to reach that step.

As a result, I didn’t expect that because of the arrest of Xiao Yin twice, one day the leader suddenly called him and brought him up…

At that time, the high police officer received a call and was excited.

The officer on the other side of the phone told him that because of the personnel changes, there was a post in the other district where the position of the Superintendent was empty. After careful screening, he found that his merits and overall performance were the best. He mentioned it.

Gao Tian does not know if this has anything to do with Xiao Yin.

But in fact there is a saying that Silver Unicorn will bring luck to those around you.

This lucky image is like a wifi signal that spreads out and allows others to absorb this luck. So, when others absorbed Xiao Yin’s luck, Xiao Yin became very dark…

This is why Xiao Yin is sent to the bureau every time he goes out. Because there are too many people around him! Sucked his European gas! On the contrary, when the house is at home, it will not encounter any problems.

In the end, Gao Tian used his own meal card to give Xiao Yin a 20-person canteen lunch. Xiao Yin actually said that it was true. They caught the wrong blade and always gave some compensation… Moreover, after the Xiao Yin brother was verified, it did not have any foot odor.

When I bought the lunch, Gao Tian took Xiao Yin to a pond on the edge of the police station to verify it.

If it is really the smelly stinking foot, there will definitely be fish in the pond, and the fish will turn over the belly. As a result, instead of dead fish, the lotus in the pond will open a few moments and stunned. Police officers.

“When you have finished eating, you will go quickly.” Gao Tian did not put a lot of boxes of rice in front of Xiao Yin, and a pair had already lost to Xiao Yin. He knew that according to Xiao Yin’s food intake, 20 of them might not be enough. Got it.

Xiao Yin is not polite, he went out without breakfast, and it is not bad to eat an appetizer before rushing to the MASTER. The police station’s food has always been very good, even if it has already been eaten, Xiao Yin will feel very good, because these boxes do not need money.

Although Xiao Yin knows that this may be a bit shameless, is there anything more fragrant than the “white cockroach”?

Xiao Yin While eating something, he saw Gao Tianyi’s frowning look.

In fact, Gao Tian currently has two cases to deal with.

One is the mass killer and the mysterious forces that collided in the jurisdiction yesterday. He is about to report to the superior, and Xiao Yin is here. Until then, the high police officers just sent the report documents through the official internal e-mail channel.

However, there is nothing to worry about in this first thing. There is no eyebrows, and he has to wait for instructions from his superiors.

What really makes Gao Tian headache is actually the second case.

This is a series of murders that took place within his jurisdiction. At present, the suspect involved has spread to an entire apartment building, and everyone is suspected of crime. However, the high police officers did not find any substantive evidence.

The mastermind behind this serial murder was very cunning, meticulously laid out, reasonably planned, and even traces of the use of the erased scene were not found. This is enough to prove that the mastermind did not leave any evidence when the layout began to kill the first person, so there is no need to use spells to clean up the crime scene.

“What kind of case?” Xiao Yin took a bite of a braised lion’s head and stared at Gao Tian.

Gao Tian: “Mr. Xiao Yin, this is something inside our police station.”

“I know, but even if it is inside the police station, it does not mean that you can’t find foreign aid for help.” Xiao Yin said while eating: “Don’t look at me like this, in fact, I am also a leader of the war, maybe I Can help you.”

“War of the game?”

Gao Tian suddenly stunned, and immediately stood up in a blank face.

He is convinced that he will not be mistaken.

This is the super-majority that is established in the shortest time and is now the fastest in the first Ming sect.

What makes Gao Tian undoubted is that Xiao Yin is actually one of them and a cadre.

Gao Tian carefully thought about it, and he thought of something that made him think deeply.

He remembers that Xiao Yin was brought into the police station twice to help Xiao Yin go through the bail procedure… It seems that the director of the war situation, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal himself?

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