Chapter 193: Going to sea to find people, Su Fengci is in danger at sea

After recuperating for about half a month, Su Fengxi prepared to leave Qianlongyuan with Qi Yuanli.

“The people in black who are cooperating with Qi Yuanzhuo are not small. You must be careful outside. If you need help, please send a letter back at any time. Since you are members of the Qi clan, we will definitely not stand by!”

Su Fengxi nodded, knowing that this is probably the power of the clan.

“What happened before, I wronged you!”

Qi Yuanli shook his head, “This matter is that Qi Yuanzhuo will do his own thing, and has nothing to do with the Qi clan, so the patriarch doesn’t need to mind!”

“Bon Voyage!”


Looking at the group of black sharks, the largest is several meters long, and the smallest is nearly one meter in length. The most terrifying thing is their speed, attacking their ships at the fastest speed.

The quality of this ship is definitely very good, but looking at the black sharks in front of you, everyone on the ship took a breath. What kind of luck was they, and they encountered the sharks. The most terrifying thing was to see their actions. It seems to be flying towards them.

“Mr. Su, what shall we do now?”

Su Fengci’s complexion was not very good. At first, he followed the road map and saw a ruined temple, and saw the endless mountains. Finally, he finally found out the whereabouts of the little girl in the small fishing village. Heart and liver are split.

They said that more than two months ago, there was indeed a young girl who bought a fishing boat from them to go to sea. However, a month later, the fishing boat floated back by itself, but there was no girl on it.

They guessed that they were killed at sea. When they heard this, Su Fengci almost went crazy at the time. The younger sister was killed. This is impossible.

Su Fengci immediately ordered a ship of excellent quality for a city not far from the small fishing village. Thinking of the little girl, he bought a fishing boat to go to sea. Su Fengci was mad and thought of the nightmare he had had before. Su Fengci did not dare to delay for a moment, and as soon as the ship arrived, he took people out to sea.

The speed of the ship is much faster than the speed of the fishing boat, but in a few days, Su Fengci came to the sea where the sea beasts were fighting against Su Fengxi. Although they were not attacked by the sea beasts, they were attacked by a group of sharks. , This is also a very scary thing.

Su Fengci said coldly, “Don’t disturb them yet, bypass the group of sharks!”

It’s okay if it’s a shark, but it’s a group of sharks. The longest one is several meters. The weight can be imagined. He dare not take risks, let alone he still wants to find Little Sister, so naturally he won’t be here. waste time.


The ship changed direction to avoid the sharks, but the fact was not as smooth as they thought, because the sharks seemed to be coming towards them. Seeing them change direction, the sharks seemed to change direction, swimming towards them again. come over.

“Mr. Su, those sharks seem to be coming towards our ship!”

Su Fengci’s face became cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, “Since they are coming to die, then fulfill them!”

“Mr. Su is going to hunt that group of sharks?”

Su Fengxi snorted, “It’s not that I want to hunt them, it’s that they want to attack our ships, we are self-defense!”

Su Fengci snorted coldly, looking at the extremely fast sharks next to him, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, luck with both hands, patted the oncoming sharks, the sea rumbling, the sea was blown apart by Su Fengci’s applause. Open.

The sea water on the sea was hit by the palm wind, and an invisible force emerged on the sea. The bodyguards who watched were dumbfounded. Isn’t this the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms in the martial arts novels?

Although they have real skills, they can’t blow the sea with one palm. Mr. Su doesn’t seem to need their protection. He is really too strong. Where is the nephew of Patriarch, Sacred!

Suffered from Su Fengci’s attack, the sharks wanted to run around in a panic. They seemed to be restrained by a force. They couldn’t retreat. Su Fengci saw it, punched out with both hands, and the sea thundered.

Although they rushed away from the sharks, many sharks attacked their ships. When the others saw this, they took out their guns and shot at the sharks on the sea. They could not sit and wait for death. Mr. Su took the lead in attacking the sharks. As a bodyguard to protect Mr. Su, he would naturally not stand idly by.

Bang bang bang!

Thinking of the gunshots on the sea, they could be sent by Rong Tianjue to protect Su Fengci. Naturally, these people’s marksmanship is not a mere name, one shot at one shot, which can be said to be quite accurate, but it is a pity that the sharks that got shot seem to It’s not half life, hitting their ship one after another.

No matter how strong their ship is, it can’t stand the violent impact of the sharks!

“Mr. Su, I think these sharks are weird!” Zhao Qiang looked at the sharks violently hitting their ship with a somewhat ugly expression, a dark glow flashed in his eyes.


Su Fengci casually replied, naturally there is weirdness. If there is no weirdness, it would be really weird that these sharks kept hitting their ships without fear of death.

“Look at that!”

Looking at the realization of Su Fengci, Zhao Qiang’s expression changed, “That’s it?”

There was a huge shark at the end of the shark group, and it seemed to be a whale shark. Looking at the huge body, it turned out to be the largest whale shark in the world, and it seemed that the whale shark was driving these shark groups to them. What kind of luck is this, my goodness?

“Mr. Su, what should I do now?”

Looking at these desperate shark groups, their ships could not last too long. Even if these shark groups were useless, Zhao Qiang only felt that his scalp was tingling, which was really terrifying.

“Do you think we can leave now?”

Su Fengci frowned, not knowing if it was an illusion, the whale shark seemed to be staring at him fiercely, his eyes wishing to tear himself apart.

Su Fengci was right, the whale shark just wanted to tear him, because the whale shark smelled the same question on Su Fengci, the same smell that almost killed it.

The whale shark came to avenge this time.

If Su Fengxi was here, Su Fengci would know that the whale shark was defeated by his Little Sister. It thought that Su Fengxi was a soft persimmon, so it was stuck here.

After the whale shark roared, the group of sharks instantly divided into two teams. Seeing this neat stroke, they were even more sure that the group of sharks was driving the group of sharks.

“Su, Mr. Su, that whale shark, it, is it here?”

The ship was surrounded by sharks. They wanted to drive the ship away, and it would be difficult for them to rush out of the encirclement, because these sharks are a bunch of desperate groups!

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