I have to say that Jon's driving skills are indeed very good. He was surrounded by zombies several times along the way, but he was able to escape from the encirclement with his superb driving skills.

The hospital is only two streets away from the villa area. According to Chen Chong's judgment, the maximum range of this biochemical experimental site is only this far away.

Hey! Sir, do you know something?

Jon drove the vehicle and tentatively asked Chen Chong, the co-pilot, in a gentle tone.

Chen Chong raised his head slightly and saw the expressions of everyone in the car through the rearview mirror.

An obvious eagerness can be seen on their faces.

The city in your mind is actually just an area for experimental biochemical viruses. Everyone in this place was cloned from cells.

What? Are you kidding? How is this possible?

I am unique, how can I be a clone?

Yes, there are more than 70,000 people in this city. Are they all clones?

Chen Chong didn't pay attention to the rebuttals of several people.

In fact, no one can accept this kind of thing all at once.

However, Jon, who was driving, frowned and looked ahead without saying a word.

Chen Chong could feel the anger in this man's heart from the blue veins on his temples.

What he said may be right!

Finally Jon spoke.

What? Sir, do you believe such ridiculous words?

The young police officer looked at Jon in surprise.

Actually, I have thought about some issues for a long time. Why is there only one city like ours in the world? Our media and scientists have never given a positive explanation.

Why can’t we see the sun and moon in our sky, and the monsters that just emerged from the ground?

Why are they there? You must know that the villa area is the place I have always been responsible for!

The more Jon talked, the angrier he became, and he began to doubt this 'self-world' in his heart.

At this time, the blond old man sitting in the back also began to think about it. In his memory, his lover had both legs amputated, and his condition eventually worsened and died.

But he always felt that he had never had a wife. Those memories seemed to be fixed. Except for a few fragments of information, he could not remember anything else.

This phenomenon is not just for me, but my son also seems to be a little strange to his mother.

Jon's words made the atmosphere in the car become dull. At this moment, the zombies on both sides of the road began to gather in density.

Hurry up! We're going to rush over!

Jon reminded him and was about to step on the accelerator when Chen Chong next to him stopped him:

Wait, is there another way to go?

Jon shook his head: No, there is only one way to the hospital!

Chen Chong was silent for two seconds, then rolled down the window and climbed onto the roof of the car.


Everyone was a little confused by Chen Chong's actions, but seeing the zombies approaching, they didn't bother to ask questions.


The car's motor made a harsh roar and drove towards the intersection. A tall building stands at the corner of the street.

Under the observation of Chen Chong's heat-sensing ability, dense humanoid heat sources happened to block the path they must pass.

The car made a beautiful flick, dodging a wave of zombies. Previously, Jon was worried about throwing Chen Chong off the roof of the car.

But after several consecutive tail flicks, they discovered that Chen Chong seemed to have roots under his feet and was not affected at all.

As the car turned, it rounded the corner. Jon, who was driving, suddenly widened his eyes.

In front of the street, tens of thousands of zombies blocked the street. They lined up quietly in a row as if they were waiting for the people in the car to come to their door.


Jon cursed and wanted to turn around, but the road behind him was already blocked by zombies following him.


The faces of the two young policemen changed drastically, and the arms holding the pistols trembled violently.

The blond old man looked out the window with a desperate look on his face, ready to escape at any time with his little grandson in his arms.

Thump thump thump,

Suddenly, Chen Chong gently knocked on the car window and shouted to Jon: Can I trust your driving skills?

How to do it?

Jon also showed his decisive character at critical moments.

Rush over!

As soon as he finished speaking, the car suddenly rushed out towards the tidal wave of corpses.

Jon didn't know why he trusted a person so much. At this moment, he put aside all his thoughts and stared straight ahead.

Come on! You bitchis!

Jon shouted, pressing the accelerator to the floor.

At this moment, a black-red light suddenly lit up on the roof of the car.

The crescent-shaped arc was like a life-threatening scythe of death, ruthlessly sweeping towards the tide of corpses ahead.

When the people in panic saw this scene, they all opened their mouths in surprise.

The dense infected bodies fell one by one like wheat. Wherever Crescent Moon goes, no zombie can resist its edge.

Encouraged, Jon became even bolder. He actively controlled the vehicle to hit left and right, and cooperated with Chen Chong to launch an attack on the zombie army.

In front of the screen, Wesker looked at the huge scythe arm transformed by Chen Chong and was shocked.

Among the black virus variants they have studied so far, none have been able to mutate their arms three times.


At this time, the door behind him made a soft sound, and Alexander in a straight suit slowly walked in.

Any progress? Wesker.

Wesker nodded respectfully to Alexander and said: Currently, this human being has exceeded the strength of a fifth-level evolved creature, and his arm can undergo the third transformation.

Oh? Alexander walked to the screen slightly surprised, Is there any record of his abilities?

Without Wesker's reminder, the Red Queen immediately displayed the collected data.

Devour, claws, tendrils, blade arms.

The smile on Alexander's face became more obvious every time an ability appeared:

Not bad! Very good! Now the war between us and the Salvation Society has begun. The strength of those thrones has exceeded our expectations.

Fortunately, God favored us and allowed us to get this 'treasure' accidentally. As long as his body is slightly modified, this will definitely be our top weapon!

Red Queen: Warning, the target is about to escape the siege of the infected. Do you want to release more biochemical weapons?

Alexander waved his hand: No need, ordinary infected bodies can't harm him at all, it's time to end this game.

Immediately seal off the experimental area and release the Z virus. Let us witness who is the strongest biochemical weapon, the ultimate tyrant or him!

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