The figure of the eight-armed master is getting closer and closer, and his huge body is still conspicuous even if it is a hundred meters away.

Chen Chong covered his bleeding chest and slowly sat on the ruins.

The pain radiating from his body had made him numb, just like his mood at the moment.

He didn't know if he could return to his original world after death.

If everything here was a dream, then it would be time to wake up today.

Thinking of this, Chen Chong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a hint of relief, and raised his head to look at the eight-armed master quietly.

One person and one monster looked at each other, and the eight-armed master seemed to understand Chen Chong's death intention.

The pace under his feet quickened in vain, and the huge blade arm was raised high and charged straight at Chen Chong.

The eight-armed master at this moment could be said to hate Chen Chong. It was this tiny human being who severely damaged his current human body, forcing its insect body to merge with humans.

But such a fusion will make it forever lose the ability to evolve again. In other words, it is impossible to break through the current strength limit in this life, let alone change the host.

As the speed of the eight-armed master became faster and faster, just when an afterimage was about to form, a transparent energy wave spread rapidly from Chen Chong's head to the surroundings.

In an instant, the whole world turned into black and white in Chen Chong's eyes, and the eight-armed master's movements were as pitifully slow as if they were pressed into slow motion.

Hey! It's this ability again!

Chen Chong's expression changed slightly, and his silent heart rippled again. In the past, whenever this ability appeared, my head would swell and hurt.

But now the swelling and pain seem to be much smaller.

Chen Chong stood up hard and tried to mobilize the flesh and blood energy in his body, but the miracle did not happen, and there was still no response from the flesh and blood energy in his body.

[Host: Chen Chong]

[Status: Evolution, Weakness, Gene Collapse, Prototype (45%)]

[Level: 5 (45%)]

[Health: 40 (20%)]

【Strength: 55】

【Defense: 37】

[Stamina: 30.2]

【Speed: 31.4】

【Virus resistance:∞】

[Form: 1. Claw Lv4 (33%) 2. Blade Lv3, 3. Tendrils Lv1, 4. Hammer Lv2 (37%)

5. Charged Shield Lv1 (the form bar is locked and cannot be activated)]

[Special abilities: 1. Devouring Lv5 (locked) 2. Disguise Lv5 (locked) 3. Heat sense Lv3, 4. Command Lv5, 5. Ground thorn Lv4 (locked) 6. Qigong wave Lv5 (locked) 7. Brutal Lv5 ( Locked) 8. Charged Attack Lv2 (Locked) 9. Hidden Tide Lv2 (Locked) 10. Rush Lv5 (Locked)]

[Virus incubation: None]

[Armed hatching: not yet carried out (energy number: 421891)]

[Finishing move·Thousands of tentacles]

[Storage organs: flesh and blood energy (0%)]

At this moment, Chen Chong's form ability is completely locked. In addition to the two special abilities of Heat Sense and Command that do not require the mobilization of flesh and blood energy, he can still use his other special abilities.

In fact, Chen Chong had never noticed that the last time he accumulated 100% flesh and blood energy to deal with Goliath, the system had already prompted him.

Plus this time, his genetic chain has been completely broken.

But what Chen Chong didn't expect was that his incubation ability could still be used.

This revived his despair.

It’s not over yet, I can still fight!

The increasingly obvious swelling and pain in his head reminded Chen Chong that his special ability to delay time was about to end.

Chen Chong hurriedly opened [Armed Hatching]

[Black light weapon arsenal: 1. Black Watch equipment (full set for individual soldiers) - 1/1000 hatching energy

2. Virus detector (monitoring range radius 100 meters) - 1/1000 incubation energy

Technology exchange

3. Super soldier (Genetek 1st generation product) - 1/3000 hatching energy

4. Super soldier (Gentech 2nd generation product) - 1/5000 hatching energy

5. Gentech Nano Molecular Technology (suitable for chip manufacturing) - 1/10000 incubation energy

6.Hunter Mecha (Gentek 1st generation product) - 1/50000

7. Silver Killer Armor (Jantek 2nd generation product) - 1/100000

8. Destruction ray cannon (metal product of God) - 1/150000

9. Gentek biological mecha (applicable to infected bodies) - 1/300000

With a thought, a series of information prompts appeared in front of me.

[Technology Exchange: Gentek 2nd Generation Super Soldier X50]

[250,000 points will be deducted from the hatching energy number. Can you redeem it? 】


Chen Chong chose to exchange without hesitation.

The next second, a large area of ​​light blue human-shaped light and shadow slowly appeared around Chen Chong.

Fully fifty second-generation super soldiers appeared on the battlefield.

Master! Soldier No. 3, No. 4, and No. 52 are reporting to you!

Haha, you have your parasite puppet, and I have mine! Soldiers, kill it!

Received! Scanning target information!

The risk factor is extremely high! It is recommended to adopt encirclement and suppression tactics!


The severe swelling and pain suddenly disappeared, and the ability to delay time also dissipated.

The eight-armed master who charged towards Chen Chong slowly stopped, with a touch of human doubt on his ugly face.

It was obviously fine one second, but the next second there were suddenly so many large humans around the other party.

This kind of magic-like scene really makes its simple Zerg IQ somewhat inadequate.

The eight-armed master was stunned, and a shocking roar like a beast came from Chen Chong's throat.

Immediately, a sparse sound sounded from all around, and hundreds of infected bodies of different sizes rushed towards Chen Chong with clear goals, including many high-level infected bodies of level 4 and 5.

Apparently there was a slight connection between the super soldiers and Chen Chong, and they knew very well that these infected bodies were not enemies, but thugs summoned by their masters.

Chen Chong, who was alone before, had pulled up a team of nearly a company in the blink of an eye.

Following Chen Chong's order, this formation composed of a mixture of super soldiers and infected bodies rushed towards the eight-armed master without fear of death.

It is said that many ants kill an elephant, and the combat power of hundreds of level 4 evolvers can almost easily destroy an army.

Faced with such a huge attack, the eight-armed master roared to the sky, raised his remaining five arms, and launched an indiscriminate attack at the flying infected body.

The thick biochemical shield was like a fly swatter, swatting the two charging level three hellhounds into meat patties with one blow.

At this time, a super soldier used the combat device on his helmet to calculate the attack trajectory of the eight-armed master. When the opponent's five arms had no time to look behind, he suddenly jumped on the back of the master and fired an explosive weapon he carried with him. The virus bomb was thrown into the wound of the eight-armed master's severed arm.


A burst of blue fire exploded, and the eight-armed master staggered sideways, followed by a stream of green viscous plasma spilling out.

The originally broken wound opened several times toward the periphery.


The eight-armed master is angry!

The flesh and blood tissue of the parasite does not have the ability to regenerate, and every injury is a weakening of its strength.

Ignoring the attacks from the surrounding infected bodies, the Overlord raised two huge biochemical shields in front of him, like a bulldozer, and rushed towards Chen Chong.

The scarred streets were dug into hundreds of meters of ravines by the biochemical shield arms.

The eight-armed master in the killing form has a four-dimensional attribute that has doubled, reaching an astonishing two hundred points!

Wherever it went, whether it was an infected body rushing forward or a super soldier with flexible thinking, they were all defeated at the first touch.

The terrifying power even made the surrounding air hot!

[Technology Exchange: Gentech Destruction Ray Cannon X1]

[150,000 points will be deducted from the hatching energy number. Can you redeem it? 】

The power of the eight-armed master is really unstoppable. Half of the 150 thugs summoned with great effort were killed by the opponent in a single collision.

Chen Chong had to bear the pain and spent the last 150,000 hatching energy to exchange for the most powerful weapon at present.

The more than 400,000 energy accumulated through hard work was reduced to only 20,000 in the blink of an eye.

But now Chen Chong couldn't think about this in his heart.

Regarding Gentek's technology, it was not fully demonstrated even in the killing prototype.

Chen Chong had never heard of something like a destruction ray cannon.

Please! You must start to take action!

Looking at the purple light that slowly emerged, Chen Chong couldn't help but think silently in his heart.

In an instant, a three-meter-tall metal turret with a purple halo all over its body appeared in front of Chen Chong.

The entire fort has a smooth texture and looks like a piece of purple jade.

On the elevated platform of the fort, a purple crystal column with a diameter of 30cm is placed above.

I don't know how heavy this ray cannon was, but as soon as it appeared, it collapsed the ground below by half a meter.

Looking at this sci-fi cannon, Chen Chong was stunned.

It looks pretty cool, but how the hell does it work?

The entire cannon structure seems to have only a small round hole and a few keyboard-like buttons.

Even if Chen Chong knows a lot, he can't play with this kind of thing.

The eight-armed master in front of him was the murderer, watching his men being killed one by one.

Chen Chong was also anxious and shouted to the super soldiers who were still besieging the Overlord:

Who knows how to use this cannon!

Not to mention, you really asked the right person this question.

All the thirty-seven surviving super soldiers can do it.

The three super soldiers closest to the cannon reacted immediately and ran straight towards the cannon.

However, Chen Chong's voice not only called his men, but also attracted the attention of the Eight-Armed Lord.

Compared to the minions summoned by Chen Chong, the Eight-Armed Lord still loves Chen Chong himself.

The first time it saw Chen Chong, the monster threw off several lickers lying on its back without saying a word, and then immediately ran towards Chen Chong's direction.

Quick! Bomb it with cannons!

Report to the master! The ray cannon needs three minutes to accumulate energy and cannot be fired directly!

Damn! It's broken now!

Chen Chong's face instantly turned ugly. In three minutes, the other party came over even if he walked step by step.

no! It must not be allowed to come close to here. If a ray cannon is destroyed, it will really be over this time!

How far can this cannon shoot?

The power of the ray cannon can reach its maximum within 2,000 meters, and it has severe lethality within 5,000 meters!

You charge here! I'll lure it away!

After saying that, Chen Chong immediately ran quickly in the direction facing the muzzle of the cannon.

Sure enough, the eight-armed master didn't even think about it, took long strides and chased after him.

The weak state of his body caused Chen Chong's speed to drop a bit. In less than ten seconds, the eight-armed master was chasing after him.

Seeing that the opponent's huge biochemical shield was about to be taken down, Chen Chong did not dodge, gritted his teeth, and started gambling mode.

This time he succeeded again!

When the huge black shadow shrouded the world, the black and white world appeared again.

The originally fast and violent slaps became abnormally slow in Chen Chong's eyes.


The heavy biochemical shield sank the ground. When the eight-armed lord raised his shield to look for the corpse below, a familiar figure had already run from its feet to the other side.


A powerful wave of sound emanated from the mouth of the eight-armed master. Chen Chong, who had just ran a few steps, covered his head in pain, staggered and almost fell down.

Two streams of blood slowly flowed out from his ears. He endured his head that was almost about to explode and continued to escape crazily into the distance despite the sound waves.

After experiencing several sound wave attacks from intelligent biochemical weapons, Chen Chong's endurance has reached an inhuman level.

All the super soldiers who were attacked by the sound wave curled up and screamed on the ground with their heads in their hands. Even the multifunctional helmets they wear on their heads cannot withstand this horrific attack.

Seeing that Chen Chong was still alive and kicking, the Eight-Armed Lord immediately gave up on this useless skill. The killing mode is activated again!

With the blessing of double attributes, he caught up with Chen Chong again in just five seconds.

Feeling the dangerous aura approaching quickly behind him, Chen Chong had no choice but to look directly at the Eight-Armed Master again.

Many experiences told Chen Chong that the ability to delay time can only be triggered by objects whose speed exceeds the controllable range of his naked eyes.

And this power seems to require a very high level to fully master.

This time, the ability to delay time seems to have been greatly challenged. The speed of the eight-armed master has exceeded the subsonic range. A sharp pain felt like it was exploding in my head.

A feeling of dizziness and vomiting surged through Chen Chong's body.

As the speed of the eight-armed master slowed down little by little, Chen Chong finally couldn't bear the pain in his head anymore and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The black and white world disappeared in an instant, and the slow eight-armed master quickly approached in an instant.

Chen Chong tried his best to jump to the left to avoid the impact of the master. However, his speed was still a beat slower. One of the master's spider pointed feet scratched his waist, and his whole body was divided into pieces as if it had been chopped open by a knife. Two cuts.

The powerful impact, accompanied by a violent tearing sensation, made Chen Chong cry out in pain.

At this moment, the world seemed to have become cleaner.

Chen Chong lay on the ground with his eyes wide open, hearing the angry roars of dozens of super soldiers in his ears.

Seeing that their master was cut into two parts by the monster, they roared and launched a suicidal charge towards the master with explosive grenades on them without fear of death.

On his deathbed, Chen Chong saw a thick purple ray piercing the chest of the Eight-Armed Lord.

This arrogant guy finally fell!

Chen Chong, who had only the upper half of his body left, slowly closed his eyes with a relieved smile.

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