Looking at the phone in Wang He's hand, everyone present actually became quiet at the same time.

Seeing the joy on Zheng Ping's face, some of the newly promoted cadres showed puzzled looks.

They don't know anything about Brother Chong at all, and some people who know it have long forgotten it as time goes by.

Zheng Ping hurriedly took the phone and said cautiously:


Soon the familiar voice of the man came from the other end of the phone.

Hey! Is this Zheng Ping?

It's me! I'm Zheng Ping!

Zheng Ping was so excited that he stuttered for a moment.

Ha, Lao Zheng, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard Wang He said that your place is besieged by a zombie wave?

Somehow, as long as he heard Chen Chong's voice, Zheng Ping felt particularly calm inside. Even the problem of the corpse tide outside no longer worried him.

Yes! There are many new mutants besieging the base this time!

Eh? Have you also discovered new mutants? Chen Chong's curiosity aroused immediately upon hearing this, What do they look like? What are their strengths?

After Zheng Ping's detailed description, Chen Chong was sure that the venom monster he was talking about was the 'slit girl' he saw.

It's really no coincidence. I was originally going to be responsible for investigating this monster a week later, but it seems that now we can complete it together.

Old Zheng, tell everyone to hold on for another four hours! I will support you.

Okay! You're coming! Okay! Great!

The joy on Zheng Ping's face did not disappear even after the call was hung up.

For a moment, everyone looked at Zheng Ping dumbly. They didn't know why the base commander was so happy after answering the phone?

Could it be that there is ammunition?

Uh-huh. Feeling the attention of everyone, Zheng Ping quickly retracted his smile and regained his serious expression.

Everyone! Inform all combat troops! No matter what the cost, they must hold on for four hours. Tell the anti-aircraft artillery battalion that there is no need to wait. Let me blast down the mountain now!

Our reinforcements will arrive in four hours!

Seeing Zheng Ping's confident look, all the officials also gained confidence.

After the people in the tent left, the second battalion commander and the special operations team leader couldn't help but walk to Zheng Ping:

Old Zheng, is Chen Chong going to send someone to support us?

Zheng Ping was stunned for a moment and suddenly remembered something.

Just now, I was just focused on being happy, and didn't even ask how Chen Chong was coming or how he could provide support.

Faced with the swiftness of the two men, Zheng Ping blushed and stood there awkwardly.

Uh-huh. This

Seeing that Zheng Ping was a little embarrassed, the second battalion commander instantly understood: Ang! I know, it's a secret, right? However, the distance from Linzhou City to here is not short! How can he get here in four hours?

Do you think a plane will be sent here?

The special operations captain took over, But there are so many zombies here. Even if Chen Chong can mobilize two aircraft formations, it will be difficult to effectively deal with so many zombies.

After analysis by the two of them, Zheng Ping was also confused.

Looking at the satellite phone in his hand, he wanted to call it and ask again, but he thought better of it. He is already the leader of a base. If he even asks about such things again and again, he will easily be laughed at.

But after thinking about it, airplanes are the most reliable. But how many planes can Chen Chong mobilize?

The battle at the foot of the mountain continued, with flame formations made of Molotov cocktails and wood blocking most of the zombies.

But from time to time there will be some special infected bodies that cross the sea of ​​fire.

The commander directed the sniper vigorously, even if his voice became hoarse, he did not stop.

Left, down the slope! Kill that licker!

Hit the head! Hit the head!

Five snipers named the zombies below from different angles.

A giant licker crossed the sea of ​​​​fire with its excellent jumping ability.

The sniper in charge of this area quickly took out a sniper bullet with a blue warhead from his pocket and pushed it into the barrel of the gun.

The sniper calmly observed every move of the licker, silently calculating the distance between each jump and landing of the opponent.


The moment the licker jumped high, a blue bullet accurately penetrated the licker's shoulder.

For a zombie, a headshot is the only way to kill it, but the sniper did not fire a second shot, but quietly watched the licker running forward, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. smile.

123 down!


Following the sniper's words, the licker actually fell to the ground.

Its forelimbs seemed to have become shorter by an inch out of thin air, and it didn't even have the strength to stand on the ground.

If you look carefully, you will see that around the shoulder that was shot, blue liquid is rapidly spreading from under the licker's skin, and his body is beginning to shrink rapidly.

Ha, the 'Blue Terminator' developed by Dr. Su is really easy to use! But the quantity is a bit small.

Sniper, still not satisfied, touched the five blue bullets left in his pocket and continued to lie in front of the scope.

Suddenly, a grinning venom monster appeared in the scope. The sniper was about to shoot, but unexpectedly, a group of venom monsters suddenly appeared from behind the zombie wave!

This is what happened!

Venom monster!


A large number of venom monsters suddenly appeared and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

These guys lined up in front of the sea of ​​fire, their light blue mouths opened unusually wide,

A pool of rich blue liquid was sprayed into the sea of ​​fire.

Just when everyone was puzzled, they saw the pool of blue liquid corroding the burning wood instantly. Without the burning of the wood, the flame was quickly extinguished by the blue liquid.

One after another, the monsters sprayed out their venom in the same way, and actually created a gap in the sea of ​​​​fire.

They are putting out fires! Keep throwing incendiary bottles, and the snipers will kill those venom monsters!

More than a dozen Molotov cocktails were thrown into the gap in the sea of ​​fire, and this time something shocking happened.

When the Molotov cocktail was thrown into the blue liquid, not to mention igniting a flame, not even a bubble appeared. It was just silently dissolved.

Not long after, gaps appeared everywhere in the sea of ​​fire. Although the snipers shot at the venom monsters desperately, there were too many of them.

For a time, wherever there was blue liquid, the fire could not burn. A large number of zombies rushed across the sea of ​​​​fire toward the position halfway up the mountain.

Since there were not many bullets, the soldiers had to start shooting.

When the corpse wave was less than a hundred meters away from the mountainside, the cannon on the mountain finally fired.

Boom boom boom boom.

One shell after another was accurately fired into the gap in the sea of ​​fire. A large number of zombies crowded in the gap were attacked by artillery from the side.

As soon as a cannonball went down, dozens of zombies were broken into pieces.

The fierce artillery fire lasted for half an hour, and even two meters of soil at the foot of the mountain was cut away.

Good boy! Is this too much?

When the gunfire stopped, the commander poked his head out from behind the bunker and continued to direct the soldiers to fire.

After a round of bombing, the vanguard of the zombies had been blown to pieces.

He wanted to breathe a long sigh of relief, but when he saw the zombies pouring out of the town, his whole body collapsed instantly.

Team up! Keep lighting the fire!

The soldiers behind the bunker were immersed in sorting their ammunition, and one by one, the scouts would hear the progress of the zombie wave every five minutes.

Everyone knows that the artillery fire just now almost wiped out their wealth.

I survived this wave, but the next wave won't be so easy.

Brothers! Hold on! It's said above that as long as we hold on for a while, reinforcements will arrive!

Reinforcements? Haha, where can we find reinforcements these days?

The heavy machine gun shooter sneered, took out half a cigarette with the thread missing from his chest pocket, and took advantage of the short trimming time to smoke it.

The chain-linker on the side swallowed enviously.

Cigarettes have long become a scarce commodity in the base. At the beginning of the end of the world, people put food first, and few people carried things like cigarettes.

But as the apocalypse gets longer and longer, people who didn’t smoke in the past also start to smoke.

This makes the already scarce cigarettes even more scarce. Even in the combat troops, each person can only get three cigarettes a month.

Feeling the gaze of the bomber, the machine gunner unscrupulously teased the young recruit:

Eh? Do you think we will have reinforcements?

The bombardier shook his head: I don't quite believe it. Everyone is just muddle along, who will support us?

The machine gunner raised his eyebrows and scolded with a dark face: If you don't believe me, why don't you give me some oil? Zombies will attack you soon, you resist!

The bullet chain hand was startled, and he quickly grabbed the small brush in his hand, dipped it in oil and brushed the bullet chain.

Hahaha, you kid! Here, take a puff! Maybe this will be the last time we smoke.

The machine gunner handed the cigarette that was almost burning to the cotton to the bomber, who took it and took a puff, burning the last part.

Commander: Everyone, get ready, the zombies are coming!

Hearing the commander's words, the bomber hurriedly threw the cigarette butt out.

Hey! Don't! The machine gunner glared at the opponent as if he were looking at a prodigal.

No, I can smell the burnt smell of the sponge. The bomb chain hand explained slowly. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he pointed along the left side of the position: Look! It's our Evolution team. !”

The machine gunner was stunned for a moment and looked in the direction of the bomber.

Not far away, Liu Quan and Duan Feng led two waves of troops to both sides of the position.

Old Liu, don't we have to wait until the zombie wave is about to attack before we move out? Why do we attack now?

Duan Feng looked at Liu Quan opposite him in confusion.

Liu Quan grinned widely, smiling like a lotus flower: Ha! Guess what Chief Zheng said to me just now?

What can I say? We must be out of ammunition, so let's hold on.

Duan Feng touched it and found that the coquettish expression on his back was still there. Now the survivor who followed Chen Chong out of the science and technology park has grown to a fourth-level evolver.

With such strength, even in Linzhou City, which has a large population, he would still be ranked in the top fifty. In the Qianling Mountain Base, only Liu Quan is slightly stronger than him.

This time, it was rare that Liu Quan didn't show off. Instead, he shouted loudly for fear that others wouldn't hear:

Old Duan, just keep your heart in your stomach. We will definitely win this time. As long as we hold on for a little longer, Brother Chong will come to save us!

Duan Feng's eyes widened suddenly and he stared at Liu Quan: What did you say? Brother Chong is coming? You didn't lie to me, did you?

Tch! How long has it been? Do I have to lie to you? Chief Zheng told me this himself!

The conversation between the two men quickly reached the ears of the soldiers.

The young bombardier looked at the machine gunner in confusion: Brother, who is that 'Brother Chong'?

Why are Captain Liu and Deputy Captain Duan so excited?

Not to mention that he really asked the right person. This older machine gunner was the soldier who was rescued by Chen Chong from the position in the science and technology park.

Listening to the conversation between Liu Quan and Duan Feng, the machine gunner's face was full of excitement.

You kid, you don't even know Brother Chong! The machine gunner flipped the bullet on his hand with a backhand,

Are you looking at the dark group of zombies below?

The bullet-chain hand covered his head and nodded.

I'm telling you, if Brother Chong were here, even those guys down there wouldn't be enough for him to kill by himself.

The bomber also had a stubborn temper and immediately retorted: I don't believe it. Those zombies cost at least ten thousand or two thousand. How can one person kill them? Besides, he is not afraid of being bitten by a zombie and turning into a monster?

Hey! You kid doesn't know anything. Can what I saw with my own eyes be false?

At first, when we were in the Wanjiang City Science and Technology Park, Brother Chong singled out the giant lickers. Later, all of us were blocked by a dark group of zombie dogs. Brother Chong rushed into the dog group alone and killed all the zombie dogs. All taken away.

The most powerful one was when he rushed into Gutao Town below and killed all the special infections in one night. Without him, we wouldn't even be able to get food for the winter.

Oh! It turns out he is Brother Chong. I've heard about the last part. The bomber suddenly realized, Brother, who do you think is better, Brother Chong or Captain Liu?

The machine gunner touched his chin and said with some uncertainty: If we say that in the past, Brother Chong was definitely better. However, Captain Liu and Deputy Duan have grown so fast during this period that it's hard to compare them now.

On the hillside, Zheng Ping and his group looked anxiously at the sky. Four hours were about to pass. Not to mention the planes in the sky, not even a bird was seen.

Is Lao Zheng reliable? It's been four hours, and our shells have been exhausted. If we don't come back, we will have to retreat!

If Chief Zheng can't do it, just call Chen Chong again! Ask him when he will arrive!

Zheng Ping hesitated for a moment and finally relaxed: Okay, I'll give him another shot.

Report! Sir! It's not good!

A soldier hurried in.

What's up?

A huge monster was found on the road over in Wanjiang City!

A huge monster? How big is it? Can it be bigger than those tyrants?

Sir, the tyrant is just a baby compared to it! That monster is more than twenty meters tall!

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