Chapter Two Hundred and Ten: Tianchi Ruins, the Lost Cloud Sect

“Look at that, there seems to be a whirlpool over there, and the surrounding lake water revolves around the whirlpool, as if it is living water. Go and take a look!”

Sismu nodded and followed Su Fengxi closely. The closer he got, the more he felt the strength of the whirlpool. The two stood outside, looking at the strong whirlpool, and nodded thoughtfully.

When she was in Quanshan before, Su Fengxi also experienced such things, so she guessed that at the bottom of Tianchi Lake, there might be a relic similar to the buried clan, but she didn’t know what kind of world this Tianchi was like.

Looking at the turning of the lake water, Su Fengxi followed the water at the bottom of the lake and quickly submerged in the whirlpool. Seeing this, Xi Si last followed him.

The two of them followed the water flow without resisting. They just used Spirit Power to protect the owner’s body. They just rotated and rotated. I don’t know how long they rotated. When they felt that there was no rotation power around, Su Fengxi and Xi Si last were at the same time. When I opened my eyes, I saw a towering palace and a towering mountain range.

“This is?”

“This should be the site of a certain Sect!”

Sismu suddenly said, “The reason why we can come here along the whirlpool may be because the barrier outside is loose, you see!”

Su Fengxi looked over, and Xi Simu’s hands were just touching an enchantment, indicating that there is still an enchantment here, and the vortex is the entrance here, just like the entrance of the Qi clan and the fairy cloud sect.

Su Fengxi used Spirit Power to dry his own clothes, and then looked at everything around him. Unexpectedly, there is really nothing wrong with this here. This is very lucky.

“Let’s go to the palace on the top of the hill!”

Sismu nodded. There are no outsiders here. There is enough Cultivation Base for the two. Naturally, there is no need to climb up step by step, take out his Flying Sword, and prepare to fly with the sword.

This is not the first time Su Fengxi has seen Xi Si last’s saber, but it is the first time he has felt it so close, it is still a spiritual weapon, it seems that the background of this fairy cloud sect is still good.

The sword flies really fast, but within a few minutes, they came to the palace on the top of the mountain. Looking at the towering palace, the two couldn’t help but sigh, if the earth Spiritual Qi is not exhausted, this should be a big Sect.

“Falling Cloud Sect!”

“Do you know where this Falling Cloud Sect comes from?”

Xi Si last nodded and explained, “Falling Cloud Sect has existed tens of thousands of years ago. It was the same name as the Immortal Cloud Sect. At that time, the top ten Sects were all related by marriage.”

“Historical records indicate that there are more than a dozen female cultivators with pure yin physiques in the Fallen Cloud Sect, who were targeted by several Sects. Even so, those Sects did not dare to do anything against Fallen Cloud Sect, because at that time the strongest person in Fallen Cloud Sect was It is the ancestor of the Mahayana period, and there are several ancestors of the Transcends Tribulation period, even the top Sect is not willing to easily provoke Luoyunzong!”

The female cultivator with pure yin physique is an excellent Human Cauldron in Cultivation World, and the male cultivator with dual cultivation can not only take away the other’s Cultivation Base, but also a great tonic, especially for the first time, but like The existence of Human Cauldron is considered an evil practice in Cultivation World.

Although there is no Human Cauldron on the surface, it is not in the big Sect secretly, but the female nuns with pure yin physique are not so easy to find.

Once the female sisters with pure yin physique appeared, they would definitely be the object of competition among the major Sects, but they were pitiful for those female sisters who had been robbed.

If the strength is strong, it’s fine, if there is no strength, then the end can be imagined.

“and after?”

“Although the Fallen Cloud Sect has the Mahayana ancestors, it is difficult to win against several Sects. In the end, the Sect Leader of Fallen Cloud Sect married the Xianyun Sect and several other Sects, which eliminated those few. Coveted by Big Sect!”

“Later, the Fallen Sect had an in-law relationship with each Sect, and coupled with the strength of the female cultivators of the Fallen Sect, no one dared to look at the female cultivators of the Fallen Sect anymore. Later, the Earth Spirit Power dries up and the Sect’s The ancestors left the earth one by one and went to other cultivation continents. The ancestors of the Fallen Sect also did the same. However, I heard that the ancestors of the Fallen Sect sealed the Fallen Sect in a small enchantment before leaving the earth. I know that it is near Buxian Mountain, but no one knows where it is. I didn’t expect Luoyun Sect to be at the bottom of this Tianchi Lake!”

The Buxian Mountain is Changbai Mountain. The Luoyun Sect disappeared back then, and many Sects are a pity. After all, the Luoyun Sect has many female cultivators with pure Yin physique. Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is exhausted, and this pure Yin constitution is even more so. Is rare.

“This should be the ruins of the Fallen Cloud Sect. Thousands of years have passed. I didn’t expect this Fallen Cloud Sect to be hidden at the bottom of Tianchi Lake!”

“Go in and have a look?”

Sismu nodded. The stones outside the square were already covered with moss. It seems that it was due to long-term dampness. Although the building did not collapse, it was still precarious.

Directly facing the top of the square is the main hall of the Luoying Sect, the Luoying Hall. Perhaps because of the main hall, the Luoying Hall is towering into the clouds compared to other buildings. A white jade stone wall stands on both sides of the Luoying Hall. A dragon and a phoenix are depicted on the stone wall.

I did not expect that the ancient Huaguo Cultivation School would also worship the dragon and the phoenix. They are indeed the descendants of Yan and Huang!

Entering the Great Hall, the top should be the position of the Sect Leader of the Falling Cloud Sect, high above, with rows of tables and chairs on the left and right sides. The entire Great Hall is very empty, roughly one hundred square meters.

On the stone wall of the Great Hall is painted a fire-red flame flower. This flame flower should be the emblem of the Falling Cloud Sect.

After visiting the Great Hall, the two went from left to right and began to visit the other buildings, each of which has its own unique architectural form.

“This should be the Library of the Falling Cloud Sect, there seems to be a prohibition outside!”

There are no Restrictions in the other rooms, only this Library, people who want to come to Fallen Cloud Sect, don’t want the library’s numbers to be ruined by outsiders.

“You step back!”

Su Fengxi raised his eyebrows, not saying anything, and took a tight step back. Sismu held the spirit sword in his hand, closed his eyes, and felt the flaws of Restrictions. Su Fengxi, who was acting fast, would lose sight of him, just listen. With a click, Restrictions were chopped to pieces by Sismu.

This Sismu is very powerful!

Su Fengxi was able to unlock the Restrictions himself, but that was because Su Fengxi himself was the one who opened the hook. However, Xi Simu was a real 18-year-old boy, and he broke the other party without much effort. The Restrictions are really powerful.

Sismu walked in the forefront, guarding Su Fengxi behind him as a protector. Su Fengxi smiled at the corners of his eyes, but said nothing, but his liking for Sismu added another point.

After entering, there was indeed a mechanism around, without Su Fengxi’s hands, Si Si Mu himself dealt with the weapons fired from all directions.

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