The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 243 0016.Z-shaped double-headed licker!

The survivors brought back from the Qianling Mountain base once again felt the breath of human civilization.

Coming from the mountains to the city, the tall buildings and cars made them feel like they were back on the eve of the end of the world.

In the Qianling Mountain base, there are only a few people who can use lighting lamps.

But now when I come to the Fuxing Meeting, I can not only live in a spacious house, but most importantly, I can also take a hot bath.

Children under the age of 12 were sitting in the classroom together, reading textbooks loudly.

It's just that the content in the textbook has been replaced by content on how to survive in the wild and find supplies.

Listening to Lang Lang's reading, these survivors cried with joy.

It turns out that the civilization of this world has not disappeared, and human cities are still there.

The team of survivors accepted the arrangements of the revival meeting staff in an orderly manner.

Now as life managers, Zhao Xiaona and Wang Lin are already independent figures.

There are two to three hundred people under direct management alone.

Under the command of the two men, thousands of survivors were divided into four teams. Enter the large bathhouse at the back to wash your body.

Hao Wenquan, add some 84 disinfectant to their bath water. Also ask someone from the material management department to give each of them a new set of clothes.


Zheng Ping and the second battalion commander, who were standing in the row of soldiers, looked at each other. Along the way they saw revival members, young and old.

Their faces are all healthy and rosy, and everyone here is full of vitality, not at all lifeless like the apocalypse.

The quality of a base is most representative of the condition of the people below it.

They also passed many places on the way into the city, and there were frozen corpses everywhere on the streets. Especially in the slums, you can see one almost every few steps.

Even the soldiers guarding the city looked listless.

When the two are compared, they immediately see their differences.

It's such a lively place where anyone can feel comfortable staying there.

For a moment, Zheng Ping, the second battalion commander, the special operations captain and the soldiers who followed were relieved.

Soon, Wang Hao, wearing black watch gear, walked towards this side accompanied by Chris and Valen Ting.

Along the way, Zheng Ping had learned about Wang Hao's position in the revival meeting.

Seeing the other party coming, he took the initiative to step forward and salute: Captain Wang!

Wang Hao knew that Chief Zheng Ping was definitely a close friend of the president. How dare he, a small captain, ask people to salute.

Wang Hao jogged a few steps and quickly walked up to Zheng Ping: Sir Zheng! This is impossible! It's our turn. You are a serious military commander, and I am just a little policeman.

Before coming here, Chairman Chen said that you and the other officers should allocate their duties according to Qianling Mountain.

These two guys and I were transferred to be instructors.


For a moment, Zheng Ping's brothers all looked at Chris and Valen Ting.

From the outside, Chris looks a bit like a tough guy, but this woman is determined to be their instructor.

Soldiers only respect the strong.

Wang He was the first to stand up and said: Report! Captain Wang Hao. Are you sure you want this woman to be our instructor?

Wang Hao paused slightly and saw that Zheng Ping and several other officers also looked like they were watching a show, and then turned to look at Warren Ting.

I saw Valen Ting shaking her shoulders indifferently, twisting her small waist and walking step by step in front of Wang He.

Wang He said that he was a young man in his twenties and a vigorous man.

Seeing Valen Ting approaching step by step, he couldn't help but swallowed.

This caused the soldiers behind him to laugh.


Wang He's face turned red instantly, and he turned around and shouted in anger:

Why are you laughing! I haven't seen a foreign woman for a long time!

Wang He thought that Valen Ting could not understand Daxia Wen, but Valen Ting responded with a slightly jerky Daxia Wen.

From now on, we will see you every day. However, I think you are not convinced?

After making a fool of himself in front of everyone, the masculinity in Wang He's heart suddenly rose:

Yes, so what's the matter? Judging from your delicate skin and tender flesh, you haven't even been shot, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang He felt a black shadow pass before his eyes, and then two gunshots rang in his ears.


A chorus of exclamations sounded in Wang He's ears. Looking along everyone's line of sight, there were two more round holes on the solid target standing a hundred meters away.

The three processes of drawing a gun, accurate seconds, and shooting are completed in less than 1 second.

Hey, what are you doing standing around? Don't you want your gun?

After being reminded by Valen Ting, Wang Hecai suddenly looked at the empty pistol holster on his waist.

It turned out that in an instant, his gun had been taken away by the opponent. If this was on the battlefield, he really didn't even know how he died.

Wang He slowly stretched out his hand and took his pistol.

Suddenly, this familiar pistol became extremely heavy in an instant.

It took Wang He two full minutes to put the pistol back into its holster, and then returned to the team without looking back.

Duan Feng and Liu Quan, who were standing at the back of the team, also looked at the female instructor with interest.

Old Liu, how strong do you think this foreign girl is?

Liu Quan touched his chin and said solemnly: I guess it must be level three, and this person is a practitioner. I knew it was something special from what she just did.

I think ordinary third-level evolvers may not be her opponents when fighting against her.

Oh? So powerful. After you said that, I really want to fight her a few times.

Liu Quan held down Duan Feng who was eager to try: You guy, you don't even care what time it is. It affects Brother Chong's arrangements. You will be rewarded later.


Duan Feng rolled his eyes at Liu Quan, but said nothing more.

Wang Hao briefly introduced the two instructors to everyone, and then asked people to bring boxes of armor and equipment.

As early as in the car, everyone had already changed into Umbrella's primary and secondary weapons. Now even heavy armor and gas masks are provided for everyone.

With these equipment, the team's combat effectiveness is at least one level higher than before. Although it cannot be compared with Black Watch's anti-scratch and bite armor, it can also deal with some common infections.

Watching each soldier happily put on their equipment. Wang Hao, however, distributed a set of black watch equipment to officers above the platoon leader.

Everyone is a soldier and knows what to buy. They were jealous of Wang Hao's equipment before, but now they show it like this. This made some soldiers unable to bear it.

Captain Wang, what are these equipments you are wearing? Why do I feel so much more advanced than us? That helmet can also emit blue light!

Wang Hao smiled and immediately grabbed a dagger and stabbed it hard at the anti-bite suit.

A shocking scene appeared.

The dagger poked a three-centimeter hole in the ground through the anti-bite suit, but not a single thread was broken on the surface of the anti-bite suit.

Wow! This is a high-end body armor!

Wang Hao ignored the soldiers' inquiries, turned around, took the pistol handed by Chris, pressed it against the anti-bite suit, and pulled the trigger one after another.

The brass cartridge case hit the anti-bite suit, causing the black anti-bite suit to deform, but in the end the bullet still failed to penetrate.

Now everyone was dumbfounded. This isn't an anti-bite suit, it's obviously a top-notch body armor!

Wang Hao pressed his hand to signal everyone to be quiet:

“Everyone, this equipment is more sophisticated than what you have.

It can resist the bite of level three mutants, and this helmet can establish single-player and multi-player combat communication with friendly forces.

Because the quantity is precious, it can only be rationed to officers at all levels. However, Chairman Chen also made a statement that anyone who has performed meritorious service and accumulated 20 points of military merit can exchange for this set of equipment.

Our military merit system is as follows.

The military merit and honor system formulated by veteran policeman Hu Zhigang successfully inspired the enthusiasm of the survivors of Qianling Mountain.

For the first time, Zheng Ping felt that his soldiers were so motivated.

In the evening, a major welcome ceremony was held inside the revival meeting, and a variety of foods that could be considered luxuries in Linzhou City were placed on the dining table.

Since Chen Chong became the mayor of the new district, the Fuxing Association has become the focus of the major forces in Linzhou City.

Coupled with the recent high-profile behavior of the Revival Club, some smart people have guessed the inside story.

Early the next morning, three vehicles carrying fully armed soldiers slowly drove out of Linzhou City.

The soldiers guarding the city saw the familiar inverted triangle sign and hurriedly let them go.

In the leading vehicle, Chen Chong was sitting in the passenger seat, holding a map of Nanjiang Province in his hand and pointing at a marked place.

Liu Quan, let's go here.


Liu Quan was about to hit the accelerator with great interest, but he stopped in place just before he could hit the door.

Uh, Brother Chong, oh no, President. Are you sure you want to go to this place? This is a red danger zone!

What? You don't believe me?

Oh no no no! I just want to confirm again haha.

Liu Quan scratched his big head and said like a fool.

The place Chen Chong was pointing to was the small town of Fengyao where he drove an electric three-wheeler to transport food.

I remember that last time he destroyed one of Umbrella's intelligent biochemical weapons in the city east of the town.

There are nearly 200,000 infected people in that city, and Chen Chong's primary goal this time is to capture it.

None of the major forces in Linzhou City expected that Chen Chong would attack the city so quickly, and he only set off with a team of less than 300 people.

Even the soldiers in these cars didn't know what they were about to do.

The car body continued to sway along with the bumpy road, and it was about to step out of the yellow zone and enter the red danger zone.

Liu Quan finally couldn't help but said: Brother Chong, what are we going to do this time?

Chen Chong glanced at the vehicle following him and said four words calmly: Attack the city.

Attack the city. What? Attack the city?

Liu Quan was so startled that he almost pulled off the steering wheel.

Chen Chong made a gesture to Liu Quan to lower his voice: Shh! Be quiet. Only you know about this for the time being. But don't worry, just follow my instructions.


Nothing to worry about, just stay quiet.

Chen Chong frowned and scolded, and Liu Quan had no choice but to drive the car in an orderly manner.

In fact, Chen Chong didn't have much confidence in this attack.

Yesterday he spent half the night chatting with Alexander in the laboratory.

Chen Chong is very worried about the newly emerged virus.

According to Wang Hao's description, the mutated hunter was actually able to fight back and forth with No. 2, and was even slightly suppressed.

You must know that No. 2 is a serious level 4 master, a super soldier with superb military fighting skills, and can even suppress Liu Quan, who is also level 4.

After the end of the world, the most powerful hunter Chen Chong had ever seen was only level 3. I didn’t expect that after a second infection with the new virus, it could actually improve so much.

It would be okay if this mutation was just an individual, but if it was a group mutation, leading a large number of soldiers to attack the city would only lead to death.

Getting closer and closer to the target city, Chen Chong raised his hand to signal all vehicles to stop.

Brother Chong, er, president, what happened?

Chen Chong glanced at Liu Quan:

Wait for me here and tell everyone to be alert. If anything goes wrong, call me on the communicator immediately.


Except for Liu Quan and several members of the Evolution Team, the soldiers dispatched this time were all armed forces cultivated by the Renaissance Society themselves.

They have received the most systematic training. They may not be very good at dealing with humans, but they are definitely no worse at dealing with zombies than ordinary soldiers.

Without Liu Quan's instructions, everyone had been divided into teams of ten and formed a defensive formation in a 'T' shape.

On the other side, Chen Chong approached the prefecture-level city not far away at an extremely fast speed.

Due to the difference in weather, the entire city was covered with thick snow.

Not a single zombie was seen on the empty street.

With black and red blood streaks under his feet, Chen Chong climbed up a tall building. Overlooking the entire city from a high place, we finally saw the faint silhouette of zombies in the southwest area of ​​the city.

I don't know if it's because of the cold, but these zombies are huddled under the building like humans.

One of the giant lickers had two strange heads growing out of its neck. Because the distance is too far, Chen Chong's illustrated book ability cannot directly obtain the information.

Next second [Camouflage skill activates]

Dense black and red blood wrapped around Chen Chong's body. After a moment, a weak zombie with a rotting body slowly walked towards the weird licker.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Z-shaped two-headed licker]

[Status: alienation, evolution,]

[Level: 4]

【Life: 2000】

【Strength: 37】

[Defense: 21]

[Physical strength: ∞]

【Speed: 29】

[Talent skills: 1. Enhanced infection: Carrying an enhanced deadly virus, causing genetic mutation of the target through biting and scratching. Ineffective against organisms with higher viral resistance.

2. Prey: Select the target to launch an attack, increasing the speed by 20% for three seconds. 20% power.

3. Licking: Use a long tongue with paralyzing neurotoxin to attack the target, causing the target to lose consciousness and enter a brief coma.

4. Thermal sense: The brain receives thermal information from the outside world to identify the target location.

5. Recovery: Accelerate the division of virus cells in the body and repair non-fatal wounds.

[Danger level: 3 stars]

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