The Cursed Ship

Chapter 198: Joint Exploration Team (2)

Krina proposed to visit the galleon now, and explained that she was the only one, which directly blocked other people's plan to follow.

Cruz turned his head to look at Krina, then looked at the three of Zheng Yang's side, and then turned back to the yacht without a word.

Zheng Yang looked at Loveni, saw her nodding, and said, "Welcome, Ms. Krina!"

Krina directed the yacht to moor to the other side of the spirit ship, only two meters away from the spirit ship.

Loveni took the elevator to the cabin on the first floor and opened the door on the bow side. The hatch is like an ancient suspension bridge, slowly laid flat under the control of a motor, and laid on the deck of the yacht.

Kleina walked into the cabin through the suspension bridge, only to find that the big sailboat was actually made of wood, and she was shocked for a while.

Loveni closed the hatch, then took off her mask and said, "Klena, long time no see!"

"Hahaha, Loveni, do you miss me?"

Krina hugged Loveni, and suddenly sniffed with her nose, and said, "Loveni, what perfume do you use? This smells so charming!"

"You know, I never use perfume. The cabin of this ship was smeared with ambergris by some prodigal guy. What you smell is ambergris."

"No wonder you refused my invitation, and there is this beautiful sailboat. Is it yours?"

"No, it belongs to Zheng... David, I'm just his team member! Let's go, I will take you to the upper living room."

"Oh, has our Goddess Loveni finally found a good man?" Krina looked playfully and moved on Loveni.

Loveni pushed her away, rolled her eyes and said, "You mean, I'm bad, am I?"

"Of course not, you are the most perfect of all the women I know. I'm just wondering how good he is in order to win your favor. You are a glamorous goddess with a higher eye than the top!"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are just teammates!"

"Cut, don't think that only your intuition is strong, I also have intuition...Huh? Are these rooms? The wide aisles? That's great!"

While talking, the two took the elevator to the first floor? Enter the large reception room at the bow.

Krina smelled a faint scent? Satisfied and said: "If we hold a meeting, this hall is very suitable!"

The large reception room with a width of more than ten meters is surrounded by a sofa and a coffee table? It is not too narrow to receive more than 20 people to communicate here.

Because of the pointed bow, the reception room is actually narrow in front and wide in the rear. There is a service desk under the front glass. There is a doorway on the left leading to the bow deck. The other three sides are filled with sofas and coffee tables.

"We also have tea restaurants and bars. If this is not suitable, you can go there."

"Oh? Can I visit it?"

"Of course? Come on!"

To the back of the large reception room, there are elevators on one side, stairs on the other, and symmetrically distributed film and television halls and entertainment gyms. Then there is a tea restaurant and a bar that are not separated. The two are actually an integrated eating area? It occupies the largest area. There is a lift in the corner that can directly reach the second floor cargo hold.

Out of the eating area is the 20-meter stern deck? The first half is the sunshade area covered by the upper deck, with a ladder connecting the upper deck; the second half is the open-air swimming pool.

After Krina visited? I found that the entire ground floor was empty.

"Lophne, wouldn't you tell me that there are only three of you on the boat?"

"How is it possible? They might be resting on it? We have been on the island for two days? We just came back."

Loveni said.

She should have gained the most in the past two days? Feeling the pulsation of the earth in the volcanic area, her accumulation has increased a lot. Only by reaching her current level can she deeply understand the difference between the underground pulse here and the mainland.

Loveni had a hunch that she was not far from Advanced Level 4 Transcendent.

The two did not return to the reception hall, but chatted over drinks in the eating area.

Kleina obviously came to reminisce with Loveni, Zheng Yang did not mix, and after leaving the deck, he returned to the cockpit and adjusted the radio to the frequency provided by Kleina.

In fact, the radio has an agreed public channel, and everyone can communicate on the public channel. Zheng Yang guessed that by doing this, Kelina was planning to form another small alliance in the joint exploration to engage in gang formation. After all, there must be a conflict of interests between so many teams in joint operations.

Before dark, three more teams came one after another. One of the teams actually opened up a 100-meter-long destroyer, nearly a bit longer than the spirit ship.

Zheng Yang narrowed his eyesight to observe and discovered that it was a yacht transformed from a decommissioned destroyer.

How arrogant!

After listening to Klinena’s introduction on their dedicated radio channel, Zheng Yang knew that it belonged to the Kanny family in Poland.

The other two boats, one of which is a yacht, is about the same size as the yacht on which Klinna is riding, with different shapes, coming from the direction of America in the northwest.

The other is much more shabby. It is an armed ship transformed by a merchant ship. It looks more like a mercenary or a somewhat powerful pirate group. It is probably a group of grassroots extraordinary people.

After the three ships arrived, they were mooring in the shallow water nearby, and did not come to contact the first ship for the time being.

Zheng Yang saw the one-armed hero and Lola, and was speechless. Sure enough, they had joined other teams, and they belonged to the Canny family.

At this time, Tynock and Lola were standing on the deck of the destroyer's remodeled yacht, looking at the spirit ship, a little surprised.

"Lola, are they Zheng Yang over there?"

"Zheng Yang's boat is not that big, it shouldn't be!"

"But the weird eyes on the bow are really the style of Zheng Yang's boat!"

"Maybe that is a sign that represents a certain meaning..."

After dark, another medium-sized yacht more than 40 meters long came to the northwest. Just ten minutes later, a real destroyer arrived, complete with turrets and radar.

"It's the Bourbon The royal families of France and Spain are both branches of them. This veteran family of transcendents directly mobilized the destroyers of the military to come."

This is a modern destroyer in service with a length of more than 150 meters. It is twice as long as Captain Ling, and it instantly steals all the limelight.

Zheng Yang observed through treacherous eyes and saw Pei Ji and the old man who had dealt with on the destroyer's deck.

"Awesome, can't afford it!"

Zheng Yang admits that he is inferior, and is willing to bow down.

This is the real arrogance. The destroyers in service, artillery, near-defense machine guns, torpedoes, and missiles, it is estimated that even the seventh-level evil encounters will not be able to eat them.

However, the mysterious sea area is usually accompanied by chaotic magnetic fields. Zheng Yang is very curious. If the precision instruments on the destroyer fail or even lose power, would they use their feet to take the destroyer back?

It is impossible for the Bourbon family to not know the characteristics of the mysterious sea. Since they dared to drive the destroyer, it shows that they have the confidence and means to deal with this situation. For example, what kind of equipment has been developed to shield or sort out the chaotic magnetic field to ensure the normal operation of shipboard equipment. .

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